A second chance for your story 4 members · 0 stories

have you ever made a fanfiction. have you ever had a fanfiction get rejected because it doesn't suit the requirements that are given to us. what about getting rejected because they are not long enough or don't suit their taste. well, i say why not give theses stories another chance and give them the respect they should of got given for trying their best. that's why this group was made, to give the fanfics and authors another chance.

how posting your fanfiction works.
instead of posting it in the folders, everyone will create their own thread with the title of the story they have made and post it in the thread they made for their story. just a little heads up before posting, please leave a rating in the title of the thread. for example tricks and jokes (E). if you would like to add more to it like who's in it, go right ahead and do it.

if you have made a new chapter for your story, simply just edit your thread or just a new thread and link your old thread to the new one. don't forget to add the number after the rating so people can tell what chapter it is.

other then that, have fun and bring back the enjoyment of writing again.

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we got a new story approved today. done by one of our own members. Derpy_Hooves_Muffins.

i have also made a folder called yay. i didn't know if i should of made a folder but i did.

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