KRissCHu573NotsoNewBronyRameslack 4 members · 0 stories
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5791924 Congratulations on running another successful lap around the sun Rame! :raritywink: I wish you the best of luck in your run of the next one!

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Episode 2 of Reality Collapse has finally been fully written down!

If any of you fine gentlemen are interested in previewing it, just PM me your gmails and I will share the google drive document with you. :raritywink:

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5815117 Thank you good sir. :moustache:

5814984 I would find that Citizen Kane slow clap gif, but I'm too lazy :moustache:

Group Admin

5815338 The thought is still appreciated. ^^

5815778 Yup, that one. Thanks ya loony :derpytongue2:

5815354 First off, :rainbowlaugh:
Omnis is a riot to read, from start to finish. Especially the post credit scene where I assume he was hyperventilating because he nearly got Aurora killed because of his attempt to entertain himself. Guess that explains why Aurora's magic has been less explosive since then.

The mood is similar to the first chapter with it being light-hearted from the start though sprinkled with some seriousness from the first chapter. And the exposition is interesting though the presence of the high tech Phantoms(nice name) seems to indicate that their superiors have been waiting for Aurora to show herself(or rather the shard embedded in her arm) outside the city for some time now.

Also, Brim's shield is tough if it withstood bullets for that long though I suppose the shields were intended to withstand bolts of magic instead of highspeed projectiles.

Group Admin

5816457 I am truly delighted that you enjoyed the read. :twilightsmile:

You nailed it. Having fun at the expense of others is hilarious, but when the "other" is the reason you are still alive may cause you to consider toning it down a notch.

The Phantoms coming upon our merry band of misfits was a complete accident. They were on a recon mission, with the orders to expand their perimeter closer to a College City, the presumption being that what they were looking for would be more likely to be found near a College City. And yes, the Cael Imperium is interested in Omnis' shattered prison, but why is yet to be revealed. :raritywink:

As for Brim's shield, you are half right. The guard of a city where magic users tend to flock to does make using equipment that is more resistant to magic based attacks more preferable, but their entire planet is at war with a very peculiar enemy, so all of the equipment used by their armies and the most elite military forces(such as College City Guards) are forged in ways to provide as much protection as possible against known Cael Imperium weapons, in case forces using them are met.

P.s. What did you think of me using Michio Kaku's lightsaber design from Sci-fi Science as the melee weapon of the Phantoms? :pinkiesmile:

5816510 Ah, you mean the plasma emitting stick in blade form? No wonder I was thinking how familiar it was as I read it. Pretty cool considering if the design was developed over time in a society revolving around technology like the Cael Imperium(cool name btw)

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Group Admin

5815117 I passed my Visa interview! :raritystarry:

5818460 Whats a Visa interview?:rainbowhuh:

Group Admin

5818476 Going to your country's embassy of another foreign country, getting briefly interviewed by a console of said foreign country and depending on that interview, seeing whether or not you will be approved for a Visa to said foreign country. In my case - for the good old US of A.

5818609 Oh that kind of visa *facepalm* I was thinking of the creditcard...
Anyway hope you have a good time in the Americas ;)

Group Admin

5818667 Much appreciated. :twilightsmile:

5818774 whaaaaaaaaa!!!!

When are you planning to come and where?

5818460 Congrats. what kind of visa did you get interviewed for? Is it for work or just visiting?

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5818891 I'll be arriving at Sandaski Ohio either in April 31st or May 1st, and I'll be working for four months at the resort Ceaderpoint there. :pinkiesmile:
5819091 For work, since that is what I plan to do there. :twilightsmile:

5819688 Ohio yuck. :pinkiesick:
Well enjoy your stay in the best nation on earth :trollestia:

Group Admin

5820030 What's wrong with Ohio?

Also, please. We all know Atlantis is underwater.

