MTG: Magic The Gathering Fangroup 40 members · 6 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Krass McWriter
Group Admin

A bit about yourself, how long you've been playing, formats you enjoy and other such thing

I'm Krass, I am ex-us infantry, I've been playing since about 8th edition but took a break for the army and just got back into the game with m14 and theros. I prefer standard and commander and my favorite deck to run is my Blue Red which is often noted for being both odd yet effective as hell.

I run MTG tournaments for a local card shop.

I am also head moderator, PM me if you need something.

I'm Kody. I've played since... not sure. I was about 5 when my dad started teaching me, so about 14 years, give or take a year or two. Been in and out since. I love some Vintage and Two-Headed Giant. I run a Green-Black (which I will have to heavily modify again to make legal).

My favorite combo (if I can get it, which is rare, but effective, usually) is to have my Vorinclex (all my lands are worth double, and opponent lands don't untap for an extra turn, on top of all his other stats) in my graveyard, use Repopulate on my opponent (if needed), use Exhume (costs CM 2) or Lilliana's biggy if I have enough, pull out Vorinclex (who normally costs 8), use up any Howl of the Night Packs I have (I have 4 in the deck), which works best when I have Prismatic Omen and Doubling Season out, then drop Craterhoof Behemoth. A two turn combo for maximum effectiveness. Works wonders when I have a great counter heavy deck in Two-Headed Giant.

Oh, and I fucking HATE Slivers. With a passion.

Krass McWriter
Group Admin


Slivers? Really?

those and other creature combo decks (IE Battalion) never have a chance against my main deck...

Have you played the Sliver all-holo (can't remember what the series was called) deck that is modded with the most of the rare and legandary Slivers?

Krass McWriter
Group Admin


Yeah my friend has it, he can't even touch me.

Ever hear of mizzium motars or pyromancers gauntlet?

No. I have been mostly out for the past 2 years. And they seem like Reds. I don't play Reds often.

Krass McWriter
Group Admin


well, mizzium is red, gauntlet is an artifact that affects red planeswalkers, instants and sorceries. +2 damage to them. Mizzium does 4 to all creatures with overload. So its 6 damage to his everything and I'm usually capable of copying it if need be.

I'm an Asian in high school. I've been playing MTG for a year or two. I dislike spending money, so I have only mediocre decks. I'm working with a friend to make a Duel Decks thing, so if anyone here can draw art for free that would be AWESOME.

I do hope you mean when used against you. Because slivers are AMAZING. Until they became Naya-only, that is.

Of course I mean when used against me. Just like Fog. I love it unless it is used against me..

2309303 Woah, this group is still alive?

If you tag someone in a comment, I see no reason why they wouldn't respond. Or post something that we all find an easy conversation topic (like maybe one deck type versus a different).

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