MoWverse 353 members · 5 stories
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So, after my isolation in the real world (it's scary there) I've finally made it back reliably (kind of... my battery is fried). So now I'm making this post because this group has little to no activity and that's no bueno. So, let's talk about crossovers.

Everything written below is written under the assumption of a somewhat serious story being made. If you want to write a fanfic that is set in the Man of War universe, you should read this thread. Obviously you can write a fanfic without my permission. I doubt many writers got permission from Kkat to make their FoE fics. Just know that, if you want to be canon with the story, following these guidelines will help you do that.

I'm all for crossovers. When I was making the world or Man of War I wanted to do something that anyone could come into and add to the world. It stems from my reading all those Fallout Equestria fanfics. Now, using the two as a comparison, there are obvious differences. So I'm going to talk about them here and how to avoid them, or work around them. I'm going to go arc by arc with this one, and will update this post as the arcs go by.

(Warning: Possible Spoilers)

Planning: Planning the story is sometimes the easiest, or the hardest part of any story. To do a crossover into another story, there are multiple ways of going about it. Sometimes you simply tell the story of another person as the events of the main story go on. Other times you build a part of the world in depth. If your crossover is going to be an in depth story, consult with me over what's going to happen, as these stories need to correlate with the main story.

Writing. Once you have an idea of what the story will be and what you want it to achieve, you get writing. When it comes to crossovers, there are stipulations that come with this part. You are writing a crossover, meaning you are following the rules of another story. To put it simply, you can't add something about someone if the author doesn't want it to have happened. (EX. You can't have Spike dating before it actually happens.) Your story has to flow with the main story, so make sure you follow the timeline as closely as possible.

Starting. When you start your story is important as well. As stated above, you need to follow the timeline as closely as possible. But, luckily for anyone wanting to write a Man of War crossover, I am willing to help with that. You can always PM me for details (I know most of them and will look them up for you). Where ever you choose to start your story will also have an influence on how long your story is (depending on style of writing). If you start back before the events of Man of War, you have a lot of wiggle room. Starting in the middle of fifth arc... not so much.

Lore. Every story has a guideline for their lore. This is something that you may or may not have to clear with the author; it depends on what you want to do. Adding things to a main characters history or personal belief should be brought up. Some characters have events planned out that may contradict what you want. Some things simply aren't allowed. Making a new excuse for Nightmare Moon when one has already been explained simply wont fly (brony point to the first person who can post what caused Luna to turn into Nightmare Moon). To put it simply, the story has been planned out more than what's been revealed. If you want to be canon with the story then it's going to take some extra creativity.

Contributing Stories. There is one contributing story for Man of War, and it is The Demon Within. It is a contributing story because it adds a large part of the world and covers how that part plays with the everything else. Anything spiritual that goes on will be delved into by that story. If you wish to make a contributing story, I'm all for it. But this is going a challenge. You have to add to the world, bringing something new to light. I can see a possible story following a griffin and it explains why they do what they do. If you wish to do a story like this, PM me for details. You will get spoilers, if you can add to the world.

Timeline. I'm going to list the arcs now and point out things that may or may not make it tricky to write into that setting.

Arc Zero: This would pertain to anything that happens before the events of Man of War. You have the most freedom with the main characters here. I do have things panned, but I also started this with a one year gap between chapter seven and the events of season two.

Arc One: This is where the story gets its start. If you want to have interactions with the main characters, you have to works around the events of the story. Miles passes out alot, so you have some wiggle room. Not to mention the story tends to follow Miles, Twilight, Storm, Luna and Celestia the most in this arc; giving you more access to the others.

Arc Two: This is where the adventure of the story begins. The main six. the Spartans, as well as the royal sisters, are all used greatly in this arc, taking away from them. The first set of Spartans are introduced in this arc as well. Background characters should be used the most in this arc.

Arc Three: This is the slice of life arc. The main six will all get special attention individually, so writing the others will be easier. Also, Storm, Twilight, and Speaks Softly (their daughter) rarely show up until the end of the arc. This arc details the world status as well, so it would be a good place to learn of the other cultures.

Arc Four: If any fanfics that don't want to be too canon were to show up, this would be the arc to do it in. It is large enough, yet simple enough to get right into without stepping on too many toes. For obvious reasons I can't go too into details about it, so I'll leave you with this. Mortalis de Bellum

Arc Five: I can see a lot of fanfics happening here because it sets up so well for whatever you want to have happen.Literally, first few chapters will flip everyone's shit, then... well, the sky is the limit. The main story will obviously happen, but... it's so open that almost anything could happen. I would suggest waiting for a few chapters to go by though, just so you can get a grasp on the world.

Well, that's everything I'm willing to spoil at the moment. I don't know how many stories will actually happen in Man of War, but I figured that this couldn't hurt. Again, I am willing to help if you wish to write a fanfic in the Man of War universe. Just know that I won't allow any future events to occur before the story. Other than that,

Brony on!

So I could possibly do what I thought I would do if I were to write a MoW-story, since you said that 5th arc will be the one that goes apeshit.
Which indicates that something fucking huge will happen, even something along the lines of ponies turning to humans or shit like that...

BROOOOOOOO- you know what I'm doing so why am I even mentioning it here? :rainbowlaugh:

Ive always had the idea of a man from the Pre-Purge era getting stuck in a cryogenic sleep during the time the unfamiliar started attacking, but he then wakes up in 1 of the underground cities of Terradisia a little bit 2 far into the future, I dont know sometimes I read into things a little 2 much but its fun :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

3034232 I can't say what happens, for obvious reasons, but I will say that you are right to assume that crazy shit happens.

Brony on!

I would actually like to do a cross over with Lief b4 he actually becomes a spartan, ifanyone sees this if they would be intersted in helping me out I'll start the planning on this Story this weekend when I get some free time. tallestbrony, keep brony on man, I try what I can :pinkiehappy:

I would love to see a space marine/halo/mass effect crossover with man of war

Comment posted by Ganondad42 deleted Aug 21st, 2014

who thinks this sounds good

During the six years between Timely Deaths' birth and the rest of the story When stuff is going to shit between Equestira and the Griffin Colonies the equestrian merchant company is hard sending ships across the sea to help out the griffins. But they are under attack by griffin pirates. SO they hire privateers. This is the story of one of those privateer ships.

The point of the story being to fill in that huge time gap.

Group Admin

3927092 Sounds cool, is that something you're interested in writing?

Brony on!

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