Comments ( 26 )
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Dead Lock
Group Admin

Just wondering what guilds everyone belongs to. I took 15 minutes to make the guild thread, so I want to fill it in.

I'm in Azorius, for what it's worth.

I honestly don't know. I didn't play the RTR block, because I didn't have a job at the time.

Dead Lock
Group Admin
Dead Lock
Group Admin

Alright, what colors do you play?

I also took Azorius! Now I feel like a copycat...

Red Green, or Blue Black, or White Black.

Dimir is my favourite but I've been playing a bit of Boros recently. Gruul is quite fun too

Dead Lock
Group Admin

Don't worry, you aren't!

Dead Lock
Group Admin

Can you choose your favorite?

Dead Lock
Group Admin

Cool, I'll put you down for dimir.

Dead Lock
Group Admin

Should I put you down for all three?

after some thought I'd say put me down for the House Dimir

If you must. If not, Red Green will have to do.

Dead Lock
Group Admin

Alright, red green it is!:pinkiehappy:

Dead Lock
Group Admin

I play a three color (green red white) sliver deck.

Group Admin


My friend plays a sliver deck...
Here's my idea for it...
Shimmering grotto/ unknown shores with those in... Gale rider sliver! Whose only one blue mana so it doesn't really take that much.

Dead Lock
Group Admin
Dead Lock
Group Admin

What should I put you down for? I think I'll make a new section for slivers.

2092543 rakdos all the way

Orzhov Syndicate and Simic Combine.

With my DCI account, I'm with the Izzet. As a person, I feel more like RWU than UR though. Maybe even WUBR. I simply feel like there's something missing from UR. I can see myself in Azorius just as well as in Izzet, but to me, there's something important missing from both of them.

*90 weeks later*

Ahem. Just found and joined the group, so if I'm not too late, sign me up as Azorius!

"Prahv: where much work is done to make sure nothing is accomplished."

Write on,

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