Pregnancy 1,948 members · 1,293 stories
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I would like some help writing a pregnecy story that inloves applejack the problem is I dont know how to go about it

Read a few different AJ pregnancy stories, if your going to write one. AJ already has a maternal side, if your going for cannon attitude Aj, then do confidence with unease or her being unsure and questioning herself if she can be a mother. Possible solution is Bloom, Granny and Mac reassure her she will do fine and ahe has them to help along the way. Another thing is who is the father, that plays an important role, who ever you choose, if there are fan fics about them then read a few to get a feeling for them, if they are cannon like Thunderlane, play him as cool and collected with a dorkish/clumbsy/mature side.

If you have questions let me know, i like pregnancy fics.

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