Ponyville Confidential Call out group 36 members · 17 stories
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Listen, I know you guys have your own opinions on how this particular episode played out, and that's fine with me, but I feel like I should get my personal opinion about this particular episode. This is mainly for the people who think the CMC are the only ones entirely to blame for the whole event without trying to see it form both sides in the episode. Something that I really should've put up a long long time ago after watching it:applejackconfused:. I don't know why I didn't do it long before, but, its too late the wonder now...might as well do it while I still can. So...here we are:applejackunsure:.

First off, and the point that I really really think people are missing here they are mother bucking fillies for Petes sake! Its not like they knew any better, or even wanted to hurt their families and friends:ajbemused:. Plus, they're not at the age where their brains are fully developed to where they would really know the full consequences of their actions, and the full impact that it had on other ponies! I know you make think that last part and the rest doesn't excuse what they did to their families and the rest of the town, but you have to understand the episode from both the CMC and the town's point of view. Now, the CMC originally started journalism because they wanted to try to get their Cutie Marks in them, like they alway did ever since they founded the organization. it started out innocently enough, and they saw that many of the townsfolk were actually liking what they were doing, which in turn had them write even more stories...that were not hurtful or contained any embarrassing secrets that is:twilightsheepish:. That however, was immediately put to a stop when DT discarded the none hurtful stories and gossip and practically forced the CMC to find stories and gossip to her liking, while oh so kindly saying, and I quote "And it had better be juicy!"

Anyway, after that little unpleasant talk with the unworthy Editor and Chief of the Foal Free Press, the CMC set off to find new stories that'll go to DT's liking, and they find it in the Mane Six, and a couple other ponies, and this is where things go south, very fast. They go and find things about the Mane Six, many of which I don't know how, and put them in the article for the newspaper, still thinking that the townsfolk will like it, especially since they've like the stories they've written so far, despite the guilt they were feeling while doing it. As Scootaloo so kindly said at the end, and I quote, "We knew what we were doing didn't feel quite right, but we ignored the guilt, because we thought we were giving everypony what we wanted." Basically, this is quote means that while they knew what they were doing was wrong, they did anyway because they believed, from what's happened so far until everything went downhill, that they were pleasing the townsfolk with the gossip and stories they had previously written...and because DT more or less forced them to do it.

Now the parts where things get really bad, for both the CMC and the townsfolk:twilightoops:. The embarrassing secrets of the Main Six, and some of the townsfolk come to light; from Big Mac's new doll, to Applejack sleeping on the Job, to Twilight's obsession with pleasing Celestia, and to Rainbow's Spa Day...each and every one of the secrets, while enjoyable to the townsfolk, are a nightmare for the Main Six, and what makes it even worse, is that its the CMC that's doing this, which, understandably, makes AJ, Rarity, and RD really pissed off, along with the rest. Because, these are things they would not share out so openly and carelessly with random ponies, which is why they keep things like this private and tell them only to their closest most trusted friends who they know will not laugh at them and judge them for it! The only ones whose secrets aren't that embarrassing are Fluttershy's and Pinkie Pie's because, for one, ponies see Fluttershy with an extended tail all the time, and don't comment on it at all in an way shape or form; just another mare with a tail a bit longer than usual. Not that I'm saying I don't sympathize or feel sorry for Fluttershy but, who gets embarrassed over that? Especially since its not really a secret at all:ajbemused:? Two, because the knowledge of Pinkie Pie being a real party animal is true, and is no secret at all either, because everypony already knows it! So there really wasn't any reason for either of them to get that upset over those two things that were said in the papers...then again, this is Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie we're talking about, but still! My point still stands:facehoof:!

When the subject of Rarity's diary comes into light, that's when everything boils over, and Rarity almost immediately confronts her little sister, and does what RD, AJ, and the rest of the girls and townsfolk should've done before accusing them of 'purposefully' embarrassing them the way they did: Get their side of the story, explain what they did was wrong, don't be too hard on them, and give them some sisterly and paternal advice, especially since it resolved around the CMC getting their Cutie Marks. As Rarity said to Sweetie Belle, "Do you really think writing nasty things and making everypony feel horrible is your destiny?" From what this quote is suggesting, she's asking Sweetie Belle if she wants to spend the rest of her life making ponies miserable and dragging their names through the mud, and make them feel the lowest of the low, and not being able to come out without someone making some mean or embarrassing comment about them. Now, we all know what the answer to that is, and it is NO! We all know that the CMC would never want to hurt their sisters on purpose, not when they love and admire them so much! They set up the Cutie Mark Crusaders to help ponies, not to hurt them, which, unfortunately was the exact opposite of what they were doing, even though they didn't really mean to do it:applecry:!

