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Power Pony Crossover Crisis

The mane6+Spike have fallen thru the looking glass yet again and are now in a world filled with humans, super humans!

Beyond the magic mirror are power ponies arrive in ether the DC, Marvel, or some other comic universe, in ether there normal EG forms or there Magical Girl EG forms, and dressed as there power pony identities.

Armed with their natural pony ability, comic book powers and costumes, and their techno colored skin and hair, how will are Heroines fair next to big league superhero teams like the Avengers or the Justice League?

Here is how I would think a Pony turned EGhuman in superhero universe, would differ from a normal human beyond techno colored skin and hair.

Ponies are a, vary hardy race to survive the many dangers of Equestria, so a pony (even in EGhuman or EGmagicalgirl form) on average is stronger than the average human, as a base line, I think Unicorn Twilight who got 5th place in the running of the leaves, is top human non-pro athlete range.

Earth-Pony strange and endurance put them in the super-human range I would think, but among superheroes isn’t the best supper strength, I believe that AJ is closer to the Captain America level then the Superman level and Pinkie isn’t as strong as AJ.

Unicorns in this setting should be abele to use their natural magic with their hands, but it might take a bit for them to figure out how.

Pegasi with their wings and warrior history, remind me of Thanagarians like Hawkgirl, so I hope they keep their wings. Beyond that, Pegasi are also naturally resistant to the elements, lightning strikes just daze them, and during the Windigo attack the Pegasi where mostly hungry, not freezing like the other two tribes.

More on each pony later today.

Comment posted by J-Rook deleted Dec 31st, 2013


I think puppy Spike in that oversized Humdrum cape is just adorable, that said, spikes sidekick blues would be kick up a notch if he is demoted to talking animal sidekick if you are interested in a side story like that.

But if he keeps his natural dragon ability he would be far from useless, thou it might come as a surprise to him as well as others that he can still belch flames and chew throe diamonds.


Minus the pony-pun like so and Miss Marvellous is one of the few names that work better than their original.

It might take a bit for her to get on her two feet, but taking it slow, steady and level headed, she will probably tuff-it out better than the rushed and over-thinking Twilight.

Just on natural ability, AJ is the strongest, Dash can overpower her in the short run but can’t keep that up for long (see, run away cart, Mare do well). If they need somepony to hold up a collapsing roof or stop a train, AJs their girl.:ajsmug:

Not going to touch the magic rope, let’s talk about the Horse shoes. With her being used to being a pony, she could probably throw those thing just as accurately with her feet, mouth or pony-tail as her hand if need be, and with their heavy build and her super-strength she could embed one of those puppies in a concrete wall across the street. Plus if they are anything like batarangs she probably has trick horseshoes, I can already image a badguy getting a pair around his wrists and then magnetizing together to form hand cuffs (Horseshoe magnets:pinkiehappy:)

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash makes a much better name then Zap.

As long as she keeps her wings I think Dash will be able to fly right out of the gate and stay airborne as need be in till she could stand on her own two legs.

As for her natural abilities I will refer to the research done over at deathbattle for her fight with star scream.

As for her Zap power up, it saves her a lot of time and energy, as regular weather work takes a lot of prep.

Twilight Sparkle

Not a lot to work with in the hero name department so Twilight it is then.

Twilight is going to be spectacularly awkward if you set it pre-EG and its her first time human let alone with powers, she’ll have EG trouble walking, trouble flying, trouble with beam powers and maybe even trouble with her regular magic. So long story short, Twi is in for some deep trouble right out the gate.:facehoof:

But after she gets herself in order, she has the makings of a great hero, her regular spell list and raw magic power is enough, and being an alacorn makes her stronger and tougher then she looks.:twilightblush:

Twilight probably hasn’t put as much time learning attack spells, so the power-beams are a boon. Spike said she had a lot of different types of beams, but she only played around with ice and heat beams in the comic.


Well, if they have their normal abilities as well as their Power Ponies abilities...

Twilight/Masked Matter-Horn

Twilight's real power would come from her normal abilities, as the Masked Matter-horn is kinda just Twilight Lite, a serious drop in power. Basic, general magical ability as well as flight (And possible immortality) would make her a serious force to be reckoned with and, given the magic nature, would make her easily able to take out the likes of Superman, but she may find her match against mystic enemies (Dr. Fate, Dr. Strange, Dormamu, etc.

