Pregnancy 1,948 members · 1,293 stories
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So to try and bring some life to this forum, what are the pregnancy things you see in stories (fic or art) that make you groan/facepalm?

To start off, the old "father has to wait in room while mother has the baby" thing. Even in stories made today I still see it even if the mother allows others into the room. Why wouldn't you allow the dad to come in and support?

4378901 One Sparity verse I saw justified it with because of their experiences with the first kid. Namely Spike's dragon instincts made him stupidly overprotective and caused him to try to chase the doctors out of the room.

As for me... Not sure. Flimsily justified magical pregnancy? I also don't like it when authors skip over the entire pregnancy.

me? mostly the 9 months/11 months thing with ponies. i can understand confusion but i was raised around ranches and horses so...i guess i'm just used to it

I got loads.

first off I hate that "3-mth old newborn" syndrome.
in movies and cartoons it can't be helped because it's well... TV.
but in writing, having just popped the baby it's all rosy, bright eyed and smiling at you is a big NO for me. :facehoof:
I like to keep it real for that part, wet, naked, hungry, sleepy and helpless.

in slice of life fics, you read thru the chapters and there's all the drama, then when the birth comes it's a paragraph long.... :facehoof:

sex during birth..... you're fucked up!! :flutterrage:

having mundane senario.
mother goes in hospital. boooooring. :facehoof:
why can't it be dramatic like they didn't reach in time.
or it's during a storm. father is frantic but he has to deliver.

hmmm, i prob have more but it's not coming to me.

I like pregnancy-pets. I don't have any peeves about pregnancy-pets. :pinkiehappy:

4378901 Man of war did have a pregnancy where the main character had to wait outside, they at least came up with an excuse that father's were kept out until the birth was complete and then let in and asked if they felt a spark a connection to the foal. it was a tradition started by celestia and luna's mother.

as for my own pet peeve, it would be random magical pregnancy that comes out of nowhere and no sex was ever mentioned by the author. the only time i give it a pass is magical lesbian pregnancy based on love and actually having sex.

You mean besides there not being enough of them?
One pet peeve I have is that pregnancies tend to run one of two ways.
Either everything is sunshine and roses for the character that's pregnant. They love everything about being pregnant, there's no apparent down-sides to it, and it doesn't get in the way in the least.
Or being pregnant suddenly makes the character and invalid, they need constant help and can hardly do any of the things they would normally do just fine.
I don't run in to too many stories where the pregnancy is in the middle. Where the character is not helpless or constantly upset about being pregnant, but still runs into inconveniences because of being pregnant.

4378901 For me personally, I really don't like it when a story has a very unrealistic aspect with the excuse of "magic/spells." In this case, its when the size of the mare's belly is portrayed to be a gigantic size that can't fit through a wide door and it is because they needed to enhance size or something to make it easier for them, etc. The other thing, sometimes in conjunction to the first, is when said mare is pregnant with multiple foals for whatever reason. There shouldn't be any character being pregnant with 6+ at a time for countless reasons...not sure if Chrysalis would be an exception, but regardless.

Now, I'm all for head canons like Pinkie Pie being a triplet or whatever, but I do prefer a well written story with pregnancy that runs with more accurate ideas, such as equines only having 1 or 2 foals on the way at a time, 11 month duration, etc.

4379025 That I can accept (since its also played for a bit of laughs). But just them being left out for no reason is a bit of a drag. Feels like something from an old sitcom.

4379854 That too. Sure it isnt sunshine and rainbows, but pregnancy doesnt turn you into an invalid with the strength of a wet noodle.

My pet-peeve is that i hate skiping over the whole pregnancy there are times when its just a couple of paragraphs covering most the months then tge couple have sex around month 9 or 10 then birth. I want to see the month by month changes and how life gets dificult and the feelings from both parties and how they change

I hate how people rush through the 9 months

I know watersports isn't a common fetish but I hat that no one mentions the effects of the babies on the womans bladder


Mostly repeating some things already said, but also adding a few things:

-Skipping through the 9-11 months
-Turning the mother into an invalid
-3-month-old newborn thing
-The pregnancy has no relevance to the story. It's barely ever mentioned, nothing changes, and the reader can easily forget that the mother is pregnant.
-Adding on to that, having the pregnancy seem like it's going to be a main focus of the story, and then it's barely touched on at all.
-Any media that treats 'pregnant' like it's a swear word, or something
-In a complete story, having unrealistic things happen in a pregnancy with no explanation why they've happened.
-Not going into the reactions of the couple's friends/family when they find out the mother is pregnant.

5572494 Ah that's a classic one I hate, pregnancy suddenly making the mother into a helpless waif with the strength and fortitude of a wet noodle and being forced to constant rest.

Like I know you're not supposed to like super stress yourself, but seesh they can at the very least carry a box or groceries.

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