The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group! 1,290 members · 149 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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So sorry for my lengthy absence! I've been just up to my nose in things to do recently. Between school, family, video game based distractions, and attempting to learn to draw, I lost track of the time for reviewing. So here's a new one from yours truly!


Okie dokey lokey, so this story is Pinkie Pie centric, and follows her on a mission to give a farewell gift for Rainbow Dash before she goes off to the Wonderbolts Academy back in season 3. But what could she send to Dash to show their friendship?

There's not too much information in the story, given that it's only about fourteen hundred words.

It's not a very long story, but the plot is sound and the description tells me exactly what I need to know, so points there.


First things first, thank you for writing your chapter title correctly! You capitalized the right words and left the right ones in the lowercase.

Grammar and Formatting: I can't find anything wrong with any of the grammar at all. This is good, because it's very short and a mistake would only stand out all the worse. Though I did feel some of the sentences felt a little comma heavy, but that's really just me.

It's not really a deal-breaker or even a thing that greatly annoys me, but I personally prefer my stories to have indented paragraphs. But since they're all the same, and in one scene, it isn't distracting.

Good work.

Dialogue/Narration: This story is nearly all an internal dialogue by Pinkie Pie while searching for something to give Rainbow, and wow, did ThatOneWriter nail it. Every sentence feels distinctly Pinkie Pie-esque. The word choice, the attitude, the stream of consciousness, it's all there, and it's perfect.

World Building: Not really much to be had here. It's not a problem to be honest, though I do kind of wish there was a little bit more description and things to see in general.

Pacing: No problems, it was good, nuff said.

Point of View: Very appropriately first-person view, and it's well done too, which is more important. It allowed me to get into Pinkie's head, and in true Pinkie fashion, her into my world with some tasteful fourth wall breaks.

Show/Tell: Being a first person story, it's a given that there's going to be a lot of tell, and I think it's ultimately well done. Don't have too much to say either.

Character Development

There's not any real development in this story, but that kind of comes with the territory of most oneshots this short. So the characters remain static, but it's not a bad thing. Especially when the characterization is well done. Both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are very in character, with good humor that syncs with both characters. "Sweating through their eyes" indeed.


I've seen just a few stories quite like this before, and while it's not a new concept, it's original for me, so it gets a good score here too. I also liked the titles.


This is kind of where the story falls a little flat for me. It was a nice story to read and I enjoyed it, but that's kind of it. It didn't leave a lasting impression or make me think about anything, which I really do enjoy about stories. But the short length makes it a nice little piece to read on a bus ride or something. It only took me about five or so minutes to read through the whole thing.


The story was nice, and I came away from it with a smile, so it was ultimately a good time spent. A Thousand Words is a good warm and fuzzy story that anyone can read and come away from a little happier, I feel.


Plot: A heartwarming, simple story that is easy to pick up. 17/20
Mechanics: Practically flawless, but with minor nitpicks. 19/20
Characterization: Amazing. I don't think anyone could have done it better for this story. 20/20
Originality: I think it's pretty good, but I have seen it before, but it gives us a nice read. 16/20
Impact: It was a good rush of the warm fuzzies, but I'll honestly likely forget it before too long. It was a good use for my time though. 15/20

Final Score: 87/100


4886029 Oh, I've read this one before. Some good stuff. :) Very nice review, too.


Thank you! I do my best to remain impartial and fair. I just hope that this review was long enough for people's tastes. There wasn't a great deal of text, and thus not as much to say on the story itself, but I stand by my review.

4886463 A review should be as long as it needs to be. ;) Like you said, it was a short story. A good short story, mind. :)

Thank you for the review! I actually had forgotten that I submitted it, so I don't mind however long it took. (Assuming that took a while; I guess the last opening was a while ago, but I don't recall when.) I just wish my stories had more impact. That seems to be a common complaint in this group.


Well, that's the part that's more subjective to be honest. More open to opinion and all. I just didn't think that it will leave me a lasting impression is all. It's still a good story.

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