Comments ( 2 )
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I recently got 2 Syphon Slivers (gives Lifelink) and 3 Galerider Slivers (gives flying), which will make my sliver deck a penta-color deck. Here's what I currently have in my deck:

Lands (29)
7x Forest
7x Mountain
8x Plains
7x Swamp

Creatures (23)
1x Syphon Sliver
1x Two-Headed Sliver
1x Bonescyth Sliver
1x Megantic Sliver
1x Goundshaker Sliver
3x Sliver Construct
1x Manaweft Sliver
4x Predatory Sliver
3x Sentinel Sliver
3x Blur Sliver
4x Battle Sliver

Spells (8)
1x Enlarge
2x Nylea's Presence
2x Shock
1x Giant Growth
2x Hive Stirrings

60 Total Cards
Basically, like the title says, I need help modifying my current deck to accommodate to 2 more Syphon and 3 Galerider.

I recommend a sorting method before battles Ex: land, creature, spell, land

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