MoWverse 353 members · 5 stories
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Group Admin

In case all of this is new to you or you simply forgot, here's a reminder. Man of War is being made into a table top, pen and paper RPG. We're mimicking the Shadowrun system (D6 success base).

As we near the completion of mechanizing Man of War (using near generously) we (Cheesus and I) will be adding threads here about different things. Everything from character design to arsenals and everything in between will be have a thread on the Mow's Universe.

Though I will make one or two more notifications on my user page, updates will predominantly be here only. Also, threads that are highly subject to change will have ** added to the ends of the titles. This is necessary because we're still working out the kinks.

If your interested in joining a campaign and haven't joined this group yet, I'd suggest doing it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on any of the blogs that come up; this on included.

And lastly, a teaser. Here's a list of playable characters.

Pony- Pegasis

Griffin- Hawk







Brony on!

That last character... the fuck does "Brony on" look like?
Is it like... Orion-brony? A Bronion? Oh hey so it's a brony-shaped onion!


Why am I still awake?

2717245 *rubs head and gives glass of milk* Shh go to sleep now go to sleep.

Group Admin

For those of you who would really like to play I advise looking up the Shadowrun books and familiarizing yourself with the rules and magics if that is something you'd like to play.

2717560 Was pretty nice sleep, now to school.

2717133 what? no diamond dogs...? yet perhaps?

2719536 Is the ShadowRun system at all similiar to that of DnD 3.5 at all?

Not even close. The systems are so polar opposite of each other that it would make your head spin.

What version of Shadowrun are you using? 3, 4, or 5?

Group Admin

2723092 4

2721419 Sorry, we're keeping the playable characters to the main races.

2723883 well shit... I was hoping for those guys... :fluttershysad:

2723092 Cheers, ill go check out the system in-depth then.


Pretty good system. I had such hopes for 5th edition, but they fragged everything up so badly... especially the "wireless bonuses" for gear that would NEVER be on the Matrix

So Im guessing no human characters because in Man Of War Miles is the only human?

Group Admin

2850376 No humans because he is the last of the humans, but we do have apes, minotaurs, orcs, and goblins. Since the game is set in Man of War universe you will have times where you will get to interact with some of the characters. Obviously you will be able to do a lot more since the game is a role playing game, so what you can do is really left up to what you can think of, given some of the things you might want to do will get smacked away by me or TB.

danke sir, also Im not really familiar with table top, pen and paper type rpgs so since this is based off a shadow run system would it be good 2 look up how they play it? sry im very noob :facehoof:

Group Admin

2890062 The best advice I can give when it comes to being a new player to a game like this is look up the books, preferably the 4th edition ones, and just read how rules work. TB and I use a pdf set we got from a friend, but how you get the books is all up to you.

Awesome I'm totally in on this. I don't know shit about the pen and paper shadowrun but I have played every videogame ever released for it the system ain't bad. I'm tottally playing an orc I like what culture I've seen from them so far. This is a little meta gamey but how much combat we expecting? Cause I want to kill some shit ;). Going to grab my friends shadowrun books now to familiarize myself. Also what are the odds of me getting a warhammer style chain axe in games with high enough tech levels I love chopping imaginary people up with em.

Also this going to be over skype or what?

Group Admin

3413785 I'm probably going to be running the game through unless for some reason all of the players are completely unable to use it, I do have skype and you can message me on it for info and such. Look up Cheesemans27 on skype and thats me

Awesome I already have an account on there if I can remember the password

2717133 ;-; so unfamiliars are a no go?

Group Admin

3552819 no unfamiliar, sorry.

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