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Captain Lunar
Group Admin

Bebop and Rocksteady. If you're a TMNT fan those names hit your mind with a flood of nostalgia. From their silly roles in the animated series to the collectibles to being bosses in video games, these two bring back some hopefully happy memories of your past. But let's be brutally honest here: they aren't really good characters. I know some of you probably want to flip a table or throw something at me right now, but please, hear me out! I mean, I own a couple Bebop and Rocksteady collectibles(Original 80's show action figures) and I also like the characters, but the original ones honestly aren't much more than memorable character designs.

First, let's take a look at how IDW Publishing has revamped the two clowns. Yes, they're still thugs who wanted more power, became mutated (Karai hooked them up), and have interchangeable personalities, but the difference is they're now shockingly badass. I mean, they're downright frightening. Considering Bebop is still rocking the signature glasses and purple hair, him still managing to be scary is one heck of a feat. The two were created to be the Foot's muscle and now they're finally the physical force they were always meant to be. They may not be skilled and they may not be tactical, but they're powerhouses.

How excellent is that final panel? They still maintain their goofiness (they destroyed the building they were living in just for fun) and they're hilariously dated -- something which is humorously brought up at one point -- but man, they're so intimidating in this comic series. You can stab 'em, slash 'em, shoot 'em, hit 'em with explosives, and even drop a building on 'em, but they're still going to get back up and unleash all kinds of pain. Not even a swarm of Foot Ninjas were able to stand a chance against them. The duo walks away from the fight with a bunch of melee weapons stuck in them and they don't even seem fazed at all.

These two don't fully comprehend just how powerful they've become and that makes them truly terrifying. They act before they think and with their level of might, that leads to a ton of destruction and little concern for who they may hurt. These two goofballs now have a staggering amount of strength, so something as simple as a flick could seriously harm someone.

In their hands, this power makes them like a tornado AKA out of control and destructive. That's exactly why Shredder and Karai don't trust them with anything too elaborate and rely on them for simple missions. You know, like attacking or defending a location and yeah, that's about it. They really can't be trusted with anything else. When they attempted to take matters into their own hands, it didn't go all that well and they humorously agreed to never tell Karai about it.

They're the kind of villains I would SO read a series about just see the bromance and the hilarity.

With that I leave you with this

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