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Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

I was thinking all the great events we've seen mentionned in our stories, and those we discussed in the brainstorming threads. I've added a few details of my own and here is, I think, a loose timeline of events in the Lunaverse, from the age of myth to the present.

=The Mythological Times=

-End of the previous Universe.

-Birth of a new Universe. Chaos was the entirety of the new Universe, the first thing ever. Before there was Time, there was an eternity of roiling chaos such as a sentient mind wouldn't be able to comprehend. Concepts of all kinds, matter of all kind, all constantly changing and twisting into an infinite storm of chaos.

-Sundering of Chaos. At some points its roiling unstable mass was pulled apart by conflicting forces within it, this caused an explosion and the Universe truly began as the Concept of Time was freed to gain hold. The Concepts of Harmony and Discord battled for a time over which would reign supreme over this new universe. Ultimately the two were anihilated, their very essance spread equally over the entire cosmos, into all things in various ammount. In the end only one seed of pure Harmony, and one of pure Discord were left tumbling into the cosmos.

-Birth of the planet Equestria, the land, the sea, the sky,the old sun and moon as well as Tartaros, all born from the remnants of the Chaos, gathered by the connecting power of the seed of Harmony forming the core of the new planet.

-According to Cheeroonear legends it is at this point that the Adamant Alpha appeared. A massive dog-like being of glittering crystal, the Adamant Alpha was the sum of all the souls from the previous universe. He walked the empty sky, letting the amassed souls of his being go into this new universe. Everytime a soul left him, a piece of crystal fell and became a brilliant star in the sky. Soon, all that was left was the Adamant Core, an invulnerable heart that will survive this universe and carry the souls into the next. Legends state that when a star falls to the ground, its dust births new gems, like the seeds of a plant.

-Birth of the Tree of Harmony and the Tree of Discord. The seed of pure Discord landed on the new world, sprouting into the form of a wicked tree, while on the opposite side of the world the Tree of Harmony broke through the ground.

-Birth of Squirk, Sleippnir, Fenrir and the Sky Mother. Together, sometimes as one, sometimes as enemy, they began to carve and mold the world into what it is today. The Sky Mother's first wing flaps created the winds, while the others three created the mountains, valleys, and deep trenches of the oceans. Fenrir began to play pranks and tricks on his companions.

-According to Zebra, Buffallo and most non-pony folks, it is at this point that wild animals and plants began to appear, from the footsteps, folly and musing of legendary beings. Coyote, Raven, Jackal, Quetzalcoatl, Kulili, Amemit, Yu Lung, Garuda, and plenty of others.

-Fenrir and the Sky Mother give birth to Fire and Lightning.

-Dragon legends claim this point as the birth of Tiamat and Bahamut, the First Fragons.

-Birth of the Alicorns. Ponies who know of these Alicorns argue that they are the ones who created the plants and wild animals of the world.

-Actual birth of the first dragons.

-One of the Alicorn creates the Dreaming, inventing sleep. Utilizing this new concept he defeats Squirk and lulls the leviathan to sleep.

-Birth of Celestia, and then, shortly afterward, Luna.

-A group of Alicorns depart from their native land. They will find an isolated island and, once there, create the first ponies. They will dissapear from Myth.

-Sleippnir carves the Aesir, Vanir, Jotunn, and Dverger, giving birth to the Cervids.

-Fenrir tries to devour Sleippnir's creations, sparking a rivalry between them.

-Fenrir grows mad with power and hunger. He kills the Sky Mother (her spilled blood will give birth to the first Griffons), then proceeds to devour the Sun and the Moon. Constantly foiled by Fenrir's trickery at first, Sleippnir sacrifices his eternal body in order to gain the wisdom to defeat Fenrir. From his new understanding of the universe he carves the First Rune, the Rune of Death, into Fenrir's body, ending the immortal wolf's life. From this point forth, no new immortal beings appear, the only exception being Princess Cadence. Sleippnir dies but his immortal soul begins a cycle of ressurection, each time as a different species of his Cervids, and each time with more wisdom to share.

-The Alicorns craft a new Sun and Moon to replace those lost to Fenrir.

-The Alicorns fade away into the mist of History and Myth, save for Celestia and Luna who inherit the Sun and Moon.

