Anti-Depression Ponies 1,887 members · 2,438 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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This could help explain such high numbers of depression . . . but I dunno . . .

Well, to everyone that is depressed, this is more of a note that it's not you. It's not because you are a bad person, or you're ugly, or no one likes you, or whatever. It's just that our brain is geared towards remembering those bad memories, no matter how few or small they are.


This is the worst evolutionary instinct ever. :fluttercry: *grumbles* brain trying to make us depressed all the time... haunting you with past failures... :raritydespair:

brains suck...

This does make sense. Using negative emotions to help keep us away from threats, much like pain.

Duly noted.

Yes, but somethings are not worth remembering. Say hypothetically you accidentally said something racist to your friend without knowing. When you later learned what you just did, it sometimes comes back to bit you in the butt for no good reason.

Or if a tragedy happens, and you couldn't stop it.

Or if you were young and stole something, but not learning the full consequences. Now you can't even look at that friend knowing what you just did.

Why does the brain have to remember these?


Fear has its uses but cowardice has none.

~Mahatma Gandhi~


If I were a bee, I would be incapable of love, and the most loathsome creature on the planet. But I'm not.

I suppose negativity was a good trade off way back when, when you could warn your cave mates not to eat the bright citrus fruit and cow juice at the same time from experience.


This is the worst evolutionary instinct ever.

I'd rather be sad than dead.
Then again, it is true that nowadays humans don't need this instinct as much as they did in the past.

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