KRissCHu573NotsoNewBronyRameslack 4 members · 0 stories
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I noticed that the Greater Good has been popping up in the notes every so often and there were mentions and even appearances of them in the last few chapters of The Koprulu Sector. I'm got a couple of theories on what they are but I'd like to hear your thoughts on The Greater Good.

2634043 Im not really sure on what that is I never gave it to much thought, but if I remember it right then there where two or three characters talking about it. first there is Pinkie and I guess her version of the greater good is to defeat Amon. Then there is Twilight and she was helping Pinkie so I guess she too know of Amon and want to deal with him. But the way Unholy buildt Twilight up in the story makes me belive that she also has secondery and more selfish goals, I dont know what that is tho. And lastly there is the Kalai I think thay where talking about the greater good at some point but that maight just be me remebering it wrong. But none the less whatever the greater good for the Kalai is its probbably the same as what the Protoos had.

2634282 That does sound about right but from the way Unholy wrote it, I feel that the Greater Good is an old organization, sort of like an Illuminati of the Koprulu Sector. Twilight and Pinkie happen to be members but by the sounds of it, Twilight is higher ranked than Pinkie.

I guess they have agents working for them within all the factions since the notes mentioned them having tech from all five factions: Dominion, Confederates, Kel-Morian, Khalai, Umojan Vatican. That's how they have access to the Devastator Suits(Firebat/Marauder) which was originally exclusive to the Dominion and Khalai gateway tech. Though I'm a bit hard pressed figuring out what kind of tech the other factions might have.

There were also mentions of leaders so I guess these leaders are from each separate faction working behind the scenes or something. Though it wouldn't be much of a stretch if the heads of the factions were the actual leaders of the Greater Good working on a major conspiracy that has lasted for centuries...okay that sounded a little silly.:twilightoops:

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2636591 if I recall a conversation me and Unholy had when I was trying to integrate Karn into the story, the GG are a faction which tries to find out what happened to the Terrans and the Protoss before ponies arrived in the Koprulu, and prevent it from happening again. Now Twiles most definitely has selfish plans behind the scenes, Pinkie wants to kill Amon for Discord, but I too don't know how what fits the Khalai in there. From what we know from the fic, Sovereign has Zeratul's memories, and amongst those memories are both WTF happened back in the day and the location of that Archive from the last protoss misson in WoL, with all the High Templar locked inside. However the GG has jack idea about that. The only thing they may know is that Sovi has memories of an ancient Toss in his head, which were very important. From there on out they will try to find this Archive and such.

2636640 Okay, I was way off :twilightsheepish:

Still, this brings up another new perspective to the story. I can see a subplot where CMC see the Greater Good as the bad guys due to the actions of their agents, a.k.a Twilight and Pinkie and desire to put a stop to their plans and end up at that secret Diamond Dog lab you mentioned, and meet up with a 'reborn' Sovereign.

Come to think of it, how would they be able clone Sovereign so fast? Last I remember, cloning tech can't speed up the aging process...can they?

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2636740 Well the IF were cloned from the body of a newborn's corpse...but Sovereign's cloned from an adult body. That might be a factor.

2636763 But Unholy stated that clones can only be done with DNA from the young/newborn...then again, the tech from the other factions might be a plausible workaround.

And as for getting the old Sovereign back, I think they just used a version of Umojan tech/magic and stuffed his soul into the new body.

Er, would you happen to have any extra info on the Umojan Vatican by any chance?:twilightblush:

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2636811 Sorry, but I don't. But I don't think they did that soul thing. I am having this weak memory of Unholy giving me a note where when Rain meets Sov's clone in the lab, he is holding their son and is COMPLETELY unphased that they are in the lab. I think they just reawakened the memories stored within his DNA, and then cut out the ones where they had...bad times with the GG and friends.

About the greater good dont forget that Stukov is still around and he might have told them things, plus he has the Hyperion and I suppose he got a bunch of old tec on that ship.

2636866 Well, from Stukov's dialogue :

“It’s a message from the Greater Good. They wish to speak to you… in person,” said Abram.

“Tell the quadrupeds what we told them last time, and the time before that, and every time before that. I’m not leaving Earth again until they have what they promised us!” declared Alexei.

I think he's only working with the Greater Good to gain something, most likely a serum that would reverse the side effects from extended cryogenic stasis like infertility and maybe extend their shortened lifespan.

And I suppose Stukov might have given the Greater Good some knowledge on the tech so that might explain the Devastator Suits and other goodies that the Diamond Dogs have(We'll probably have to decide on this later).

But a question comes to mind, if Stukov survived then what of the other ageless characters since he said he was the only living survivor of the crew which leaves the other ships and I think the UED had a long time to develop their tech while the ponies were busy studying the technology.

2636839 So, essentially, the old Sovereign is truly dead and this one is a clone that only remembers the bits that the Greater Good wanted him to remember, right? Also, did you mean that Rain had given birth to Down Pour and he got foalnapped and taken to the facility where Sov is? Or am I getting it wrong?:twilightblush:

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2637032 No, she did not. If I recall correctly DI has DNA from their agents, so when they cloned Sovereign, they took DNA matterial from him, mixed it with Rain Sight's and pretty much made their son in the very lab Sov is.

