Crazy Cannon Bouncers (CCB) 55 members · 78 stories
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Shimmering Honor
Group Admin

Hello all.
This thread is for those of us who have joined the group to introduce themselves and an OC of theirs if the so choose.

Hello everypony, I am Shimmering Honor, I am British and Proud of it. I am one of the three creators of this group.

I original found out about Bronies through my best mate, Vocal Brony. he then managed to get me into watching MLP FiM at Christmas of 2012. I was Hooked. it made me laugh :rainbowlaugh: and I just loved the characters, it taught me alot about being the greatest friend, I was already attempting to do most of what the show taught me.

Any way, I am now joining this site to dive deeper into the Brony world and enjoy all the fun it can bring and hopefully get some more friends.

I will freely admit my spelling and grammar suck, but I got a c in gcse English and that's all that maters really. I am attempting to write stories everypony can read and I think the mane theme will be finding yourself, I try and stay away from clopfic's, the dark and gory stuff.

I am also A BIG fan of Thomas the Tank engine and I do my own fan series of that called Sodor Chronicles.

Bit about my OC, Shimmering Honor, well he is a Brave Pegasus Born with a Light Blue coat, with a dark blue and deep red main, with a stripy tail, he wheres a watch, a stetson hat a jacket with plenty of pockets, He is Kind, Honest, Trustworthy and Has a very big sense of Honor. It is often said if he had an element of Harmony, it would be Honesty.

If anyone needs help or just wants to talk to somepony that can keep a secret, juts PM me and i will see what I can do.

Group Admin

Hullooo! I'm RGLloyd, writer and incredibly over sappy friend. I like to keep it funny, dramatic, and riddled with D'aaww!

My best work thus far is Dashaloo Days.
I am 31 and live in California. My goals are to become a successful professional Fantastic Fiction writer on the Amazon marketplace.

My persona is Reaver the Silver Dragon. A confident writer who empathically reads the emotions of those who seek him, and helps through the feelz of pros. "Pain is moralities greatest teacher, and every tear shed drives us along the path of ascension to collective empathy. Such a state of being is set with bricks of agony past, mortared in countless hours of loneliness, and finally paved over by the healing layer of love. Many lay the foundation which inherently repels the final few are lucky enough to finish it..."

Hello. Just joined up. My name is Stephen, and my fics so far are Doctor Whooves stories. Specifically, "An Unearthly Filly" an MLP retelling of the first Doctor Who serial, and "Nightmare In Old Equestria", showing the Seventh Doctor's part in the battle against Nightmare Moon. I'll be posting them into the members folder, since I assume that's what it's for.

Group Admin

Hey look, I finally remember to check these forums again... hehe....

Well, my name is FlashKenshin77 and I'm usually quiet, so... yeah...

Best work so far? Probably Learning to Live and Love... I think that has the most views, anyway.

A bit about me? Oh... um... well, I'm 23 and live in Cali, like Rglloyd. I'd love to be a professional writer as well, but I bet a lot of people have that dream...

My persona? Uh... well, I have 4 main ones, (Well, 4 main OCs, so take your pick. They're all pretty much the same) But I prefer Icy from Tears of Snow. Both have the same problems, hehe... and he doesn't know what he wants to do with his life either.

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