Unusual Humans in Equestria 2,658 members · 814 stories
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I keep wracking my brain on the setting of my Rainbow Six and MLP crossover story! I write one setting then a new one comes to mind, so I work on that one, and I like it even more! Sigh.
Also, with taking care of a baby, my writing with the other stories has been literally one or two sentences a day. I know not many people read these, but it would be really helpful if I got as much feedback as possible.

Here is what I have planned out so far and whatever the majority votes for I will write that setting:

1. Humanized ponies on Earth (easiest one for me to write since it will follow Rainbow Six lore better)
2. Humanized ponies in Equestria (would have to recreate Rainbow Six lore, not too hard)
3. Anthro ponies in Equestria (like #2 but anthro)
4. A universe where Equestrians land on Earth as Humans
5. Several Rainbow Six operators land in Equestria (have already seen a version of this in FiMFIction)
6. Give up on it and work on the other four - five stories I am already working on and come back when those are done.

Much thanks to anyone who reads and vote. I would seriously sleep better at night.

can i vote for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5?

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