-Celestia and Luna ind the ponies. They begin by carefully observing their strange new imperfect beings and grow fond of them.

-A catastrophe befalls Ponyland. Squirk awakens and in his thrashing threatens Ponyland. Celestia and Luna subtly guide the ponies to their own homeland and go battle with the immortal leviathan.

-Those that could no escape in time fall into the sea, where a benevolant immortal saves them by merging them with creatures of the sea. Thus the unicorns, earth ponies and pegasis are reborn as merponies, seaponies and plesioponies. That same immortal then creates Thetis to protect them.

-Celestia and Luna triumph over Squirk (possibly for the last time before Vazak's story, but possibly not), they then return to their home continent to see to the surviving ponies.

-Luna and Celestia find the ponies ruled by Tirek. The Midnight Castle looms over what should be their homeland, and the ponies are kept in eternal darkness and servitude by the Tyrant from Tartaros.

-Luna and Celestia triumph over Tirek, banishing him back to Tartaros from wence he came. The sight of Midnight Castle is now the Gates of Tartaros where Cerberus prevents any escapes of the dark creatures trapped within.

-The ponies, traumatized by the despot, split into three separate tribes. Luna and Celestia are still not certain they should directly approach the little ponies.

-An unknown creature, seeking to end the attacks of monsters, or possibly seeking more power, attemps to fell the Tree of Discord. The tree is cut down, but its power remains and with nothing to hold it, it take on the form of a dark reflection of the one who cut the tree, giving birth to the twisted being known as Discord.

-Hearth Warming Eve's tale. Celestia and Luna still governed the Sun and Moon at this time, so the Unicorn's role in the uneasy peace between the tribes was that of tool maker, being the only ones with the knowhow to craft the bronze tools the other tribes employed. It is only after the three tribes are united that an Earth Pony, learning the trade of blacksmith from unicorns, invents iron.

-A group of Earth Ponies found the Crystal Empire after finding the Crystal Heart. Other pony nations are also formed aside from Equestria itself.

=The Begining of History=

Year 0 of the Classic Era (CE) -Celestia and Luna introduce themselves to the ponies of Equestria, just in time to save them from some other peril. They are named rulers by the grateful ponies.

~100 CE to ~3400 CE -At somepoint the Royal Sisters face The Smooze, as well as other threats.

~200 CE to ~3413 CE -Ponies prosper, spreading all over the globe and encountering the other sentient races. This is a golden age for Equestria, despite all the threats from outside that still exist.

~3316 -After a war between its three tribes, Andalantis dissapears.

~3381 CE -Fall of the First Griffin Empire after a failed attempt at invading Equestria and skirmishes with Elkheim.

~3413 CE -Discord takes over Equestria.

Year 0 of the Dawn Era (DE)-Princess Celestia and Princess Luna claim the Elements of Harmony from the Tree of Harmony in order to defeat Discord and turn him to stone.

~1 DE -The Capital of Equestria is moved to Canterlot.

~251 to ~260 DE -The Minotautonic War against nomadic minotaur and bovine barbarians.

427 DE -Grogar arrives at Tambelon.

427 DE -Fall of the Second Griffin Empire. After a series of incursion in Equestria's side of the Skyshaper Peaks and the Latigo Valley fails, the Emperor is assasinated and replaced by a puppet ruler, soon the Empire is shattered into three warring states.

432 DE -Grogar kills everyone at Tambelon. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna move in to stop the Necromancer. They send him into the Shadows where he will wait, displaced in time for centuries, until a time where his name will be forgotten from History, at which time he is supposed to finally be killed.

~450 DE to ~1540 DE -A series of border conflict rocks Equestria.

1547 DE -Fall of the Third Griffin Empire after another war with Equestria and the Crystal Empire.

1556 DE -King Sombra rises to power. Once a fearsome Battle Mage in the Crystal Griffin Wars, Sombra usurps the Crystal Throne with his mastery of Fear Magic. Princess Celestia decides to deal with it on her own and obliterates the Crystal Palace at the center of the capital, ruining most of the city in the process and burying the Crystal Heart for years.

