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Hey there Power Ponies Fans! EquestrianTwist hear with an interesting thought, what if the villain from Alliance of Villainy (or Malevolence, if you prefer) were revamped. If you remember from the IDW comics, the Mane-iac brought together five other villains to create the Alliance and Combat the Power Ponies. The villains she recruited were:

*Pharaoh Phetlock; a earth pony stallion dressed up as an Egyptian pharaoh with an army of mummified henchmen at his disposal
*High Heel; a mare with a shoe-based supervillain persona. She can throw her shoes to incapacitate enemies
*Long Face; a Pegasus stallion dressed like a mime who can throw voles of chemicals that instantly make opponents so saddened and depressed they can't oppose him
*Shadowmane; a pony dressed in a hooded cape and scarf, as well as ninja gear. He is very agile and quick in the comics and probably could be considered a ninja in some regards
*Smudge; a pony seeming made completely out of ink or some other kind of black viscous substance.

I was wondering what powers, abilities and backstories these villains would get if they were revamped for a more action-packed variation of the Power Ponies (kind of like DC comics did with Batman when they changed his comics from campy to gritty). Obviously ignoring the Mane-iac, because she already has that Joker vibe already present in current Batman comics, what ideas can you guys come up with? I'd be interested in anything you have to offer.

I know I like it!

Cool Ideas! I especially like your ideas for Long Face and Smudge (I'm getting sort of a Clayface meets Bendy and ink machine vide from his origin, I really like it). I can already imagine some villain monologues from these guys when they face the Power Ponies:

Long Face confronted by the Power Ponies before he's about to enact the final step of his plan to takeover Maretropolis:

"Stop this Joe! It isn't to late for you. You can still..."

"I CAN STILL WHAT?! Go back to living a normal life? To being a functioning member of society? I WAS A CLOWN MAREVOLOUS! I WORKED FOR THE CIRCUS! Do you know how much a circus salary pays? PEANUTS! LITERAL PEANUTS! I only ever earned enough bits per week to buy a single bag, and that was my lively hood! No pony is going to want to hire an ex-circus clown, especially one that looks like me."

"(Long Face releases a dark chuckle that sounds more similar to a whimper) But that's always been the case, hasn't it? I've always been the butt of everyone else's joke. Even when I was Cheerful Joe, ponies never came around to see me perform. They only came to laugh at me, and make them feel better about themselves for a while..."

"...That's the sad truth about this world. No pony really cares about anyone else, we're all just searching for somepony less fortune to make ourselves feel better. Ponies only do good deeds to receive praise and thanks in order to make themselves feel falsely happy! I'M SICK OF IT! I am going to make everypony in this forsaken city feel every ounce of despair I felt when I became like this! I will show them what true sorrow is! And make them realize their pursuit of happiness through trivial means is meaningless. (A wide maniac smile spreads over Long Face's muzzle as tears gush down his cheeks) And the best part about it is, when everypony is blanketed under my unescapable dark cloud of despair, I'll finally have something truly worth laughing about. (Long Face releases a louder version of the laugh he gave off before) And there's nothing you Power Ponies can do to stop me."

Sure that sounds like fun! Tell you what, I already have an idea for some dialogue for Shadowmane. I'll do him and Pharaoh Phetlock. You can come up with the dialogue for Smudge, High Heel and The Mane-iac if you want. I look forward to reading what you come up with.

Love it! My Turn:


In an undisclosed location, Shadowmane holds The Masked Matterhorn hostage:

(Matterhorn struggles against the shadowy straps that currently keeping her bound to the floor) You're never going to get away this, I hope you know that. My friends are going to find me, and when they do you'll be on the first Police wagon to Balkham Asylum.

(Shadowmane launches a black shuriken from the shadow his body casts on the wall. The shadow star embeds a housefly against the wall, making Matterhorn wince. The dark stallion turns towards her) It feels refreshing to hear somepony speak of others with such loyalty. Do you really believe your friends are coming to save you?

(Matterhorn frowns at the stallion) There isn't a doubt in my mind.

(Shadowmane remains silent)

Would you mind if I tell you a story? It will help us pass the time. (Matterhorn only glowers at him in response. Shadowmane continues in his calm tone of voice) A long time ago, their existed a land that was both rich in history as well as culture. The land was know for its valuable treasures, each of which were great symbols of pride for the ponies that lived there. Naturally, aspiring thieves came from all corners of the world to attempt to steal this land's treasures. A guard was needed to defend the land, so a secret order was founded. This order was trained in secret martial arts, allowing its members to blend into darkness of night, and even the shadows of the day. Each member of the order was taught to treat each other as if they were family... (A slight gruffness appears in Shadowmane's voice) ..that every stallion standing beside them in the order was nothing less then a brother.

A young member of this order, a struggling martial artist, but a steadfast warrior, believed in his teachings full-heartedly. He would have accepted laying his life down for his brothers and order without hesitation. But sadly, not everypony agreed with his stance on loyalty. One night, a pair of petty criminals tried to steal a rare item from the order, the legendary Jewel of Shadows. The young warrior and a few of his brothers easily stopped the robbery, but the jewel was never returned. The young warrior was blamed for the theft by his fellow members, and was dismissed from the order in disgrace. Only after years of incarceration did the warrior realize that his had brothers betrayed him.

