Comments ( 6 )
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Captain Lunar
Group Admin

IDW's been doing a terrific job with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise. For over 40 issues, the creative team has made the heroes in a half shell overcome all different kinds of obstacles. They've had injuries and emotional struggles, but in the end, they've always managed to stay together and watch over each other. In the latest issue, TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #44, the seemingly impossible happened and the team suffered a major loss. I won't spoil who... But I'll leave this here.



4184781 Considering the comics of today, whoever's dead isn't going to stay dead forever. Ever since Superman's death at the hands of Doomsday in the 90's, comics in general have seemed very unwilling to let charaters stay dead.

And it's a shame, because we use to have really compelling deaths such as the deaths of Gwen Stacey and Jason Todd.

Captain Lunar
Group Admin

4185878 Then again this IS a comic from IDW and generally anyone who dies there doesn't come back.... I mean IDW doesn't have a universe, they just have a LOT of licensed comics.

4186064 Well, I don't know what their track record is for dead characters. I haven't read any of their licenced comics outside of MLP, though I know they also produce Transformers G1 comics.

Captain Lunar
Group Admin

4186077 And GI Joe, Ghostbusters, Star Trek, Judge Dredd, formerly Doctor Who, Popeye, 30 Days of Night, Saw, Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and so on.

They DO have events though despite not having a shared universe, which mainly consists of doing one theme across multiple comics. Like their Infestation event was Ghostbusters, Star Trek, GI Joe, and Transformers VS Zombies.

Infestation 2, a sequel of sorts, had Transformers, GI Joe, 30 Days of Night, and TMNT fighting monsters from the Cthulhu Mythos.

4186137 They also apparently had Angry Birds Transformers, which I would've loved to see.

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