1559 DE -Celestia orders ponies at the border to march to Canterlot, many could possibly die from fatigue, sickness or starvation during the grueling march.

1559 DE -Celestia turns into Corona. Princess Luna is brought back from the pit of despair caused by her loneliness as ponies turn to her more and more. Lines are drawn and Luna confronts Celestia before she can start her forced exodus of the borderland ponies. Corona lashes out at her sister and seizes control of the Moon, declaring herself the only Queen Equestria needs. Luna is first unable to defeat her older sister, but by splitting herself in two and stealing powers from Tirek, she manages to distract Celestia long enough to gain hold of the Elements of Harmony and turn them on her sister.

Year 0 of the New Lunar Era (NLE)-Corona is trapped in the Sun. Equestria is shattered by the civil war and the country is left in disarray. Celestia's Golden Throne is taken away by the few member of the Day Court left.

0 NLE -Grogar's prison fails for the first time.

1 NLE -Princess Cadence is born.

11 NLE -Solrathicharnon's family tries to attack Equestria but they are almost all killed by Princess Luna while Solrath himself is left blind.

12 NLE -Princess Luna ends her twelve year bender.

13 NLE -The Symphony for Moon and Sun is composed.

21 NLE -Princess Luna meets her daughter for the first time since her birth.

42 NLE -Fall of the Fourth Griffin Empire. Emperor Yuri dies, leaving no heir to take the throne and the Empire shatters into the recent day Griffin Kingdoms.

63 NLE -Princess Cadence ascends to the throne of Cavallia as Exarch of Impress Luna.

~85 NLE to ~707 NLE -Princess Luna consolidates Equestria's position on the continent, annexing friendly countries such as Latigo (87 NLE) or helping set up friendly regimes in surrounding nations.

100 NLE -The Symphony For Moon and Sun is performed for the first time.

379 NLE -The independant nation of Prance is invaded by Zaldia. Many Prench pony flee the country and move to the mostly empty province of Lunesiana, founding Neigh-Orleans. Prance is later saved from Zaldian occupation and willingly becomes one of Equestria's province.

478 NLE -Ridiculous perriwigs become popular amongst the nobility, despite Luna's best effort.

500 NLE -Grogar's prison fails for the second time.

610 NLE -Famed unicorn Red Magician finds a legendary cursed crown while trying to redeem his public image after botching his performance of the Symphony for Moon and Sun. He will later lock away said crown in a trap-filled maze of his design.

652 NLE -Diplomatic relationship with the Crystal Empire finally restored.

676 NLE -Hypogriff State established.

703 NLE -Apple Trust established following a dreadful famine.

718 NLE -The Stairs Coup occurs.

~785 NLE -Fondation of Ponyville.

~920 NLE -Birth of Quartermoon the Magnificent.

~970 to ~978 NLE -Birth of the current Element Holders.

982 NLE -Death of Quartermoon the Magnificent, Luna takes Trixie as apprentice.

989 NLE -Death of Carrot Top's grandmother.

990 NLE -Birth of Snails, forcing his all-pegasus family to move from Cloudsdale to Ponyville.

991 NLE -Birth of Dinky Doo after Ditzy runs off to Ponyville.

992 NLE -Birth of Ice Heart.

998 NLE -Count Greenmeadow of Caneighda retires and his son, Greengrass, takes over his title and seat in the Night Court

998 NLE -The Hero of Oaton legend is born.

999 NLE -Ice Palace incident.

=Current Events=

999 NLE -Trixie get sent to Ponyville as Representative of the Night Court of Luna.

1000 NLE -Corona escapes from the Sun!

-Trixie's front window gets shattered for the first time.

-Trixie, Lyra, Carrot Top, Cheerilee, Raindrops and Ditzy claim the Elements of Harmony and send Corona packing.

-Trixie turns Lyra into a 'naked bear thing' using zebra magic.

-Trixie's window gets shattered again.

-And again.

-Twilight Sparkle arrives in town for the first time.

-Trixie's window needs to be replaced on multiple occasions.

-Andalantis re-discovered.

-Trixie saves Oaton, for real this time. While there she encounters what she calls 'The Whispers', possibly a piece of the defeated Tirek lingering in the material world.