(Matterhorn is struck silent) By the look on your face I can assume you realize who's life this story is alluding to. (Shadowmane smirks underneath his mask) But fear not, the story does have a happy ending. On the cusp of his adulthood, the warrior escaped his prison and found those who betrayed him. He stole back the Jewel of Shadows and made them pay for every second he spent false accused. His revenge now sought,
the warrior went on to live in new land, a beautiful city, where he could use the jewel's power to its fullest potential.

(Matterhorn was still short for words) The moral of this story is, my dear Masked Matterhorn, that everypony has a price, and when they find it they'll gladly stab you in the back to obtain it. I gave your friends that choice after I captured you. Now all that's left do is wait and see if your friends can overcome their basest desires in order to save you. But personally, I wouldn't hold my breath.

And here's the conclusion:


The Power Ponies arrive and Maretropolis harbor to confront Pharaoh Phetlock:


(Pharaoh Phetlock stabs his staff down on the dock in the harbor parting the sea down to its sandy floor. A powerful wind begins to blow creating a powerful sandstorm that threatens to engulf Maretropolis.)

(The Power Ponies arrive) ARE YOU MAD! (The ancient pharaoh turns towards the Power Ponies) A storm like this could destroy the city!

Necessary losses needed to achieve a better kingdom! This city is flawed and diseased crime is rampant, thieves and robbers rule the streets and your pitiful excuse for guards and police can do nothing to stop it. I once ruled a harmonious kingdom, where crime was nonexistent. It was that way because I ruled with a firm but fair hoof! My subjects knew to fear my wrath, and respected me for the decisions I made in their stead. They knew they could trust me, because I was chosen by the gods to lead! I did everything in my power to make sure they could live peaceful lives, and made it my mission to make their era of happiness last forever. IT WAS THE GREED OF THOSE UNWORTHY THAT DOOMED MY EMPIRE! DOOMED MY SUBJECTS!

(The wind begins to blow harder as the stallion becomes more enraged) Even now in this new age, I find only more unworthy leaders and guardians ruling over their suffering subjects as if they were common livestock! Even Ponies like you, who strive to protect the innocent and downtrodden, cannot reach your full potential because the laws set forth by your leaders prevent you. I will bury your city and rebuild my kingdom; I will snuff out Maretropolis's wicked population; I will fix what a thousand years of greed, hatred and war have created and return the world to a time the Anuygptain gods could be proud of!

(Phetlock raises his staff and points it at the Power Ponies) You mares have stood in the way of this rebirth long enough! I WILL NOW PERSONALLY SEE TO IT THAT YOU NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF RA'S SUN AGAIN! PREPARE TO DIE!

That dialogue was fun to write. Think you could come up with origin stories for the Power Ponies next (Note: can include Hum-Drum if you like). Let's try to not make the mane six alright. I'll give some suggestions but feel free to do what you want. Members are:

*Fili-Second: The fastest mare alive; I imagine her as the youngest of the group (besides Hum-drum), maybe a high-school senior? Very chipper and loves to throw around witty superhero banter.
*Zapp: a Pegasus who can control lightning with her pendent. In the comics I believe she has an accent similar to Thor's in marvel comics, so I
like to imagine the pendent she uses is magical remnant of some Norse museum exhibit or something.
*Mistress Marevelous: an earth pony mare with hoof-a-rangs and a lasso she can control with her mind. She has a gruffer personality in the comics and doesn't like to play games. I imagine she has a very short temper.
*Radiance: a unicorn mare with bracelets made of magic stones that allow her to make energy constructs. She basically acts like rarity.
*Saddle Rager: a Pegasus with the ability to transform in a hulking beast. She also has a short-temper as you'd expect in the comics, but I feel she's a little more subdued
*The Masked Matterhorn: a unicorn with the ability to fire different ray blast from her horn. A common fan theory concerning Matterhorn is that her horn in artificial and is only a part of her mask. She is the leader of the power ponies and takes the position very seriously.
*Hum-drum: The team's sidekick. Though a little clumsy and childish, he is very eager to prove himself as a superhero and stop at nothing to help his idols.

I can't wait to see what you come up with.

You've done it again, you really talented Jed. You should really consider writing your own power ponies fanfic with these ideas, it really has the potential to be great, and I'd like to see how far these ideas can be taken. Of course, I'd also be willing to help if you'd let me.

(P.S. I love the name Cheeky Lad, made laugh as soon as I read it!)

sure, I'm only making a suggestion. By no means think I'm trying to force you into anything.

This is pretty good work.
I thought Shadowmane was a girl...:rainbowhuh:

If I remember correctly, Shadowmane is referred to as a he in the comic. But I'll give you this though, his costume does make him look like a mare to some degree.

Well, from what I have now researched, Shadowmane is actually a mare.

But again, the origins you guys made on here are pretty excelent.

My take on Shadowmane, I believe that under the hood, she's actually really cute, like Pinkie Pie-youthfulness cute. Its something she finds somewhat embarrsing, as ponies tend to not take her seriously. Thus she often dress up so that people will legitatmely fear her for her skills. Of course, she does use her looks to her advantage whenever she is out of costume.

Just my two cents.

...I just realized this is more comedy side than action-packed theme you guys started, but I think this could still factor in her origin in both ways. (serious and humours that is.)

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