Hero Rating: 9/10

Fluttershy/Saddle Rager/Flutterbat

Much like The Hulk, Fluttershy would have to learn some anger management, but for her it would be so she can get pissed off. Her power is odd because it could inhibit her other ability, as her rationality as the Saddle Rager is questionable, and she seems to need mental focus to use The Stare. However, possibly a great asset, if she can learn to call on it, is Flutterbat (Which is hinted to linger, at least slightly), a form that comes with increased speed and agility, as well as possible echolocation, but, like Saddle Rager, would need some mental discipline and training to control. A combination of the three forms would be a devastating combo, though.

Hero Rating: 5/10 without training, 8.5/10 with, 9/10 with a 3 form combonation

Rainbow Dash/Zap

Like Twilight, Dash's hero abilities are kinda a weakening of her normal abilities, as she would rely on the amulet. However, with both her natural powers and Zap powers, it's actually a good boost to either one. Her natural abilities are great and would allow her to manipulate weather without the amulet, and the Zap powers would allow her to call storm clouds and such to her without having to find a cloud to start it. In addition to her natural speed, trick attacks like the Rainboom and Buccaneer Blitz and combat ability as a black belt, she is also a lot more willing to fight than the others, who are usually peaceable. This is one of the few cases where both normal and hero form powers support each other. Plus, she can, like, totally beat a giant robot.

Hero Rating: 9.5/10

Applejack/Mistress Mare-velous

Like Dash, AJ's abilities as a hero can support her natural abilities, the problem is both are rather generic. Probably boasting greater strength and physical resilience as both forms, she could be considered somewhat like Captain America in terms of physical strength, but she already possesses that ability in her natural form. The ability to control her lasso with her mind, should it be separated from her, and possible other psychokinetic abilities if she can apply them to the Throwing Horseshoes, are a boon for someone who would otherwise be a close range fighter. That said, she doesn't seem to have a select martial art training, appearing as more of a brawler, she has shown to be willing to throw out a beat-down if she has to use force.

Hero Rating: 7.5/10


The reverse of Twilight, Rarity's normal abilities are definitely not really battle ready. Her Hero powers, though, are an incredible asset. Comparable to the Lantern Corps, it's possible they could have similar effects/weaknesses as the Star Sapphire Corps. which share her light color. However, unlike the corps, there's no mention of her needing to recharge her bracelet, and we have no idea how easily it an be removed, if it can at all, both of which give her an edge against the Corps. The issue, though, is her personality and she may be less likely to engage in actual battle, and more likely to bat clean-up, catching fleeing enemies or caging downed ones.

Hero Rating: 8/10

Pinkie Pie/Flili-Second

With both her natural powers and hero powers, Pinkie would be a mother-rutting BEAST. Pinkie Sense, slight reality bending powers and super speed make her a heavy force to be reckoned with, and a sweeper in most fights, even against other speedsters (Although it's hard to tell if she would be faster than Canon Dash). That said, her drawback is her personality, preferring to play around with enemies could easily land her in trouble but, like The Flash, she could fast talk her way out of a lot. Unlike the flash, there is the distinct possibility of a second, more violent 'Anti-Hero' or even villainous Pinkamena personality playing a part in this. The only thing that would make Pinkie a more dangerous hero would be the possibility of some Multiple Man like powers lingering from the Mirror Pond.

Hero Rating: 9.5/10

and lastly...


This is gonna take more talk, so pay attention.

Since Spike gets absolutely nothing from his not so super hero side but a cumbersome cape, let's focus on his natural abilities. Dragon breath is a given, of course, but his fire probably is lower level among fire users, given his relative age, but still it's inherent abilities could be incredibly useful both for storing items for emergencies and possibly redirect projectile attacks.

His teeth, able to comp through gemstones, are a bigger asset than some think. Since I can't remember him ever actually eating diamonds, I'll go with the hardest gem I know for sure he has bitten into, Ruby. Ruby has a Mohs hardness value of 9 (Diamon had a rating of 10, the highest short of certain types of nano-carbon diamond that have to be artificially made). For a further demonstration, platinum and normal steel have a Mohs rating around 4-4.5, hardened steel is 7-8, and tungsten carbide alloy is a 9 at most, which means Spike could theoretically bite through most substances known to man. His claws have also, in his larger forms at least, been shown to be able to easily break through rock and are possibly close to being as hard as his teeth, if not just as strong.

We can't really comment on the strength of his scales, having no in-show instance to compare to, but we can make assumptions on something else, resistance. Magma, on the surface, is about 1300 to 2400 degrees Fahrenheit, and considering the volcano was an inlands one in a mountain range, it can be assumed to be a convergent plate boundary volcano, which would mean intermediate, mafic or even ultra-mafic magma, which is higher on the melting scale of melting points. The Magma we saw Spike swim in was not only highly fluid, but glowing, so with all that we can assume it was at an even higher temperature than the normal maximum.