-Solrathicharnon joins Corona.

-The Grand Galloping Gala.

-Crisis on Two Equestria

-Grogar's prison fails for the third time.

-Twilight Sparkle is sentenced to house arrest in Ponyville where she becomes town librarian.

and here we are!

So, what do you think of my crazy Mythology/History? Does it hold up well? Does it leave enough vague and open ended areas?

Group Admin

Nice job! And also has a few things in there that even I'd forgotten about the Lunaverse's implied timeline...

I know that the Symphony was actually composed...I think it was around 100 years after Corona.

Ugh...the biggest hiccup in the timeline is my fault. Dinky is implied in the series for the most part to be around 10-12 years old, but the timeline involving Ditzy moving to Ponyville, etc., would make her only 3-5 at most.

Well, Future Dinky can travel through time. Maybe there was an accident at some point.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

As a basic layout for how various ancient myths and legends there is certainty some intriguing density. Most of it I can't really comment on because it's not relevant wholly relevant outside of cultural implications, however...

-According to Cheeroonear legends it is at this point that the Adamant Alpha appeared. A massive dog-like being of glittering crystal, the Adamant Alpha was the sum of all the souls from the previous universe. He walked the empty world, letting the amassed souls of his being go into this new universe. Everytime a soul left him, a piece of crystal fell to the ground below. Soon, all that was left was the Adamant Core, an invulnerable heart that will survive this universe and carry the souls into the next.

The assumption then being that the various canide tribes value gems as religion artifacts, literal pieces of "god" such as it were. That's certainly an interesting premise, but I'm not sure it works in the ecology of Equestria's fantasy setting.

Given how readily gems can be found near the surface just laying around in the dirt, and even more so given how dragons consume them as part of there regular dietary habits, it seems clear that unlike in our own world such stones are a renewable resource, that the essentially "grow" like plants. This is further corroborated by things like Spike's fire ruby.

Unless of course by 'walking-the-world' you mean the entirety of the known universe and that the shards dropped became the stars in the heavens, and that the Cheeroon value gems not as literal pieces of "god" (though ancient legend might hold that gems are fallen stars), but as the closest earthly equivalent.

Really? I'm not sure I'd caught onto that incongruity. It would seem easy enough to revise, or just ignore under the same pretense that none of our characters have an exact age in the first place, not to mention the concept that ponies just age/mature at a different rate to humans.

just chalk it up to the

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2742643 Good idea on the stars being pieces of God. I'll change 'walk the world' with 'walk the universe'. I was thinking that maybe only certain types of gems are viewed as pieces of Stars. Plus the gems could be viewed as 'alive' and thus why they can grow and even multiply. They're basically mineral fungus.

We could always say only diamonds are viewed as pieces of the Adamant Alpha and that Diamond Dogs got banished for being religious heretics who SOLD the precious diamonds!

It's also possible that the Crystal Heart is the Adamant Core.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2742508 I moved the Symphony around a bit.

If you guys think it's good enough we might want to put it in the bible. A lot of this stuff won't ever come up off course but it could be useful. Did you like my little origin of Neigh-Orleans bit? Or the bit with the old Sun and Moon being replaced by Alicorn constructs?

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

On a similar idea of scope and scale; at one point we were very much hyped to portray Discord as a near equivalent to something like Unicron from transformers mythos. Unfortunately the show has since gone onto portray him as something irreconcilably less than that, but as I was thinking of a third mythos, a potential compromise came to mind.

In Samurai Jack, the villain Aku was revealed by his later origin story to be a shard of a great cosmic entity, a dark formless miasma hunted by the gods themselves. After it was "slain", a piece of it fell to earth where it became a blight upon the land, but one that initially lacked a conscious identity. It was the first attempt to purify this corruption which gave birth to Aku.

I was thinking something similar could maybe work for Discord, giving us both an ancient god from the dawn of time and also the "smaller" entity that plagues Equestria. Perhaps Discord as we know him was also started as tree himself, a dark counterpart to The Tree of Harmony, both trees having sprouted from "seeds" of their celestial forebears. Like Aku though, an attempt to "slay" the Tree of Discord instead gave it conscious will that became the malicious trickster who would go onto rule the world under a reign of "eternal" chaos.