5820042 Ohio is just one of those places that everyone else likes to mock. They have Cleveland, the "mistake by the lake" and Cincinnati. The stereotype of Ohioans is that they are slow and not very intelligent, mainly grumbling over their bad sports teams like the Browns but also in constant awe of Lebron James, their king. Like one guy told me when it came back from Cleveland: "They get really angry when they lose, and they lose all the time, so they're always angry."

Ohio is not in the best of shape because hardcore industry (which made it so rich in the 1800s) is now over. They have the highest population per mile in the US I believe.

They also hate everything Michigan. They actually had a war with Michigan for Toledo, the land on their borders. (it's kinda funny actually)

Never heard of Sandusky, but I'm sure it's nice and vibrant.

Group Admin

5818667 Hey Rame, I've recently looked up on how things are going in Sweden... I don't want to sound disrespectful to your homeland, but...I would just like you to know, that should the need arise for you, and you don't mind warmer weather, there is a free couch in my apartment that doubles up as a bed.

5847019 :rainbowlaugh: thats good to know, but what can I say... 2018 cant come fast enough.

Group Admin

5847363 Aye...And I don't see the Swedish people pulling a France(Revolution) anytime soon.

5847467 Na Sweds dont do revolutions that way, we prefer to do it in voting, to bad the government aint letting us vote on anything right now :).

5819091 So I'm trying my hand at writing again after my long rut. I have an upcoming story called "The Stormrider" and its about filly Twilight going on a Wind Waker-esque adventure. My girlfriend (LolaDitz) made a coverart for it that I just wanted to share.

(PS. She likes your art, Rame)

5873436 Cool, I wish you luck with the story. Nice picture by the way :ajsmug:

Group Admin

5873436 That sounds like an engaging read, can't wait to see it! :raritywink:

The picture looks marvelous! My compliments to your lady. :twilightsmile:

(Also, I'm pretty sure everyone likes Rame's art. :pinkiehappy:)

What the others said....sorry about the lackluster response. Still recovering from a bug that hit the schools lately. :pinkiesick:

Still, the art brought a smile to my fever-induced day so pass my thanks to your girlfriend.:twilightsmile:
(The Discord headpiece was a nice touch)

Oh yeah, just for the sake of randomness, any of you got a suggestion on how to ponify Franklin D. Roosevelt's name?

5874194 FDR? Huh what a random president to use... Hoofsevelt? Eh maybe to obvious. Ponisevelt? Maneklin D. Ponisevelt.

And yeah school bugs are the worst. It's why my mother (Spanish teacher) is a real germophobe.

Hope ya get better mate.

And I asked for the draconequus headpiece :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

5874194 Frank Dandelion Rosevest?

And I wish you a speedy recovery sir! :raritywink:

5874194 Hope you feel better soon.

First, thanks for the well wishes and second off, The names made me smile, thanks.:pinkiehappy:

As for the reason for the random request with ponifying FDR, I'm working on a story to ease myself back into the writing groove. Quite a coincidence, eh, Gap?

Anyways, the story is a prequel to another author's story(Here's the link if you're curious)
I gave the author permission to use one of my OCs from Born of Sin:Descent to Madness on a whim and the author decides to give said OC a rather big role in the story before asking if anyone wants to write out how the OC ended up the way he is. Given that the OC is mine, I volunteered.

Anyways, the story is set in a pony version of the United States during the Great Depression though the griffins play the role of the blacks, something which the zebras normally play.

FDR appears in it because I needed a political figure and he fitted into the time period and location quite nicely. Of course, using Roosevelt's name as is in the story was weird and I couldn't figure out a pony name, hence the request.

Group Admin

5875791 That sounds quite intriguing my friend!

I on the other hand am a bit strained. Currently working on my most editing heavy project for the channel. 10 and a half+ hours of editing, and so far only 4 minutes and 31 seconds done. :fluttershbad:

5875791 If you are using the Great Depression, why not use Calvin Coolidge or Herbert Hoover (the president during the Great Depression)? FDR came after most of it.

