Unusual Humans in Equestria 2,659 members · 814 stories
Comments ( 28 )
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Basically a human-spider hybrid. Should I post it? (If it passes the submit)

I would say yes.

4042921 Sounds unusual to me.


Don't be ripping off Spiderman

I say go for it bro

4042967 Yeah, remember, kids, if a story you make is even remotely similar to something else that means you're ripping it off. (You probably couldn't tell, but sarcasm was dripping from every word of that.)


You probably couldn't tell, but I wasn't being serious.

it sounds interesting.....
but will he have a spiders head, or just a head with lots and lots of eyes and a large gaping maw filled with sharp venomous teeth that seems to stretch longer than normal?

4042983 I half suspected as much. Therefore I said something that could be laughed at if you were joking while also making a valid point if you weren't.


You were being confrontational for no reason.

4043010 Sorry. I didn't mean to be. Truce?

4042987 I was going for a humanoid body, eight eyes, two large pincer like fangs and a mouth full of sharp teeth, hair/fur/whatever it is spiders have all over his body, and six spider legs from his back.


Nah, to adequately please me you must find the mightiest tree in your local forest and cut it down with a herring. And bring me a shrubbery.

4043047 Local forest? Dude, the closest there is to me is a small park. I could steal the kid's roundabout for you though. That thing is fun!


... Will there be a shrubbery?

4043060 Er...just let me whip the gnomes into work and there will be.


You in a few minutes:

are you going with the whole "certain hairs on a spiders body can be shed at will in order to create a cloud of pain"?

4043083 ...Now I want to watch that. Oh, right. NOT A HERRING!!!

4043086 Um...wait, is that a thing? But...no, I wasn't going with that.

4043111 ...Well, I can't beat that. But I can go with a more awesome character.


... Who then dies like a bitch

4043170 Who then (in the expanded universe at least, damn you Disney!) spends months climbing out of there completely unharmed.


He still got rekt.

4043203 True. I like to think he was extremely drunk at the time.

YouTube scientifically accurate spiderman song.

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