I don't know, maybe that doesn't work at all for the Lunaverse, but it might what I use for my own more general head-canon of MLP:FiM regardless.

If we put it into the bible I think it would be appropriate to divide it between verifiable "history" and the stuff that is more so just "myths/legends"

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2742831 UnicRon, not unicorn :derpytongue2: though I guess in this place it's an excusable typo.

Still I like that idea for Discord... Though we'd need some being who tries to slay the Tree of Discord and a reason why.

And yeah, I think anything from 'Celestia and Luna reveal themselves to the Ponies of Equestria' becomes History, and anything prior to that, even if Luna and Celestia were there, is Mythology. I'd imagine that back then Luna and Celestia's perception of time wasn't similar to that of the Ponies and so their fight with Squirk and then Tirek for exemple could have been brief for them but taken centuries from the point of view of ponies, and so their memories of that era isn't on a precise scale that would be easy to understand for normal ponies.

Group Admin

I've said that I personally in my headcanon make Luna and Celestia some 40,000 years old, but at the same time I've also had them both state that they themselves have actually forgotten their ages. I absolutely think that Luna or Celestia would be utterly incapable of putting together any kind of concrete timeline for anything prior to the ponies. A rough sequence of events, but even then they'd probably misremember the order stuff happened in or how long it took.


Luna: Ooh, there was that day we made the Skyshaper Peaks.
Celestia: That was a fun day...
Random Pony: You...made the Skyshaper Peaks in a day.
Luna: Yes.
Pony: One day. The longest mountain range on the continent.
Celestia: Um...
Pony: Two thousand miles long, stretching across the entire northern half, dividing the Wilderlands, Elkheim, and the Griffin Kingdoms from the rest of the continent.
Celestia: [looks at Luna]
Luna: [looks at Celesta]
Both: [look to pony] It might have taken longer.
Celestia: Maybe a few days.
Luna: Maybe a few centuries.
Celestia: Oh, who remembers.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2742939 Emeral edited his typo :derpytongue2:

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Actually I thin it was instead my browsers built in auto correct being too helpful. I just upgraded to Windows 8.1 today and it reset several feature to factory defaults.

As to who tried to slay the tree, in my own mind it was Starswirl the bearded who in the process was "transformed" into and/or became the template for the draconequus. As for the reason; either to put a stop to various other evils that were believed to spawn from the tree (such as windagos and many other things now locked away in TarTarus), or else as part of his misguided desire to ascend as an alicorn -- maybe even a little bit of both at once.

Still, my idea's on what alicorns even are in the first place is already very different from Lunaverse canon. I presently consider Luna and Celestia as the "twin" children of Clover the Clever, Pansy, and Smartcookie, born mortal but who later ascend to become alicorns. So likewise my concepts of Discord probably don't wholly work either. That said the who and why could just be something that is lost to myth/legend with different races all over the world having their own take which are both all true yet not. He is Discord after all, so like the Joker, if he's going to have a past it might as well be multiple choice.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2742939 :pinkiesmile: That works for me.

2742951 I like the Starswirl the Bearded idea, off course it would make Discord much younger...But I also like the idea of the 'Who' being unprecise... I'll edit the unprecise version for now, but place it so it's plausible it's Starswirl. Added a few details that came to me as well, like Andalantis' dissapearance.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin


So I've reworded the begining of the universe, fixed a few typos, added some tidbits including Solrath, and added headers for Mythology and History. What do you think? Anything important missing? Maybe Cadence marrying Cartasole as well as her assuming the throne as Exarch of Cavallia?

I hope Grass will chime in too.

Group Admin

2757756 : I don't really have much to add. Most of the stuff I can think of would be relatively trivial (e.g., Cheerilee and Notary getting drunk and married in Neigh Orleans; Dinky being considered for Sharpwhinny). I guess a few of the bigger things:

700 years before Corona's return: Equestria conquers Latigo after its king dies without an heir.
400 years before Corona: Red Magician botches the Symphony, then has an adventure with a cursed crown and hides it in a dungeon.
300 years before Corona's return: famine in large parts of Equestria, the day is saved by the farm that would eventually become the Apple Trust working together with other farmers.
~12 years before Corona's return: Vicereine Puissance starts the Vault with her first special pony, the pegacorn Solar Flare.
8 years before Corona's return: Equestrian explorer gets lost near the top of the world, found by windigo, Ice Heart is conceived.
~2 years before Corona's return: Count Greenmeadow of Caneighda retires and his son, Greengrass, takes over his title and seat in the Night Court.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin


700 years before Corona's return: Equestria conquers Latigo after its king dies without an heir.