2638083 Oh, guess that would save her the maternity leave from all the adventuring then :twilightblush:
Still, this makes her death at Moonraker's hooves even more heart breaking then. Still, this sort of gives Sweetie an opportunity to get back together with Sovereign and raise Down Pour with him as his 'mom', unless Unholy also planned to off Sweetie as well. Did he?

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2640605 I got no info on that. Though I recall something about offing Pinkie, but I'm not sure.

2644397 Huh, do you still have those notes ? If so, please add them with the others in Plot Vault. If not, we'll just figure it out ourselves.

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2644534 No, that message got deleted. I roughly recall a conversation where we talked when the gang go to the lab where Sov is, Pinkie is sent to stop them and Rain Sight stays behind to keep her busy. After getting Rain pretty battered Pinkie has one of those gloaty moments, offensive lang towards DTs and Rain manages to activate a warp blade she salvaged from where her dad died, and stabs Pinkie while she distracts herself. Twilight doesn't mind, because to her Pinkie has stopped being useful. As for Rain a bit after she rejoins the gang and meets Sovereign and Down Pour, she is cut off from them, that's where Moonraker comes in. After a brief conversation and fight, because of the damage Pinkie had done he kills her. However I am not sure about how that conversation went, so...better to not include it into the Plot Vault yet.

2644946 I see. Well, this got me many of the established characters are members of the Greater Good and who are the past and current leaders?

We got a few (possible) members in the story so far:

Twilight, current Vice Admiral of the Dominion Fleet and a Ghost from DI(Kind of uncertain on this).
Pinkie, Leader and Prophet of the Diamond Dog Mercenaries.
Penny Pincher, might be a member himself since he seems more prominent than the other 'celebrity' resocs.

As for those undecided but probable members
Moonraker, Head of Dominion Intelligence Non-Ghost Academy(DINGA...*snort*)
Goldeneye(?) Dominion Intelligence Agent and Recruitment Officer(?)
Skyfall, Dominion Ghost

Did I miss anyone else?

Also, if you happen to recall anything else, feel free to add them to the appropriate post, or create a new one if need be, if that's ok with you of course.

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2645799 Actually you kind of got their positions wrong.

I don't think that :twilightangry2: is in the Dominion Fleet, her title is for the DI, and she tries to take charge of the entire organisation a.k.a. dethrone Hawkens from the position.

We also established that Pinkie is a lower rank than :twilightangry2: in the GG(I FUCKING LOVE THAT NAME!), so she may be a high positioned individual, but she is not one of the ones on top who are the actual leaders.

Penny Pincher is Pinkie's resoc right hand and personal secretary. He does everything related to documentation, paperwork, ect and the occasional infiltration-negotiation. He pretty much is her boy-for-everything, and despite being briliant(*snort*) he isn't a leader figure in the GG.

Moonraker is not the head of...pff...DINGA

DINGA is a sub-facility under the command of the DI a.k.a. Hawkens. (As you know DI isn't just ghost operatives.) Moonraker is just one of the trainers there. One of the more efficient ones, efficient as in producing highly skilled agents.

Goldeneye is merely a DI agent. I think he was 3-4 ranks above Rain Sight in the organisation but that's it.

Skyfall(the runt of the three)[Oh btw, did I mention that the three of them are from 1 father DI agent and 3 mothers. Lot of stuff was written and I forgot.] is just a ghost doing his thing. He mainly just follows his partner's(Lyra) and his superiors' plans.

That's pretty much it.

2645900 Oops, my bad, guess my memory ain't that great but I think you misunderstood me on some of the roles(or I should work on my phrasing)
When I said Pinkie was a leader, I meant leader of the Diamond Dog mercs and I guess I thought membership extended to Penny Pincher but I just remembered something Unholy said about him. Here it is:

Good to see someone likes Penny Pincher. As Gaeagle said, he is based off Time Turner/Dr. Hooves, but I have no place for a time traveler in this universe. As for el contardor, Pinkie just thinks it sounds cool. Here is a line she'll use to describe him later. "This is Penny Pincher, he's el contador. I just gave him a title; that means he's either important, or he'll at least die in an interesting fashion." He's suppose to be the opposite of Cyril Figgis from Archer.

So yeah, a personal secretary and go to guy for certain tasks like you said. I'm tempted to have him use "Bowties are cool line." in the next chapter but I think it's sort of a bad taste. Moonraker a GG member or not?

2645799 We totaly need to make a list of all the characters and what we know of them so we have a better overview on them.
2645900 Also didnt Twilight pretty much have Hawkens place at the end of the story there before it was cansled?

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2645970 I'm not sure. She got the things set up, but she didn't manage to get it all done.

2645966 I don't think he is. But Twilight outranks him, and she is a telepath, so she could have manipulated him into guarding the place. But after a good amount of time he may have joined the GG. I don't know what Unholy had planned for him.

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