Tabletop Gaming 378 members · 82 stories
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Hey, I'm going to be GMing for a pony themed RPG web series at some point in the near future, and I need one more person to form the player group. We will be running using Pathfinder and the Roll20 browser app. Applicant needs to be reliable, have a good sense of humor, have no reservations about potentially making a fool of themselves on the Internet, and love ponies. Must have a functional microphone. Experience in systems other then 3.5/PF and with Roll20 is a plus. We aim to play once a week from 8pm-11pm EST, on a day currently tentatively set as monday. Anyone interested should drop me a line in this thread telling me a bit about themselves and their tabletop/pen and paper gaming experience and after a few days I'll pick someone.

I'm one of the players, and this is my favourite thread in this thread. Seriously though, if you're interested but shy, go on, give it a shot, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Literally everything ever.

4153977 Might want to PM or post here more, like, telling us about the stuff Alanith says we need. Although for all I know you're already doing that, just letting you know to be sure.

I'm fairly experienced with DnD, with little to no knowledge on Pathfinder or Roll20. I'm a fairly quick learner on that front though, having DM/GMed a few games in other systems before. And as long as the time for the game is later in the night or on the weekends, then I'm quite capable of joining in - I do indeed have a mic.

As for making a fool of myself, well, that's pretty much par for the course for how I live my life.

My first foray into RPGs was with Baldur's Gate, so I had a touch of 2.x experience. I picked up D&D with the launch of 3.0 and stayed playing until shortly after 4.0 came out. I've also done some tristat cyberpunk, BESM, and tried to convince my group to a round of Maid RPG. Seems they had "standards" or "shame". Their loss. I DMed once using good old MSN messenger. Lasted about 4 levels before schedules stopped working out.
I'm not too familiar with Pathfinder, but I read fast. Never used Roll20, but it looks fairly simple. Might play around with it a bit anyway.
I normally play diplomancer characters, but 3-8 int barbarian or druid sounds like a lot of fun. Whap Thunk the barbarian at your service!

4153728 Coming in late, but I have plenty of experience in Roll20, and 3.5/PF. I can pick up new games fairly easily if I have accsess to the rules. I'll have to check my schedule to see if i can commit though.
EDIT: I also have a nice blue yeti mic, realy nice sound quality.

Right, at the present we have filled our slot, and are no longer in need of a player. Thanks everyone for responding, and sorry if you didn't get picked.

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