Anti-Depression Ponies 1,887 members · 2,438 stories
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A little while ago, the founder of The Decent Writers Club left this fandom. I didn't know her personally, but her announcement that she was leaving rustled my jimmies to the core.

I tried everything from simply paying my respects, to playing sad music, and I even gave a heartfelt speech in her honor. Not even my favorite proverb can help me overcome the loss of Annalisa Flat. This is troubling me to a point where I'm troubled about that trouble.

This is unhealthy, so I'm coming to ask you for help. How can I overcome the loss of a fellow brony?

2030933 Well I've suffered this at the hands of Divide the Storyteller, a grand total of five times. I simply believe that a spark once gone leaves kindling behind, all we need hope for is that fire to be reignited. Blowing out a candle may darken the room, but if you have the right match you can light the path before you.


She had her reasons for leaving, and I respect them. She may return, but I'll never know until she does.

2030967 That's all we can do at this point.

2030933 Annalisa was in a group I'm in, and when she left, it troubled me too. Have a happy video. [youtube=]
Dang it!


Thank you. You have given me momentary reprieve in the darkness.

It can be sad to see people we like or admire go. Whether they are a close friend or just an acquaintance we all form bonds.

Bonds of friendship last a lifetime no matter what. A fight, moving away, or just drifting apart can happen, it is part of Human nature to change over time.

We are built of the memories and experiences of our past. Good or bad every person you meet becomes a small part of you. In your heart or in your mind no one every truly leaves us.



It is as the proverb I mentioned was my favorite says.

"Say not in grief; 'she is no more', but live in thankfulness that she was."

Every reassurance I get makes me feel a bit better. Thank you.


Hey, if it seems all the better to you, there's a guy out there... laughing his ass off at the thread title, not offensively but just purely humorously.

The best thing to due in times of need, as some would say, is nothing. Let time flow and see the future turn into now, seeing the changes that go through everyone in their own lives.

A friend is not lost to even the windiest of storms, the rush of the river, or the flames of the volcano. Only are they lost when your heart refuses to beat, and yet they can still stay there... in you... part of you...


I try to make things as light hearted as possible. Even then...

Thank you.


And light-hearted the title is... :pinkiesad2:


One day, I'm going to get my last name changed to Russell. Then I will name my son James. He will be known as Jimmy Russell.


One day I'll defeat sadness with a boop the face:rainbowdetermined2:

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