"Conquer" sounds a wee bit harsh, maybe "annex" would be a better way to phrase it.

~12 years before Corona's return: Vicereine Puissance starts the Vault with her first special pony

Only 12 years? As old as Puissance is some how I thought she'd have been running it longer, but hey she's your character so if that's what feels right to you.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2759301 Did we establish that Latigo was conquered and not just peacefully annexed?

I don't know if the famine from Granny's story is that significant an event. I will include Red Magician's crown adventure and Greengrass getting his seat in the Night Court.

Group Admin

2759626 : I see it as sort of a 'I've collected everything else, what's left? Ooh... how about special ponies?' kind of thing, so I imagine it came into play fairly recently. Also, except for Solar Flare most of the ponies we've seen in the Vault so far seem to be fairly young.

Maybe a couple of others...

Early Equestria: Unicorn, Earth Pony, and Pegasus kingdoms combined into Equestria.
After Gala: Zepplins and commercial blimps introduced.

Group Admin

2759637 : I thought that it was both. There wasn't any explicit military conflict, but the the Equestrians brought enough soldiers that the Latigans understood they would get destroyed if they tried. (Hence also Luna's bribe that the noble in charge of Latigo would gain power second only to hers.)

I'd argue the famine was significant in that it led to the formation of the Apple Trust, which has been important both in terms of the Lunaverse canon and also to Equestria's economy as a whole.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2759691 Yeah, the Apple Trust is important, but I don't feel like the origin of the Apple Trust is. But I guess I can include it. I'm not sure if Puissance's vault is worth mentioning, same for the zeppelins. I mean I don't include details on Blueblood's family, or stuff about when Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy moves to Ponyville, I'd rather not bog down the History part TOO much.

I've already mentionned Early Equestria under the name 'Hearth Warming Eve's Story'.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

The thing about the famine though is that it's famed as more of myth/legend rather than historical fact. It might indeed be loosely based upon an actual historical famine, but that's not really what makes it important anymore in a modern context. What it has become is more so an inspirational tale that Apple parents tell their Apple children to instil a sense of pride in their family legacy, and as with most oral traditions it gets modified with each generation (thus the discrepancy in AJ's version and Granny Smith's version).

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2759865 I decided to include the begining of the Apple Trust but not be too precise about how it went about.

Do you think I should include years for the Historical section??

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

probably, if only to provide a an adequate sense of scale. Though to that extent the "history" section should probably end where the first episode starts, with everything from that point forward maybe falling under the heading of "current/recent events" or some such.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2760086 Allright, I added the 'Current Events' header (it is blue, while History is now green). I just need some calendar terminology... I was thinking of having 'eras' instead of going the Gregorian way and have a year 0 somewhere ith everything before being in the minus. One era from when Celestia and Luna arrive (Classical Era, since Starswirl the Bearded is from the 'Pre-Classical Era'), one from the defeat of Discord onward, and then the 'New Lunar Era' from Corona's defeat onward.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin


Okay, I added some years, had to shuffle a few details around and add a few filler conflicts to drive home the idea that Celestia constantly had to fend off attacker (though I kinda ran out of known BIG antagonist to use, so any suggestion would be welcomed).

I kept the L6 birth year vague.

And now I'm going to sleep!

Group Admin

Minor point - the "stairs coup" happened around when Cadance was 700 years old.

Also, Solrathicharnon's story is based off of a fic called Song of Syhlex. At the end of the battle, two of Syhlex's sons survived.

Now obviously the story was changed a bit for the Lunaverse, but I had actually imagined that more than just Solrath survived (say a total of two or three, including Solrath), though I think that his brothers have since passed on (just due to age).

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2760860 Changed. So, good enough for the bible or not?

