Power Ponies HQ! 430 members · 218 stories
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Group Admin

Don't act like you haven't thought of it! The BG ponies must have superhero counterparts too! And now here's a thread for those ideas! For example:

Name: Dubstep
Alter ego: Vinyl Scratch
Occupation: Nightclub DJ
Power(s): Using her magic, she can create intense and powerful ultrasonic sound waves (very similar to her Bass Cannon). She can focus these into high-pitched beats that can stun the enemy, or a single powerful sound wave that deals massive damage to the foe, but is harder to aim. She also uses small record-like trowing-disk's.

Note: Her glasses are replaced by a facemask like the Masked Hatter-horn's.

Group Admin

Maybe some thing like this:

Edit: Her glasses are replaced by a facemask like the Masked Hatter-horn's.

2470781 2470792 So essentially Vinyl is Vibe?

Also Time Turner's counterpart is................. The Doctor

Come on, this one is too easy. Also before you make the argument that The Doctor isn't a superhero, let me say this. He saves planets, fights monsters, and has the superpower of being able to regenerate and has gadgets Batman would spend his entire life savings on if he could

Group Admin

Just a reminder, this thread is for anyone who has an idea for a superpony counterpart of a certain BG pony. Think you guys can come up with one?

I can see Vinyl being closer to Black Canary. But yes, BG Power Ponies is a thing that needs to happen. I would love to see the superhero counterpart for ponies like Carrot Top, The Cakes, Cheerliee, and Octavia. :pinkiehappy:

2470906 2470792 2470908 I already posted one of my ideas(Seriously for Time Turner there is no one else he could be)

Name: Solar Mare

Alter Ego: Celestia Diurnal

Powers: Super strength, super-speed, flight due to wings, solar heat blasts from horn, invulnerability to all except the highest forms of magic and radioactive moon rock, super hearing, super breath, telescope, microscope, and x-ray vision.

Costume is a solid blue outfit with a red and yellow sun symbol on her chest, with a red cape. Also Celestia is totally the Superman of the Power Ponies world.

For each hero, there must also be a villain...

Name: Gilda *Surname Unknown*

Alter Ego: Talon

Specialized in close quarters combat, she uses a set of razor sharp metal claw covers.

The head of the Iron Wing street gang, that mostly deal in illicit substances and black market weapons, as well as running protection and gambling rackets. Talon rose through the ranks in a tail of bloody dominance, and is known for her vicious brutality and has no patience for failure from her subordinates.

Group Admin


Name: Viol-ince
Alignment: Good
Alter ego: Octavia Melody
Occupation: Cellist
Power(s): She uses an enchanted bow to play her cello and change it into anything she imagines, similar the Radiance's magic bracelet. It act's a wand & sword for close combat and can enchant her own cello, allowing it to fire energy beams in the shape of music notes or use her cello as a board to fly on. Also, NEVER insult her music! Or she'll go El Kabong on your ass!

As the writer of the Backgroundverse, I find this both intriguing and frustrating; intriguing because I now realize a future story I'll have to do, frustrating because I don't want to steal other people's ideas.

Comment posted by Alphamon_Ouryuken deleted Mar 1st, 2014

Name: Magic Mare

Alter ego: Trixie Lulamoon

Occupation: Traveling stage magician

Power(s): With her magical gifts as being a unicorn as well as her skills as an illusionist, Magic Mare is also well verse in knowledge of magical artifacts, capable of knowing how to use them and knowledge of their weakness. She can use magic even without the use of her horn with just a utter of a word or a gesture of her hoof, though her horn gives her more precise aiming with her spells.


(Sadly, most other images I could find are NSFW)

3163576 So, basically Zatanna, but much less complicated.

Pretty much. I thought it would fit well with Trixie.

Well, many comic groups have spin-offs, so I was thinking of a spin-off group built around Applejack/Mistress Mare-velous. It would be based on her and her immediate family, so let's start with:
Applejack/Mistress Mare-velous: Mind controlled rope and hoofarangs.
Big Macintosh/Bum-Steer: Super Leaping (can jump miles from a standing start), Super Strength (second only to a certain mare when she's angry, can bench press a locomotive engine), Super Stamina (never tires under almost all circumstances), Invulnerability (to things less than bunker busting weapons), Stomp Shock (generates a localized earthquake by stomping with his fore or hind legs) and Horn Butt (He can break things with his head). Has longhorn horns, dresses in nothing but black shorts. His weakness is he loses strength when he gets hungry.
Apple Bloom/Tiny Tornado: She can spin like a Tasmanian Devil. While spinning, she can destroy things she passes through up to the strength of a steel girder. She can also fly while spinning. Her weakness is if she spins too long at one time, she gets severely dizzy. Her costume is a full yellow jumpsuit with a "false cutie mark" that is a small red tornado. It has a hood and red-tinted goggles.
Granny Smith/The Denture Avenger: She can throw false teeth with deadly precision, and boy does she carry alot of these ivory beauties with her. They 'bite' what they hit, and it takes more than normal pony strength to pull them off. She can throw about one every second without losing accuracy, and they can travel up to about 100 yards. If she takes a second, she can attach a line and use one of these as a grappling hook. Her weakness is she's still older than dirt, and doesn't get around much without taking her Power Potion about once an hour, and can only carry two bottles with her at any one time. Under the Power Potion, she's as spry as she was as a teen. Her costume is a dark green farmpony dress with full skirts and a granny bonnet.
They operate under the name Team Pineapple, and operate from a Pineapple/Almond farm on the outskirts of Maretropolis called Sweet Pineapple Acres. There's also a teleporter that the Mistress can use to go to the Power Pony Headquarters.

Group Admin

That's an interesting (and funny) take on the Power Ponies Apple Family.
Love it!

3228851 Thanks for the read and comment.

Maud Pie/ The Geomancer- She is an earth science teacher at Maretropolis High school, and is very passionate about the subject. (Although it rarely shows) She, like her sister Pinkie's powers aren't natural. She had special horseshoes that she puts on that allows her to shift the earth to her control which uses her own energy to activate, anything from sand to boulders she can lift and control with the power of the horseshoes. She can control metal as well, but that takes more energy from her to try to control it. Her outfit would basically be a grey trench coat with a suit with grey pants and goggles.

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