5875965 DAMN that looks awesome :derpyderp1:

5875948 I'm using FDR during his time as Governor of New York, or Manehatten in this case, where the story starts.

*Looks nostalgically at the old and scratched up disc case for Starcraft sitting on the shelf...* I know what I'm saving up for now.

5876532 I dug up the old case....but no CD is in it. I know it's in this house somewhere.....

I think we'll be able to download a patched version of the original game from and play it for free. Then the better graphic version (remastered) comes in the summer.

5876742 The CD is still inside but scratched up to the point it's no longer playable, shows how much I loved the game. Even when I get owned in multiplayer. :derpytongue2:

Neat. It'll be pretty interesting to play the game again. I loved the soundtrack.

Group Admin

5876265 Hello there my friends. I return to you today, to say(skip to 1:15)

Emperor slap my ass and call me a heretic, because my powers of divination have been confirmed once again!

A prediction I made about Samurai Jack Season 5 not only came true, but it was amplified by infinity, and right now I feel as though I am on a massive sugar rush of joy and delight from it! *wheeeze* *dies*

5908275 Ah, a fellow fan of Samurai Jack, nice. What was your favorite episode? I'm kind of divided between the first episode where Jack defeated the Beetle Drone army and earned his name and the one where he first met the Scotsman, god I love that guy.

By the way, what was the prediction you made?

5908275 Heh.

Happy Easter if you recognize Easter.

Um....what to

Let us celebrate with the 4th Battle of Berkeley! #FreeKekistan

I think if the Antifa reach Missouri and there is a Trump or Free Speech rally, I may get some baseball gear (like a softball helmet) and go as a field medic to one of these protest/fight. I am an Eagle Scout, so I am trained in First Aid.

But that may never happen as Missouri cops will not hold back and actually enforce the law. This stuff is for California.

5908275 Never seen any samurai jack, but I am happy that you are happy. :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

5909094 Thank you very much. :twilightsmile:
5908650 Happy Easter to you too! Had lots of fun with egg fighting. :pinkiesmile:

And someone with medical know-how would be great to have at such an event. Though, regardless of everything, be sure to be safe friend.
5908636 My favorite episodes are all on the ones that feature the Scotsman. He is my favorite character!

As for my prediction, the moment the trailer for Season 5 came out I called that if the Scotsman was still alive (since 50 years have passed), we'd see him as a really old guy. And that I was hoping we would be introduced to a younger relative of his who would help Jack. And I was personally rooting for said relative to be a daughter or granddaughter of the Scotsman, all warrior maiden styled.

And if you have seen Season 5 Episode 5
Not only do we get Old Scotsman, we also get an ENTIRE ARMY of his warrior maiden daughters!!! :rainbowlaugh: I am just so happy!
It was a little sad that the Scotsman died, but man the way he died was absolutely legendary! All by himself he stops Aku in his tracks and then calls out the big black oaf straight to his fiery green face on his bullshit and how he is an absolute milksop! *ROFL* Ha....Then he is vaporized to ash but man was that badass!

And now, as an added bonus



Twas a very good episode.

5909450 Your predictions are just spreading across multiple fandoms lately, aren't they?:ajsmug:

I watched it just now and I had the biggest smile on my face when he and his daughters charged into battle with the two other armies. Poor sods, they never stood a chance though the one with the tanks reminded me of the 300-esque episode(My third most favorite episode). Wonder if they were related if not the actual children of said warriors.

The Scotsman's actions and lines in the episode was just brilliantly hilarious and epic at the same time. He's a badass through and through.:rainbowdetermined2:

While I won't dissuade you from taking action to help other people, I would advise you to stay near the edge of a crowd since wearing a helmet might draw unwanted attention from any potential rioters. You and your fellow scouts could set up a first aid tent for these kinds of events so that any injured people could come or be brought to you for treatment or something along those lines while the more severe injuries are handled by paramedics.

Still, if the cops in Missouri are as competent as you imply, any violence should be minimized or at the very least contained. More than what the cops in California did at least.

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