Group Admin

Few more points (sorry, there's a lot to read so I didn't notice these)

- I don't think that Celestia's forced march had actually already taken place. It was in the process of being organized and was about to be implemented, but preventing it was one of the reasons Luna turned against her sister.

- Tree of Discord? I think I missed something again...

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin


- Tree of Discord? I think I missed something again...

My fault, I mentioned a little bit of my own nascent head-canon regarding how to resolve an ideology wherein Discord can be both something of a greater power while not contradicting the increasingly less impressive version of him on the show, and I think Fizzy ran with it. Our discussion is in this thread though.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2762507 okay I'll remove the mention of death then.

Yeah the Tree of Discord idea is from Emeral but I think it works well, so that Discord can be an old power mingled with more mortal style desires, which makes it reasonable for his canon self to be redeemed since he's not "pure".

Group Admin

2764502 2762828
Just not sure how I feel about Discord being fused with some mortal being or something. I'm okay with the idea of Discord being some kind of spirit that was released from a tree by some mortal/created from the tree being split when some mortal split it open.

I had kind of hoped Discord could still be older than the alicorns, though...

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Your universe here so fully your call. Fizzy and I just sort of let the conversation drift in a way where aspects of how I'm currently trying to reconcile my own head canon got involved, but there are also aspect where that has doesn't mesh with what's already been established for the Lunaverse. It was never my intent to force those idea where they don't belong though.

Your alicorns are demi-gods and ancient precursors to the three pony tribes. Likewise, I'm in more or less total agreement that Discord needs to be something older and more powerful then. Though weather or not he was always a fully sapient entity or started as something more comparable to the Elements of Harmony seems to me something of a different matter. After all it doesn't seem like he was much of a problem back in the golden age of the alicorns, though I suppose that might only have been due their numbers being capable of overwhelming even his nigh-omnipotent reality warping abilities. Though that sort of maybe why I suggested the Aku comparison, wherein there is both primordial manifestation of Discord that is indeed ancient beyond all measure, but that it likewise defeated and/or sealed away long ago before eventually some remnant became the version of Discord that we a re more familiar with on the show.

Still, it's your world so it's your ideas on cosmology that matter most regardless of how that may lead us to an increasing divergence with the show.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2768780 It's your universe, so your final call on where to put Discord in this timeline. If he's older I can imagine him being somewhat responsible for the whole Fenrir debacle.

Group Admin

2769018 2768960
Well, let's go for the compromise - there was a primordial evil type thing, and Discord split off from that, and possibly started off as a tree at some point in the distant past, at or around the time the alicorns first showed up.

I actually do like the idea of him starting off as something akin to the Elements that somehow gained sentience and motivation - it is, again, just the idea that he achieved such by attaching to and corrupting something. Mostly because my inevitable thoughts turn to breaking that thing free.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2769687 How about this new update? I made the conflict of Harmony and Discord more central to the birth of the universe, and then I wrote that Discord is 'a dark reflection of the one who fell the tree'. Instead of posessing the mortal, it copied him because the power of Discord had no other form to take. Off course, since everything mortal has a part of Harmony and a part of Discord inside of them, Discord himself is no longer PURE Discord. If that makes sense? :derpyderp2:

Group Admin

Looks good! I guess this can be added to the series/setting bible. Though with an annotation that it's a very "soft" history, prone to change, and not necessarily entirely correct.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

2799142 Cool! What's important is a sense of secquence... though admitedly it's possible the Reign of Discord could be placed AFTER Grogar instead.

Also I hope that with all those extra Griffin Empires it's clear implication is that the Griffins are constatly going from unification periods to 'warring states' periods and that will diminish the implications that Luna is actively meddling into griffin affairs to keep them from uniting. They can do that on their own, Luna is just making it easier for those who oppose unification.

Group Admin

2769018 : Quick thing--IIRC, the Symphony was first written relatively shortly after Luna's recovery from her bender. The first public performance was 100 years after the fall (that was Concerti Brilliante, who rediscovered the first four movements in an old Canterlot library), but it was written long before then. I'd put its composition (including the fifth movement, which was lost before Concerti could get to it) at maybe 13 years after Corona's fall.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin
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