The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group! 1,288 members · 149 stories
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Group Admin


That’s right, THE FOLDER IS OPEN.

But there are some rules.

The folder will be open until there are 25 submissions, or two hours pass, cause I have to be up in the morning.

So we’re clear: If it’s before 2 AM Eastern, but we hit 25 stories, I close the folder. If there aren’t 25 stories yet, but it’s 2 AM Eastern, I close the folder.

There’s still a limit of one story per user, and you may only submit your own stories. If you submit multiple stories, I will delete all but the first. If you submit from others, I’ll delete those submissions. If you try to resubmit things after I delete them, I’m removing all of your submissions and you sit this round out.

Now, there are some special submission rules this time.

There are five extra slots, bringing the total to 30. These don’t have a two hour limit — they’re available until filled or 24 hours pass. I’ll be shutting those out at 12 AM on Friday. The folder won’t be open for these. Instead, you need to post in this thread requesting us to add them. Further, if you’ve got a fic in the 25 regular spots, you can still get a second fic in the five specials.

The five special spots are for specific subjects requested by Team Heavy reviewers — things we want to review in particular.

I have one request slot, and it’s pretty specific: I want a story about Applejack’s dog, Winona, dying.

Mocha Star has two slots, and he has requested sex, gore, and/or horror, to prove he is hardcore.

And Minds Eye also gets two slots, and his request is, in his own words: “FlutterDash clop. If they happen to have dicks while being anthro at the same time, so be it.”

So let’s all work together to get Mocha some sexual horror gorefic and Minds Eye his anthro futa FlutterDash horsedicks. It’s for a good cause.

You have two hours for regular submissions.

You have twenty-four hours for request submissions.

As always, first come, first serve. But if there are more than five request submissions posted, and we didn’t hit the 25 fic limit on regular submissions, we might fill out those spaces with the leftover request submissions.

May the odds be ever in your favor.

Done and done. Now to go back to sleep.

At this rate, the folder will be full in, like, under an hour.

Sure flooded up fast.

Nice quick add, famalam.

Group Admin

That happens.

Group Admin

15 fics submitted, 10 slots to go. Then we're closing for this round and it goes to the request spots.

Group Admin

Twenty in, five to go.

One more. Kick it in, folks. Almost at the goal.

Group Admin

And done with one extra, but we'll let Cerulean Voice stay in.

Only took 95 minutes, but hey, it used to take about 95 seconds.

The five request slots are still available, and there's another 22 hours and 24 minutes to submit for those.

Okay so I added mine when I counted 22 in my feed, but when I went to view the folder there were 27, because silly PG-13 me didn't have his mature filter disabled at the time of adding. Feel free to remove it or leave it there at your leisure I guess.

Group Admin

One was a claimed-but-unfinished from Round 1, so we're only one over. You're fine.


Wells there is always next time!

And who knows, someone might actually read my stuff and leave an actual review.

As if...

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