Twilight Sparkle Eats Peaches 219 members · 50 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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It's been an entire day and not a ship in sight!

2413545 Well then, here's your chance.


We don't wanna ship you...

2413546 I don't write clop. Hell, I don't even read it. But I've been on this site for long enough to know that if it's a thing, there is clop. So why no Twi x peaches?

2413629 It doesn't have to exclusively be clop. I dunno, sentient peach that has feelings for Twi, hilarity ensues, ect.

also is the official ship name peachlight? twieach?



Well, T-wieach their own. :3

There's a hair thin implication of PeachLight in my latest masterpiece* "Twilight, Applejack and Peach Schnapps" though what actually occurred is left as an exercise to the reader's imagination. Though it might not be what you're looking for since Peach Schnapps is an actual pony.

* and by masterpiece I mean drivel committed to bits on a computer.

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