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My name is Skull. Been on the site for 6 months... I just seriously wanna get something off my chest because I don't know how or where to express this.

I admit. I am a very calm person. But then again I have so much anger because of one. simple reason... My poor, idiotic, waste of existence, good for nothing, piece of crap of what I call a big brother....

Wanna know why I hate him? Because of how shitty he treats my mom. He even tried hitting her if he didn't get his way, so I always had to beat the shit out of him. I even remember kicking a tooth of his out once. It felt so good seeing him cry in pain because of all the stuff he pulled.

But no matter how many times this happens, no matter what even happens... My mom still freaking thinks of him as a son.

But ooh this isn't just the only thing I hate about him. My grandma thinks my mom is a shitty mom because she thinks everything knows best according to her. My brother is mooching off her like the damn leech he is by living there. When he got mad, he even fucking pulled a knife on her and my grandpa. When they called the police on him, I was happy to hear that. But then, I got so mad that day cause they did not put him away. Reason why? He was sick.

He has autistic disorder is why they didn't put him away. Hell, my aunts hate my mom so much they'd go freaking court just to bail him out, all because they love seeing her being treated badly. I just hate this so much! Why the hell to people like HIM have to get away with the crap he has pulled?!! It makes me so mad because I HATE it when almost everyone in my family treats her like this!! I swear I am even tempted on throwing my life into killing them just to make my mom happy, but I know damn well I can never do that because all it would do is make my mom feel worse if I ever did that... I just want to see that man suffer so much...

But what can you do? Life just always seems to throw the whole "You can pick your friends, but you can never pick your family" quote...

I am sorry for wasting everyone's time to those who read this... But I just don't know what to do...

Personally? I'd break into his room when he's not there, plant some high grade dope (federal crime, charges can't get dropped), and call the cops. Say you caught him and he threatened to kill you.

2033358 autism is no excuse for being a dick

The fact that he got off for being autistic is total bull. Thanks to me being high-functioning, I found myself in a summer camp for autistic teens and youth in general. Not one of them acted even remotely like that, There is definitely a difference between autism and whatever is going on there. I mean, I'm pretty effed in the head, but I would never pull crap like that. Yes, my mentality makes a lot of what I say come across entirely wrong, and gets me in some bad spots, but I've become more or less aware of these things, and I feel horrible for how I come across.

Now, I'm absolutely not trying to slam the guy. I don't know enough to do that, but I can definitely say that, from what you've said, whatever feelings you have are justified. I also applaud you for the self-restraint you hold. I know almost for a fact that if I'd had a brother like that, I would have nearly ended him. I would be the bane of his life until he straightened up. I don't have nearly the restraint to deal with something like that. You are much stronger than I in that department, no doubt, mate.


But I just don't know what to do...

You have to make a choice.
Either you abandon all of what qualifies you as a human being and you ruin your own life as well as that of most of your family; or you simply try to stay away from him.
That last thing is the only thing you can really do.
If your mother is too naive to see that he is ruining her life, tell her what you think of him and why; and then go away if you can. Try to find a cheap apartment somewhere, I don't know. But if someone like this was in my house and I couldn't do anything against it, I'd go. I almost did it once, because of one of my cousins who lived with us for a time.

This is a smoother solution, but not a good one. If you ever get caught, you'll be toasted.
If you do that, you have to ensure that your fingers do not touch the drug's package. Use leather gloves all the time. That's the least if you don't want the cops to suspect you.

Also this. "Autism" is not the only thing he has. It's probably more along the lines of schizophrenia.
So another solution would be to get some psychiatrist to test him. If he's really mad, they'll send him to an asylum if you're lucky. And this solution doesn't imply that if you get caught, you're toast. Because calling psychiatrists for that is perfectly legal.

If you don't mind, I'll pray for you. And please, real Autistic people are usually very gentle, and are like Fluttershy or Twilight Sparkle more than anypony else. Your brother probably has something else, if anything at all.

2033358 I.... I'm so sorry to hear that. As those ^ guys said, Autism is no excuse.

That's the vibe I'm getting, that it's not just Autism. Like I said, I've run into plenty with it, and none are like this. There is definitely something more there, and it should definitely be looked into professionally. Unfortunately, I don't see it happening. But then, that's that really weird part of my head that I only listen to when I'm able to assess things in person.

This sounds like a rough thing to deal with, honestly, and I don't really know what else I can suggest. Professional help is definitely a sound course of action here, though, I do suppose that "other" method is potentially viable, though I would consider that more of a ditch effort. Something you only do out of desperation, which this kind of thing does not need to reach, though I feel it may be nearing from what I can gather here.


