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Viking Hoof
Group Admin

Home Fleet
Air Carriers: HPAC Aarhorse, HPAC Kobenhovn,
Battleships: HPAS Liberty, HPAS Triumph (stored)
Cruisers: HPAS Crow, HPAS Gull, HPAS Fox, HPAS Eagle
Frigates: HPAS flight, HPAS Thought, HPAS Strength, HPAS Endurance

1st Fleet
Air Carriers: HPAC Stockhovm
Battleships: HPAS Knowledge
Cruisers: HPAS Badger, HPAS Hawk, HPAS Owl
Frigates, HPAS Complexity, HPAS Free Will, HPAS Hope, HPAS Dreams

Vinland Fleet (Crystal Empire border guard)
Air Carriers: HPAC Uppsadel, HPAC Esbherd, HPAC Hoofsinki
Battleships: N/A
Cruisers: HPAS Bull, HPAS Swan, HPAS Cod, HPAS Elk, HPAS Raptor
Frigates: HPAS Independence, HPAS Initiative, HPAS Tact, HPAS Honesty, HPAS Loyalty

Can naval RPers claim a ship?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1851592 They can submit for a captain slot and give a preference, then when the roleplay is much closer to bein ready we give them ships.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1851592>>1851592 this also isn't a finished list. We need to name patrol boats, squadrons, and create a few more ships. For new ship classes pm me their description and naming system. For new ships in current classes, post a suggested name and placement,

Don't know why, but my message bar isn't working, so I'll just post here for your approval:

Fair shout on the heavier ships.

Heavy cruisers are named after birds
Light cruisers are named after land creatures
Destroyers are named after supernatural things
Corvettes are named after sciences
Reavers are simply given numerical designations

As for the reaver itself, they are extremely fast ship, which can outpace almost all pegasi in the world. They also only require a minimum crew, making them perfect for long distance scouting missions. However, they are only lightly armed. Some of the larger ships can carry them in special clasps that suspend the ship beneath the larger one, and can launch them extremely quickly.


1851445So can I apply for a navy (idk what the ranks are, but what's two ranks under captain?) position now?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1851972>>1851968 you apply at captain or higher.

how about we name heavy cruisers after provinces

light cruisers can just go under cruiser for designations

destroyers can be named after bows and archery stuff

corvettes are verbs for running or walking or flying

Pinnaces and Reavers are named firstly after the ship they are attached to and then given a numerical designation
such as HPP or HPR Stockhovm-7

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1851968>>1851972 again, this is mostly a political rp. While Scandineighvia might go to war, most of the time you are just jockeying for budgets and political stuff. There will also be ratings for yout ship's or squadron's skill based on how often and how well you rp about training exercises.

Group Admin

Will there occasionally be performances or demonstrations for the public in order to win appeal from the populous?

Sounds cool all both accounts.
And on that note, could I apply for a position as a Commodore or rear admiral? Probably the former.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

well, as the biggest contributor for the navy so far, you stand as a runner for the Lord of the Navy if you so choose.

and yes fade!

Awesome, I was wondering how high up I could push it, I didn't want to just go straight for the tops ranks straight off, so yes, could I be put down as a contender for that spot please?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1852135 I would like some sample forum posts of orders you might give and such first, but yes.

I will get on with those tomorrow, but right now I should probably turn in for the night.

1852051so this is all political? I'm out.:ajbemused:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1852806>>1852806 *facehoof* it's more than that. its money intrigue and war,

1852888Will there be war? 'Cause I hate politics. So many rules and code of conduct, and so many people screwing them. War is up my alley, politics are not.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1852974 there might be a war. read the diplomacy thread.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1852974 I wouldnt take this much time on the navy (and soon the army) if it wanst important.


My assumption is that it will be mostly politics, but the politics of a nation in turmoil are a bit different, as they can tend to lead to an awful lot of rule breaking and 'mysterious accidents'

An RP about political intrigue wouldn't be nearly as interesting if everypony kept their noses clean.

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