Unusual Humans in Equestria 2,659 members · 814 stories
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Hi, I'm somewhat new in this group, but already here with a request for help.

I am writing a HiE story that I think is directly relevant to the thematic line of this group. A brief outline of the thing: A transhuman expedition stumbles upon Equestria, and initiates a first contact with the ponies. The expedition is composed by a variety of earth and spaceborn uploaded Transhumans, octopii, uplifted apes, AIs and smart ravens, comes from an anarchistic society with a reputation based economy paradigm, and is used to a universe that tries to kill them, something that has become less of an issue as they are functionally immortal through backups. Distrust and cultural clashes ensue. The human side is based on the RPG Eclipse Phase.

I have already and editor, but I would like to have a few more people read and comment it before publishing it, so that I may fix any glaring problems I somehow missed. Also, I'm quite sure the story should rate Teen for some gore later on and a foul language through the whole piece, but being somewhat impervious to these things, I need some advice to see if I evaluated this thing correctly.

So, if anyone is interested, I can send link and password through PMs.

Sorry I don't have the time for help, and I'm not really the best judge of appropriate levels of gore for ratings, either. But I just wanted to say, Eff yes, I would read the crap out of an Eclipse Phase crossover. Honestly all my EP games were run as horror and were usually more mature than teen rated.

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