My name is Skull. Been on the site for 6 months... I just seriously wanna get something off my chest because I don't know how or where to express this.

Hey Skull :tiwlightsmile:

I admit. I am a very calm person. But then again I have so much anger because of one. simple reason... My poor, idiotic, waste of existence, good for nothing, piece of crap of what I call a big brother....
Wanna know why I hate him? Because of how he treats my mom. He even tried hitting her if he didn't get his way, so I always had to beat the him. I even remember kicking a tooth of his out once. It felt so good seeing him cry in pain because of all the stuff he pulled.

It is your brother after all... He has a reason for being such a mean guy, because he feels unloved. When he grows older he will find a way to becoming normal once again. Everyone does. However, there needs to be an incentive for that, which is often either motivation or sanction. Motivation is the better solution, but often people like your brother do not really care about most motivations, so they have to be sanctioned. Beating the "!"§!"§ out of him may not be the best idea to do that. Leave it to others.

But no matter how many times this happens, no matter what even happens... My mom still freaking thinks of him as a son.

And that is what I call a loving mother. However, as I already stated, he will have to be sanctioned or he will continue.

But ooh this isn't just the only thing I hate about him. My grandma thinks my mom is a shitty mom because she thinks everything knows best according to her. My brother is mooching off her like the damn leech he is by living there. When he got mad, he even fucking pulled a knife on her and my grandpa. When they called the police on him, I was happy to hear that. But then, I got so mad that day cause they did not put him away. Reason why? He was sick


He has autistic disorder is why they didn't put him away. Hell, my aunts hate my mom so much they'd go freaking court just to bail him out, all because they love seeing her being treated badly. I just hate this so much! Why the hell to people like HIM have to get away with the crap he has pulled?!! It makes me so mad because I HATE it when almost everyone in my family treats her like this!! I swear I am even tempted on throwing my life into killing them just to make my mom happy, but I know damn well I can never do that because all it would do is make my mom feel worse if I ever did that... I just want to see that man suffer so much...

And this changes the whole problem dramatically. Think about your brother. He has a serious disease, that does really mess up his brain. I may not be an expert on autistic disorder, but it surely does change people. He may not even be in control of doing this "crap". Your brother is sick and he is still your brother. Hatred is the last thing you should give him.

He has a serious problem and you have to acknowledge that.
Then again, he is still threatening your mother and I can emphasize with what you are feeling there.

But what can you do? Life just always seems to throw the whole "You can pick your friends, but you can never pick your family" quote...
I am sorry for wasting everyone's time to those who read this... But I just don't know what to do...

Here is something you COULD do:
First of all, stop hating your brother and try to be nicer to him. I know, that is a hell of a task when he threatens your mother, but something you will have to do. He has a problem and rather needs help than hatred.
IMPORTANT: Talk to your relatives about how it bothers you and what is really going on. Ask for their motives and tell them how you feel about all of this situation.
Secondly, motivate him to do better. Give him 1 week and if he doesn't do !"§"!§ in that week, he gets idk , something cool. That can work but doesn't necessarily.
After that, give him a deadline. If he doesn't change the behavior till then, he should expect consequences.
Again, talk to your relatives about all of it. Helping him may require serious threats. If he is really a threat to your mother's help, that threat has to be changed. If he still threatens your mother and your mother still doesn't do anything about it, go to a professional. The internet is surely not the place for the best answer.

2033472 That's very sound advice. Though, let me be one of the first to point out that there is likely something more than autism in there. I'm not speaking from books or lectures. I'm speaking from life, from experience. Autism is really more of a social disorder in the most literal sense. Typically speaking, it is a disorder that affects the parts of the brain that make us mammalian: the social bits. I'm not going to get into the jargon, mostly because I'm no professional and don't intend to send such a message. I'm just someone who's lived with a lesser piece of it and worked with others on the other end of the spectrum.

One thing Autism does not do is make one a sociopath. If they are autistic, yes, it can compound the issue, but it is not the issue alone. Autism does not a character such as this make, not alone. There is something more serious and that needs to be professionally addressed.

Group Admin


You aren't wasting anyone's time, you're welcome here in fact! :pinkiehappy:

Just, don't do what 2033371 says. You could get in serious trouble if you're caught. That, and it would make you no better than your brother.

Why don't you tell us about your mother? Her sweet and gentle voice or her nice and caring personality? :twilightsmile:


Oh, I didn't want to imply that. I am sorry if I did. What I wanted to imply is that it is required to firstly to know, what someone thinks before judging them.

