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Comments ( 7 )
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Group Contributor

Sadie's been gone for 7 weeks! :raritydespair:

I need to ask questions!

idk!!!! D:

Try Kaminoyouni, IRpony, or Vexy. They've each been logged in to fimfiction in the last few days.

Seems like she bailed. I can understand a few days, but 7 weeks pretty much means they likely be gone.

Group Contributor

I was hoping that maybe one of them would see my post, preferably all of them so they could answer me together.

4440362 - and sing "You are a princess, you'll play your part"?

Group Admin


Sorry for the late reply. I've literally not heard hide nor hair from Sadie. However, I'm still here, so if you need anything then just holler :twilightsmile:

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