Unusual Humans in Equestria 2,659 members · 814 stories
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So idea time. I've had this interesting idea since at least a few months ago and I've been sort of developing it in my head. If you have any suggestions or criticisms please say them so I can actually have a good plot to write.

My idea is that there is a whole world/dimension full of humans, just like this planet. But there is a big difference. Whenever someone writes an HiE story, someone gets pulled from the planet, their memories get locked away and the character's back story replaces it. Then they get thrown into the world of Equestria or wherever the story takes place. Well one of the people manages to 'unlock' the memories that were erased and realizes that she is being controlled and the other memories are fake. So there will be two points of view for the story. The writers point of view where the character goes along the quest and has the proper back story and everything. Then there is the character's journal where she writes down things she figures out and what happened during the non-written parts of the story. Basically the character can tell when she is being narrated and not just living her everyday life. Her goal is to find a way to escape from the writers control while not alerting the writer to her knowledge of the control. So everything that is done to escape has to be while she isn't controlled and she has to play along with the authors wishes. I'm thinking that the way it will be explained is that the author sort of guides the character along a mission and causes trouble and resolution while the character keeps the story in character and advancing (Not fighting the author).

4519410 Damn, is that some Cosmic Horror s**t or what? :twilightoops:

4519454 I had no clue what Cosmic Horror was until I just read about it and I'm like shit. I think it is.

4519410 damn. I would read it for sure if you get it written. Seems awesome, the premise is. :rainbowderp:

Don't hurt you eh... *stabs you in left knee * that blade is poisoned btw

I almost commented on this tread back in HiE, but I didn't, because I'm lazy. Now I'm gonna do it.

I can't see this working out. There's no such thing as a bad idea, but some ideas are harder to do justice to than others. I don't see it working for the simple reason that this isn't how characters work. They don't come to you in a vision; they're grown from a concept in your brain, and their looks are usually perfectly tailored to their personality.

You're implying that this world has every possible human in existence, and just so happens to be able to pick out one that looks exactly like what the author imagined their character to look like. You're saying that there's a person in this world with a scar in the perfect shape of a crescent moon right on the nape of his neck; but he got it from some kind of accident, instead of from being bitten by a werewolf. You're saying that there's a person in this world with a serial number tattooed on his right arm, along with a complete list of ownership history; but he got it because it looked cool, and not because that's how the slave owners on his world kept track of their stock.

It doesn't make sense in detail, and it plays out as just being meta for meta's sake—which is not a good reason to be meta.

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