You should not hate your brother without knowing why he does what he does. More than often there is a relatable issue behind all of it. (I think, you shouldn't hate your brother at all, but nvm)

People are NEVER bad because they want to be bad for some reason. People are bad or aggressive because their environment formed them that way. They are bad or aggressive because they were born with an unhealthy mind. There are no people who are bad just because. They are either born with a defective mind (only a few) or were educated to be bad (most). Educated, of course, not implying educated by their parents, but educated by their whole social environment over the course of their entire life.

2033371>>2033393 Trust me, I have so much hatred for him I always spend my time thinking of ways I can make him suffer....

2033425>>2033472>>2033442>>2033596>>2033519 He pretty much also has schizophrenia from the many years I have known him . The other thing is he just doesn't know when to let go of the past after all these years he graduated elementary-high school. He thinks he has suffered than more than other people in the world.

2033520 Well... She is very hard working. Me ma pretty much is like a bear when it comes to me since I am the youngest and to my sister because she's growing up. She's also a biker, so she could get pretty nasty if you give her any attitude. She can't work though because of her Diabetes, but she compensates from S.S.I. so her money is helping making life easy for her while my dad works at a dead end job at Dish Network. She is very nice and welcoming too when she meets new people.

2033655 Then professional help is a good idea, a really good idea.

2033596 Preaching to the choir, mate. I know plenty about all that. I'm more or less still here for clarification and such.

2033358 ok my first response was serious 2033393 as you can see here now it's time for my less serious response.

jeice is your brother

2033662 He has a doctor. That ain't helping him though, all I know is he is a lost cause and beyond repair.

2033669 Been so long since I have seen this, you managed to get a laugh out of me and my sides. :rainbowlaugh:

2033691 Don't know what else to say, mate. My apologies for not bein' better help.

2033691 your welcome, it's honestly the main reason i'm here (in general), to get people to laugh :pinkiehappy:
or at the very least get people to say

though i prefer laughter :twilightsmile:

2033707 Its alright man. Just talking about it makes me feel better since I pretty much let all my anger out right now.

2033748 Well, my inbox is usually pretty quiet if you ever need somepony to just talk to. Also, there's always the Vent group you're in. It helped me get a lot off my mind one night. Then, as you can see, this group is very understanding.


Thanks. Besides I do need to socialize on this site more, kinda got 1 or 2 friends as of right now.

2033798 Well, I'm on that list now, mate. Shoot me a message some time. Cool?

2033358>>2033371 I want to agree with the whole "plant drugs on him" thing, but I can't. However, I don't trust the legal system of this country. I have been burned for things I didn't do just because of some people I knew, and been threatened with imprisonment several times for crimes I had no part of.

If you want to get at him, you need to do it on a psychological level. If you want me to tell you some ideas of mine send me a PM.

2033809 Don't mention it, mate. I'm just another writer that loves to love our favorite little equines!


"People who avoid unnecessary arguments tend to have high IQ's."

First of all, self-restraint is key. I am in a similar situation with someone in my life—not exactly your situation, but close enough where I can empathize. Don't make him your enemy, because a) something really bad could happen to you if he does snap, and b) it's possible that he still sees you as your brother, a.k.a someone he still cares for and respects. If that is the case, the worst thing you could do is go against him.
If he has a doctor—and I'm assuming by doctor, you mean psychiatrist—maybe he needs a new one. There are some doctors out there that are completely horrible at what they were trained to do. It can't help to try, it's obviously not helping him.
What I would suggest is write down everything. Get a notebook, big or small, and write down everything your brother does that is objectionable and cruel. Write down every single incident you can remember first, along with approximate dates. Then, keep a close eye on him, and write down everything else from then on that he does.
If necessary, find an adult that is not in your family as someone to talk to, someone you know and trust. We're from the internet, we don't know the situation as well as we might like, and even if we knew what to do, we don't know you personally, or we're a couple hundred/thousand miles away. If you talk to someone whom you can trust, they're there, they know you (and possibly the situation) better than any of us could.

And if you want someone to talk to, just to vent, or as a friend, etc, just know I'm here.

:rainbowderp: That is the best thing I have ever seen ever today.

Comment posted by doctor_whooves127 deleted Oct 27th, 2013

2034476 i aim to please :pinkiehappy: here have some more

Almost makes me wish I'd seen that show. Then I remember that this is just fan awesomeness, though.

2035304 yeah it's funny how sometimes the abridged series is better than the original.
here have a full episode


"BC or AD?"

"The hell are those?"

"I'm in the fuckin' past."

:rainbowlaugh: That was fucking hysterical. The whole thing, I mean; not just that one part.

... there were three Dragonball series? Damn. Is it some kind of animated equivalent of Power Rangers or something?

2035445 well no not really but there is this

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