Comments ( 15 )
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Chances are, if you've joined this group recently, and read the current threads in the forum, you'd know by now that the group's founder and only admin, Multitraveler, seems to have... vanished. That being said, there's absolutely no way for anything to be moderated or really "archived" within this group, save for posting directly in the forums. And since there's quite the distinct lack of admins, that'll just be one big headache to manage.

As an alternative to this group, I myself am the owner and founder of a competing, yet fully-formed and functional group, called The Bronies' Archive. There's a full cast of admins there to manage everything, as well as folders to put as many stories as you'd like in the place. (Just no NSFW!)

And... yeah... I'm just gonna stop it here now before I feel even more guilty about self-promoting here and stealing members...


It's not stealing members if we can have dual membership, right?

Group Admin

A wonderful idea and although I'm a bit late in telling you, I appreciate you picking up my slack and getting everyone into a functioning group!

Though honestly, that group in and of itself has become more or less just a story dumping ground. I haven't really had a role in group management for quite some time now.

Group Admin

If you'd like, it'd be great to have someone helping me with this group!
Would be neat to give this group the love I stopped it from getting.

Maybe. Personally, I've also found myself getting a bit distant from the show though.

Group Admin

I feel you. Hope you're still enjoying fimfic tho.

I am. Ironically, I'm doing the polar opposite of what I did when I first joined the site. My first story was a cringy adaptation of an equally-cringy original story that I wrote back in seventh grade.

Now, I'm doing the reverse; instead of adapting an original story into a fanfic, I'm turning my most popular fic into an original story, chapter by chapter.

Heck, that was actually kinda one of the original goals when I first wrote that fic. It's teetering on the edge of being related to MLP at all, given how the only relation it shares with the show is that Twilight and Pinkie are actually two users in a simulation. From there, it adds enough worldbuilding to their "real-life" counterparts that one could likely start halfway through the story and never realize that it was an MLP fanfic.

Group Admin


That's dope as hell. Now that you've told me a little about your growth as an author, I feel emotionally invested in the story. I'll give it a read pronto!
I'm glad to hear that you're still enjoying the site, and I don't really have much attachment to the show currently either. I'm looking to start off where I left off, or maybe just start the show over and see if I still love it as much as I did before, but I think I've come to learn that I loved the characters more than anything.

Yeah. A lot of people around here these days say that the Mane Six seem to be regressing in their character development in the latest episodes simply because the original writers for the show are now long gone.

If you'd like a link to my first story to compare with my current flagship, here.

EWielder of the Orb: Of Magic and Ponies
A story of teens, evil beings, ponies, and interdimensional escape.
TheMajorTechie · 6.2k words  ·  16  7 · 682 views

- first story

What happens when you realize that your life is a simulation? Well, you put the headset back on.
TheMajorTechie · 74k words  ·  315  15 · 5.9k views

- current story, being adapted (and already mostly is) original fiction.

Group Admin

Much appreciated! I'll read the older one first.

Oh boy, are you in for a load of cringe.

Group Admin

That's what I like to hear

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