Welcome to Hogwarts, witches and wizards! You will be sorted into a House, and take part in your House's activities!

In classes, you will listen to the teacher's lecture, and RP the class! After 24 hours, the class is over, and the thread is locked. You will get homework, to write a story on the chosen prompt! Your homework will be graded (reviewed). Each class will be for two Houses, and a certain year.

In each Common Room, you will get to talk with your House!

In the Great Hall, you can talk with all the Houses! We will have the feast at the beginning of the year, and the Sorting. If you join later, it's okay, just follow these rules, and join your House in their activities!

You will make two characters, a teacher and a student. I will review them and accept them.

During contests, you will have a month to submit stories. Each House will have a different prompt. During the second month, a new contest will start, and the Heads of Houses (admins) will choose the top one from each House. During that time, a second contest will start. Then, in the third month, the Headmistress or Headmaster will choose an overall winner, the second contest will have the final four chosen, and a third contest will start.

Quidditch players will be selected, and Quidditch will be an RP. A thread will be Hogsmeade.

The Great Hall (go here to be sorted!)

Comments ( 2 )
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Is this group dead?

Is playing the teacher expected of us at the start?

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