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I've been looking into trying out the physical game after playing Magic: The Gathering 2013 on Xbox for a while, and have been wondering what kind of deck you guys would recommend. I've played enough to where I know enough of the mechanics where I can hold my own, and I tend to lean more towards pure Red and/or pure White decks.

So what would you recommend:

A Deckbuilder's Toolkit
A Fat Pack
An Intro Deck
Or A set of Duel Decks

I would prefer to have a pure deck.

My second question is how good is my friend's deck? [It's a Red/Black deck][M11]
- 26 Lands (13 Red/13 Black)
- 20 Creatures (11 Red/9 Black)
- 13 Sorcery (7 Red/6 Black)
- 6 Instants (3 Red/3 Black)
- 1 Enchantment (Black)
- 5 White cards without any white lands in his deck.
- All in all: 72 Cards

2195680 First things first! If you like building decks yourselves, the toolkit is your best bet :twilightsmile:

Personally I think your friends deck has too many lands. A deck should be about 40% Land, a good amount is 20 Basics, and 4 non basics (In my opinion!). I can't offer much criticism because I don't know the spells he has in the deck. I also feel he does not have nearly enough Instants/Sorcery's.

Just my 5 cents. Hope you enjoy Magic the Gathering as much as I do!

Are you looking to get into competitive play or just super casual? As for the best kind of 'deck' to buy to start with, look for an event deck. They are designed to be played at tournaments and as such are better than intro decks.

Can't say with any certainty about how good or not your friends deck is without knowing the specific cards. My advice though would be to keep it at or as close to 60 as possible and if you don't have mana to play the white cards don't have them in the deck.

2195918>>2195949 I'm just looking for a deck that can easily be used for casual play. As such, I've been leaning towards getting either a red and/or white intro pack (both of which had "Theros" in the name), or a GateCrash Fat Pack. (Mostly because I'm best with either a pure red or pure white deck.

2196093 Theros is the name of the Set you are buying haha. A Fat pack will give you 9 boosters which is 135 cards. I believe you get 100 mana in a fat pack (20 of each colour). Since you say you're looking to play just casually, I recommend an intro deck. I myself just recently bought the Red/Green Theros Intro deck (For the sole purpose of altering it into heavy beatdown/Burn).

2196184>>2195949 Do either of you have Skype? If so add me, so that way you can help me build my first deck with my 2014 Deck Builder's Toolkit.

EDIT: Same name and avatar.

2242012 I sure do have skype! I added ya :moustache:

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