In addition to that, Volcanoes are constantly releasing a number of volatile, toxic gasses and compounds of sulfur, chlorine, carbon, argon and a whole host of things that would kill you fairly quickly. Not only that, but volcanoes also release high temperature steam. Spike, along with other dragons, being able to not only breath, but thrive, in such an environment means an incredible tolerance to airborne toxins as well as an incredible heat resistance in their internal organs.

All of this leads to the conclusion that not only do his scales and body have a temperature resistance of at least 2400 degrees Fahrenheit (1300 Celsius), but it is likely much higher by at least a few hundred degrees, but he has a high tolerance, if not total immunity, to airborne poisons and toxins.

Lastly, we have a possible power. Spike's emotional state is capable of influencing his physical form. Much like Fluttershy as either Saddle Rager or Flutterbat, it is theoretically possible that, with proper mental training and conditioning, he too could have a Hulk-like form, or even size altering abilities like Giant Man.

However, in the end of it all, Spike is still, probably, somewhat young, a teenager most likely comparing his birth to a rough guesstimate of Twilight's age when he was hatched, and despite his maturity at times, his immaturity can still show. As support, he's a gem, but as a hero, he's still a bit rough around the egdes.

Hero Rating: 8/10, with the possibility of growing up into a 9.5/10

And that's my thoughts on that.

2497136 I agree with like 99% of your ratings, I started this thread as a place to dump some ideas I hade after reading the last chapter of among gods and watching Power Ponies. With any luck we will get a fic with the Mane6, as the power ponies, joining the justice league like I thought among gods was going to be about.

Some more on Twilight

In complete agreement with you that Twilight makes a superior superhero just being herself,:twilightblush: the only real benefit to the Masked Matter-horn power beams is that she is unlikely to have already learned spells like that already.

But, that's just looking at the surface, it is popular fannon that the Masked Matter-horn is a Pegasus scientist who built a artificial horn. This likely make her like Mr. Fantastic or Ant man in that her real superpower is that she is a scientist, so the real weapon Twilight got from her comic book alter ego wasn't some fancy ray gun but the sciences behind it, knowledge is Twilights real power, it would make sense that that's what was power ponied up.

(I would love your opinion on this; Where would the beams come from in her human form? Her gloves, her goggles, would she have a raygun, a science wand, or would she have a fake horn on her human forehead?)


But that's just it, it's fannon. Without a backstory, we can only really infer what we see, and we are given no reason to believe MatterHorn's horn is in any way artificial, although it would explain why she couldn't work it properly, and it would make her more like Ant Man, whose powers are from technology, than Mr. Fantastic, whose powers are from exposure to a certain type of energy. It might just be a matter that, as you said, Twilight doesn't normally use ice beams and, thus, isn't experienced with that kind of magic yet, which is why she was nerfed as a fighter

As for the power of knowledge, again, Twilight already has that, she's a researcher, student to the princess and has a freakin' lab in her basement. She's already a powerful mind, and if it were a sort of super power applicable to her, it would have manifested in some way while in the comic (I'm thinking Ben 10 Grey Matter style bursts of hyper intellegence), but the way you describe it is more like Matter Horn is simply a gifted scientist, something that wouldn't transfer over.

The girls would get the powers of their hero selves, if they also got the memories, they would instead be fusing with other beings, which would open up a whole other can of worms because, short of the real HumDrum being apparently useless, we know nothing of the actual Power Ponies' Personalities or how they would clash with the Mane 6 and Spike', which could be disastrous.

It could lead to the normally timid Fluttershy being overtaken by the real Saddle Rager, or the more strong minded/stubborn Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash going nuts as their minds fight for dominance against the Power Ponies, who might not take kindly to being shunted into a mental corner. Rarity is a toss up, but Pinkie, with the possibility of already being of two minds, could end up utterly insane or, worse, having her mind snap into something much much darker, and if Hum Drum gets lucky and isn't as useless mentally as he is normally, it could result in Spike losing control of himself and suddenly, there's a giant Greed rampage again as the two fight to get control from the other.

2505144 Well I wasn't really suggesting Twilight getting MatterHorn's memories or Personality, as you said Twilights is already a gifted scientist, so matterhorns notes or research would service.

You can tell a lot about a hero by there costume, and matterhorn look's more science background then magic(the goggles really sells it.) plus, twilight fits the scientist superhero archetype.

What superhero team would you think the mane6/power ponies should have a crossover with?

Well...Not sure on specific teams, as yet, but I think it would go more in the DC universe.

