Unusual Humans in Equestria 2,659 members · 814 stories
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Hello, Lord Krahtorra here, I have an idea for a new HIE, I am going to write a human scientist make a portal, but he makes a miscalculation. When he steps through, he gets a bit of the void in him. It starts to mutate him, making him into a super powerful mage of sorts. I want to talk this out with someone, anyone available to talk, or help?

well...if you are making him a powerful mage....what sort of magic are you using? Necromancy? Healing? Destruction? Creation? Druidic? And what type of magic are you going to use in term of 'logic' as I mean, yes he might be super powerful...but he has to fall into some category of 'rules' of magical usage. Otherwise you might accidentally make him OP with every sort of magic-- or a possible Jack of Trades with every magic, but master to none.

The ability he gets is to become/generate this ink like material that floats in mid air, which he can harden, shape, and sharpen at will. Not to mention move it around at will. I have been putting a lot of thought into this, but I need someone to help me out

if the main character is going to have the ink like materiel and to theory of my knowledge he shouldn't know what it is or how to use it. also ounce he learns to use this ability he should be able to make small weapons like daggers or something if he ends up somewhere dangerous ounce he/she learns more control he should be able to do more stuff like help himself gather.defend,etc of other sorts. hope i was able to help

Comment posted by Lord Krahtorra deleted Aug 29th, 2017

Can he change the ink at the atomic level, manipulating the number of neutrons, protons and electrons?

well, maybe later, but at first, he can only make a few lobs that follow him around and he can turn into projectiles

Can he change the molecular structure of the ink, turning it into numerous things?

Depends, he can change the density and shape, but not the actual molecular makeup, liquid ink is flammable, and solid ink is hard for him to maneuver, he says it feels 'clunky'

Would his ink be able to 'create' or 'destory' anything? Like say that Mickey Mouse game with the power of ink? It might be usable....then again it could be ink that's normal until he grows with it.

Maybe it could also be a 'sentient' ink to act as a symbotic relationship? He 'feeds' it and in turn it help him? Granted this is magic usage...but it could happen?

the ink can definitely destroy, as in he can will it to absorb matter and use it to grow, but the ink has a limit to its growth, he can make it about the size of a tanker truck at max

Can he change the state of thr matter that makes up the ink? Could he make it change from liquid, solid, gas, plasma and the like?

the ink can change it's density between liquid and solid, and even when solid it floats in mid air, it would be inadviseable for him to try plasma, as heat is dangerous for him, and he needs it to be a bit more corporeal than gas to stay in control of the ink.

He could use plasma to destroy, and does he have complete control over the temperature of the ink? If so he could create ink at the temperature of 0K.

well, he feels through the ink, so extreme temperatures for his ink could potentially kill him

Then he could not turn ink into plasma, without dying. Can it be used for mundane purposes, like writing?

yes, but he usually refrains from doing such mundane things with it. You'd basically be writing with your blood, bones, and muscles, still capable of feeling through them, what if someone crumples it up?

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