Pregnancy 1,948 members · 1,289 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

So, now that I'm no longer stressing out over stories, I have some time to check around and...

What!?! How did we reach so many members already?

Well, now that's out of the way, I feel like I should do something to invest others in this group. Contests don't really work well for this topic however, since there's a pretty big level of investment that goes into these stories, and I hate rushing people. A prompt collab has a similar problem, in that there just isn't enough time or space.

Maybe I'm wrong about that, and if I am, just let me know. I don't have a great deal of ideas, and I really want this to be a group that includes everyone, not just a dumping ground for my particular kinks.

Group Contributor

Well, I think that it's safe to assume that as far as 'kinks' are concerned, we all want something that has to do with pregnancy in some shape or form as a significant element of the story. But yeah, I'm not sure if this group is large enough for a contest.

2297655 My problem with a contest isn't the size of the group, it's the size of the story. I really don't think you can do the topic much justice i under 10k words, and that's just too big to put a deadline on.

Prompt tag might work, as it need only be snippets. But since not just any prompt will do, you may want to restructure the game.

Discussion threads (with links to relevant articles on the subjects in question) might work though. Like a whole thread on postpartum depression, with a link to an article or three on the topic, and the question "How do you think different ponies/ships would deal with this?"

Group Admin


Yeah, that's my gripe exactly with contests. You can't do the story justice in a reasonable word count, which is both sad and somewhat pleasing.

I think doing more of a focused prompt would be better. Selecting one for the week and letting people write in that time would allow for different takes, and help keep the subjects focused.

And yes, discussion threads are almost certainly the way to go. Again, I'll probably make them a weekly thing. I guess it depends on how things go in the meantime.

Group Contributor

I'm game for discussions, dunno about prompts though; I don't know what those are. Just bear in mind that while I'm not sure how many people in this group are students, December is a month frought with an obscene amount of work and study for us. So don't let it disappoint you if this month seems kinda 'dead' in that regard! :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Well if we're going for discussion, we could discuss various pairings, be they of different genders ages or pony species.

Myself, being a fan of Straight Shota in general, I tend to stick to just colt/mare foalcon fics, in fact I am kinda sort collaborating with OhGodWhy on his fic "Foalcon Impregnation Nation" mainly with helping out for pairings and once we have the pairing figuring out an idea to make the story. Also working with an artist to draw of pic of each of the pairings listed.

As far as the pregnancy fetish itself goes, paired with /ss/ it probably my favorite scenario to work with, most revolving around the conception, where the pregnancy is usually a more tender and bonding experience rather then sexual.

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