Thanks to this reason, even though it was not mentioned in the episode, and the talk that Rarity had with Sweetie Belle, the CMC decide to throw in the towel, now that they've begun to realize the damage that they've done. Unfortunately for them, DT won't let them, and threatens them with blackmail if they don't get her more Gabby Gums, so they go around town for help, be it for their sister or from the townsfolk, only for each and every single one of them to, understandably turn them down. And it doesn't help that Scootaloo asked Dash, "You don't suppose you got any stories for us huh?" (*sigh* really Scoots:facehoof:?) What the CMC should've done instead was to let their sisters and their friends cool off before attempting to talk to them, and explain why they had done what they did, so they can get everything sorted out, especially with DT. So...that was another mistake on their part:twilightsheepish:. While I do understand that the Main Six were upset with the CMC, and rightfully so, they should've at least given the girls a change to explain themselves, and get their side of the story of all that's been going on with Gabby Gums...after they've cooled off that is. And they should not have put a shield to keep them out as if they were rapid animals, and DUMP A BUCKING RAINCLOUD OVER THEIR PRECIOUSL LITTLE HEADS:flutterrage:!!! So, after seeing the full gravity of what they've done, the CMC devise a plan at the CMC Clubhouse, and write a letter of apology to all of the ponies in town, explaining in detail why they had done what they did. After reading the heartfelt apology, and getting a couple of the girls to stop being so over the top and acting like douches, the Main Six forgive the CMC, and Diamond is punished for her actions, removed of her title as the Editor and Chief, deservingly:twilightangry2:. Looking back on that scene, I feel that she should've gotten suspension for that, and be forced to write, "I will not write hurtful things" a bunch of times, and get grounded by her dad for a long as time. There should also be a scene where Cheerilee is called out for letting Diamond Tiara of all ponies be Editor and Chief, especially since she's the one who bullies the foals in her class. If she had chosen somepony like Featherweight instead at the beginning, things would've went so much smoother...but hey, that's how Hashbro made the show so, we can't make 'em change it:applejackunsure:.

Once again, I'm not saying that the CMC are entirely innocent in Gabby Gums, but the Main Six weren't entirely in the right either, and DT is especially not innocent in this at all:ajbemused:. Both sides made mistakes that they can't take back and could've been thought out better...the CMC asking their sister for help about DT trying to make them find more embarrassing things to write about, and the girls, minus Rarity, letting the CMC tell them what was really going on and the real reason why they posted so many hurtful things:applejackunsure:. Hopefully they all learned their lessons, (DT certainly didn't:twilightangry2:.) and will make more wiser decisions next time...or else what happened with Gabby Gums will happen again...only with much more worse results:rainbowderp:.

The moral of this episode, is, for one, while its fine to write gossip every now and again, there are certain lines you should not cross, especially when it involves someones diary for Pete's sake:twilightoops:. Two, even if its seems like the people you love are hurting you on purpose because they're doing something like this, you shouldn't let that cloud your judgment and at the very least, let them explain why they did what they did, despite your anger, before deciding what to do next. Three, when what you're doing begins to reach a point where its not so harmless and innocent anymore, especially when there's someone making you do it, go to your friends or loved ones and ask them for help, because they will be there to help you like you should always believe they will, depending on the person. Finally, try to find friends who will accept you for who you are regardless of whether or not you have a Cutie Mark, and not bully you just for the mere idiotic fact that you don't have one, even if those ponies have them themselves:twilightsmile:.

It's your opinion on what any of you thought of the episode and how you see the CMC, but to me, they are very good little fillies at heart...:heart:. They just made some choices that made them look bad when they're really not at all:pinkiesad2:...but they've learned from them, and will no doubt learn more lessons like this in the future. While I admit, they did come of as annoying in the beginning, but they have really grown on me, and have become #2 on my list of favorite ponies, with Fluttershy at the very top:yay:! Some love 'em, some hate 'em, and some adore them, and that's fine with me whatever opinion they have. I'm just saying what I think about them and how Ponyville Confidential played out and should've played out. Some people think that the CMC don't deserve any sympathy for what they did in Gabby Gums, but they sure do have mine, and no matter what, they, along with Fluttershy, will always have a special place in my heart:twilightsmile:. Now and long before the end of the series itself:heart::heart::heart:!!!

CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS FOREVER:scootangel::yay::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:!!!

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