Not to disparage the marvel universe, but sometimes, to me, it seems to have the need to make things dark and the overabundance of multiversal crossovers already makes things complicated. I know, the need to make things gritty is to make the heroes seem more human, more relate-able, but sometimes they take it to the point where I kinda root for the villains because the heroes seem like worse people (I'm looking at Reed Richards and Scott Summers, but they're just peaks in the mountain range of dis-likable heroes). Sometimes, they try and make a character more human, but end up with the hero displaying only the worst parts of the human condition.

Yes, DC heroes get edgy too, or can be overblown, or stereotypical, but a lot of them can be just as relate-able without having to also exemplify the worst of humanities traits (Sometimes), and be human while still being super human, if it makes sense. But at the same time, with the wide range of moralities, it still has many, many shades of gray just like Marvel.

If I had to chose a team from DC, it definitely wouldn't be the League, though, not from dislike, but because it would be too easy and too quick. Heck, I think it would be best to start the girls and Spike out in their own place, having to blend into society and adjust to their new abilities/species while doing so, while finding their place in this new world or find a clue to why they are there. It could build into occasionally using their abilities to help people, but they would probably try to keep it hidden.

I'd see AJ or Dash being the first to do so, but AJ could easily hide her powers, Dash's are a lot more noticeable. Twilight, as the leader, would have help reign things in, but also realize that they have a responsibility to help if they can, leading to a new team all their own, which can lead to interactions with others as the need arises, but they would also probably be an area anchored team, sticking to their territory.

My question is, would Spike have to be a dog?

2505491 I can only say the person righting the fic get's to decided if Spike is the teams adorable talking dog or not. I no what I do if I could wright, but the fact that I can't won't stop me from trying this time!

I grew up on the lighter side of Marvel so I don't view it like you do, but, I was aiming towards DC myself any way, teen titans or young justice. The big problem I have with marvel is if they walked around New York with candy colored skin they'd attract sentinels, but odd colored skin and hair never bothered the teen titans in that mid 2000s cartoon.

I like your idea of them getting there own turf, the only problem I have is the same problem that prevent me from righting anything, "no plot syndrome" I can wright how they got there, whip up a decent fight scene, and make believable character interactions, but my stories lack direction and there is no ending in sight.

Oh well, still going to try, and there is a lot of holes to hammer out before that.
A rouge gallery is next on the list, what are some challenging DC villains that might blow threw are ponies town?


The thing is, if Spike is a dog, it comes out to an even worse deal for him. The big problem with Spike being a dog would be the fact that he is purple. With other super animals like Ace and Comet, their colors and appearance still match normal animals, so with or without their capes they still look like any other dog or horse of a set breed. With Spike, there is no breed on earth that is purple and green. That might fly in the EG world, where people are technicolor, but in DC or Marvel, people will know something is up right away.

Which means Spike would have to hide away all the time and would only be able to leave for super business, because he has no way to blend in. It would also make him stuck being without a romantic interest outside of the Mane 6, which would still run into troubles if someone's being seen getting too affectionate with a dog.

And I wasn't sure if we were talking about them still having the colored skin, but that would eliminate them being able to blend in at all, except for Rarity and AJ, maybe Fluttershy. The reason BB and Starfire could just walk around is because they didn't have an identity to hide (Like Raven Said, "What secret Identity? You're green.") If the girls want to hide their identity or blend in, they would have to appear as normal people, something they couldn't do with EG bodies, they can pass off the hair as dye, but not skin color, at least not for long.

And if they had to be somewhere with known villains, and you're more on the animated side of things, the better place would probably be Dakota City, home of Static. It's not one of the major hero cities, but it has villains, problems, and enough room for the girls to blend in. And not all, but a fair few of the villains are the kind of things the girls could deal with, teens who kinda have messed up lives and could use the whole "friendship" lesson.

2506673 I enjoyed Static Shock, I need to think more on that.

As for your concerns, I wasn't planning on having them pass for human in my story, no secret identities, no hiding there different. I don't mean that they are going to be fighting villains right away, but they are going to have to deal with being clearly meta-human.

This means that spike isn't pretending to be a dog, he is just in the form of a dog, so he doesn't haft to watch who he specks around. As for romantic concerns about spike, I don't ship spike, I think despite his crush on rarity the age gap between them is to great. Plus, I don't wright romance in general because its a pain.


Then you needed to be a bit more clear on that.

Nothing else to say, really, although SPike would still have problems with the whole 'loss of hands' thing, I think


Just an addendum, we see an impressive feat of strength from Spike in "Rarity Takes Manehattan"

Okay, this takes a lot of guessworkm but I'll try and figure this out.

