Unusual Humans in Equestria 2,659 members · 814 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Basically, I have an idea of a cannibal being sent to an Anthro Equestria. Is that unusual enough for you?

4208026 MAYOR! How are you? How are the investigations regarding Hughes death coming along?

I'd say yes, but I am not sure... he has to eat ponies.. anthro-ponies!

True, true... And it would be pretty suspicious that some weird looking person suddenly appears in town at the same time ponies start going missing.

"Wasn't me. Honest:ajsmug:"

4208041 He just goes to the district of poor people and eats rich people... nobody will suspect him!

"I swear! I never even went near the house! He's lying, I never entered the house! Perhaps HE is the killer?"


The perfect plan!

"No,it wasn't me! He's lying! He's a cannibal!"

"Crazies these days. Am I right?"

4208044 Link me the story, when it's written! :derpytongue2:

4208044 Sounds awesome, inform us when you upload it.

Group Admin

4208026 Unusual as all get out! Do it!

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