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Midnight Shadows
Group Admin

Hello welcome to Adult Foals and Diapered Pony Crusaders YAY!

This group is a group dedicated to Adult Foals and Diapered Ponies as expected this group while yes it may contain objectionable content, we ask that you handle yourself in an acceptable manner as you would off of the internet. We have a few rules in the group that we would appreciate it if you would look them over.

The Rules!
By: Midnight Shadows
V 8.5.0

General Rules
-Please do not flame, troll, or harass any member. Doing these things may result in a ban from the group or some sort of punishment.

-Please Refrain from posting inappropriate content in the incorrect topics. You wouldn't want someone posting something completely off topic in your thread, so why do it in theirs?

-NSFW is allowed in the group and will be handled on a case by case basis. For now please try to keep it respectful as some people in the group may be here for the cute factor of ponies in diapers and not for the fetish.

Story Submission Rules
-Stories are meant to be put in the correct folders. There are descriptions in each folder as for what they are for; If you are unsure what folder your story should go under put it in the General folder and ask a group moderator to look it over and they'll help you decide what folder to put it in.

-Stories that aren't about padded ponies, adult foals, or age regression/ageplay should not be in this group, while we accept stories about actual foal ponies, A story that simply has a foal in it does not automatically meet the group story requirements.

-We reserve the right to remove a story from the group if we feel it does not belong. You will be informed via private message if your story is removed and there will be a reason why.

-Humanized Stories should only go in the Humanized Folder. Thank You.

Role Playing
-According to new Fimfiction Rules roleplaying is no longer allowed.

-Fimfictions rules and stance on roleplaying does NOT represent the stance of Thunderchaser23's, Secret_Shadows's, or my own on Roleplaying. The site rules say no, not us. We can't do anything about it. For more info read Knighty's Post on the subject.

-We do not allow users to use the forum as a way to post ads to find ______. It deters people and makes them turn off group notifications, we don't want that.

-If you want to roleplay with people that's okay, just don't do it in the group, however if you want to request people to roleplay with please do so here in the official roleplay request thread

Threads, Content, Other
-If a thread is NSFW please have "NSFW" in the title of the thread, some people prefer not to see that kind of thing so make sure the title itself is clean, but make sure to have a "NSFW" somewhere in the title.

-We allow contests but would prefer it if only one is running at a time. We encourage writing contests in the group and welcome anyone who wants to do this sort of thing.

-Arguments between people on the group forum will not be tolerated, It doesn't matter who started it, Anyone involved will be punished in whatever way the moderator/admin punishing them finds appropriate. Ranging from just a kind pm, to a banishment from the group or even contacting a forum moderator. We will not tolerate arguments.

-Please refrain from making multiple topics for the same thing. It clutters the forum.

-If you have a suggestion for the group or a comment, feel free to PM me or one of the other group mods.

-Please refrain from advertising commissions in this group, yes we all know that a lot of us are doing commissions, but its unbecoming of both the person who posts the topic and this entire group to have advertisement like that.
---That means no, you cannot self promote in topics or make a topic saying you are open to commission, the post/thread will be immediately deleted.

-IF YOU'RE GOING TO COLLAB WITH SOMEONE: Do it on site or on google documents, I will not have you linking other websites in my group. I will consider it advertisement and it will be deleted. You'll be notified via pm about its deletion.

-IF YOU WANT TO LINK ANOTHER GROUP: Ask me first. I'll be more than happy to allow you to link to another group in your thread here if you ASK first.


-We would appreciate it if you would notify a group mod before making a contest thread. We don't want too many running at once and we also reserve the right to deny your prompt if it is too inappropriate, while we do allow NSFW contests, we would appreciate it if the prompts were kept appropriate.

-Contests with actual rewards/tangible objects/money, are NOT allowed UNLESS approved by a Group Moderator. Contests with actual rewards that are not approved will be removed.

-We allow contests but would prefer it if only one is running at a time. We encourage writing contests in the group and welcome anyone who wants to do this sort of thing.

-Contests with NSFW content are allowed, by this it means you are permitted to host a contest that has NSFW stories as an allowed thing and/or requirement, but we strongly recommend that it is only an 'allowed thing' and not a requirement.

Group Admin

Adding to the rules already established.

-Role Playing is allowed so long as you have okayed it with a Moderator such as Midnight, Sec or I :twilightsmile:

Midnight Shadows
Group Admin

Roleplaying is no longer allowed via fimfic rules.

Midnight Shadows
Group Admin

UPDATE: Added an addendum to the bullet point about self promotion/commissions under threads/content/other

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