Just by looking we see two large wooden chests (About the size of a hope chest, wooden chests can weight between 50-150 lbs empty), about 8 suitcases of varying sizes (Let's say maybe 7-10 lbs each, empty), ans assorted bags with a gym bag (Let's say, empty, about 15 lbs all together, empty), and that's just the stuff we see in the front., weighing to between 156-395 lbs just with the luggage. Let's go with the median and say 275.5 pounds for the luggage,

Using the Ponies as a measuring stick, assuming they're about 3 feet high, I'd guess there's about 63 cubic feet of space (The pile looks about seven feet high by three feet wide assuming the bottom suitcase is square, it would be about three feet deep as well), say minus 18% for empty space between the cases and for the walls of the cases themselves, that leaves 51.66 cubic feet of space.

With already having Rarity's dresses in addition to the equipment used later in the show, I think Spike could be carrying, maybe, 500-700 lbs, total, if not more. Given his size, that's some impressive strength.

But, again, it's all poorly thought out guesswork.

Strength is hard to calculate in a cartoon like this, Ex; Scootaloo kicked a bowling ball so hard it ricocheted of a wall in one episode, and couldn't lift a stick with two apples on it in another.


I know, and like I said, it's a very, very rough guess, but Ponies are known for strong legs and there's a significant difference musculature between a snap kick and keeping that much weight airborne


or would she have a fake horn on her human forehead?

what, like the unicorn from Iron Man Armored adventures?

2938297 the Unicorn is from other Ironman stuff too, but yes probably


Well, given the upcoming comic, it seems we have an answer on this...

The actual Matter-Horn is a unicorn and the wings were just Twilight's, so the beams seemed to just be spells and seem to be what Twilight could imitate.

2494750 Hi, J-Rook, Here are the Universes That Will Most Likely Fit into this kind of story that which in turn I Most Highly Recommend for the Mane6+Spike/Power-Ponies+humdrum to end up in as well as the time-placement the story should be at...
Power Ponies (Equestria Girls Version)
Marvel Comics Mainstream Universe (Secret Wars (2015)/All-New, All-Different Marvel (2015)/Civil War II (2016)/Marvel NOW! (2016))
DC Comics Mainstream Universe (The Flashpoint Paradox (2012)/DC The New 52 (2013)/The Darksied War (2015)/DC Rebirth (2016)))
Hasbro's Transformers (Bayformers (2007)/Alignedformers (2010))
Microsoft's Halo (Insurrectionists/Human-Covenant War/Post-Covenant War Conflicts)
Ben 10 Multiverse (Ben 10 (2005)/Generator Rex (2010)/The Secret Saturdays (2009))
Valiant Comics Mainstream Universe (Harbinger Wars (2014)/The Valiant (2015)/X-O Manowar (2012))
Links Further Proving my point on this:
After both the My little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 6 Finale and the My little Pony: Equestria Girls 4 Legend of Everfree Movie but before the my little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 7 Premiere and Both The My little Pony: Equestria Girls 5 Movie and The My little Pony: The Movie 2017 film aka sometime in the gap between Equestria Girls Legend of Everfree and Season 7
while the Other Universes Take Place during the time-span of the links I Sent to you for example the Marvel Comics Mainstream Universe Time-Placement Takes Place in the Time-Span of Secret Wars (2015) though Marvel NOW! (2016) which is exactly Like the other links according to the ones i sent to you...
Nuff Said.
with thanks and hopes up,
From Your Biggest #1 Fan of all time in the history of all of Reality and all of existence itself,
Shane W.L. Nokes aka James S.K. Plasma aka Dark-Pulse/Darkimus-Primal

2494750 P.S. Oh and the theme song should be a Power Ponies Version of the Power Rangers Dino Charge/Dino Supercharge Theme Song...

...Nuff Said.

2494750 P.P.S. It turns out out of all the universes the 3 that are most likely to be involved in the story are...
Justice League Action! (2016-Present)
Disney XD Marvel Universe (2012-Present)
Alignedformers (2010-Present)

...Nuff Said.

man I forgot about this page. nice ideas, been meaning to look up Justice League Action! looks interesting thanks

5376667 P.P.P.S. and in-turn here is what the trailer for the Power Ponies MLP EG Concept showing what the tone and the character direction as well as the Plot Inspiration for it as well...

...nuff said.

5376667 P.P.P.P.S. and finally here is what the posters and the Orchestral theme for the Power Ponies MLP EG Concept Should Be Like....

...Nuff Said.

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