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Hey there. Just thought of a possible story idea I can't shake from my head, but don't have the time and energy to write myself, but would love to put up for adoption for anybody who might be interested. I admit I got a bit of inspiration from Equestrian Defender's "Amazing Spider-Girl" reboot story (though with just as many differences as similarities):

It is basically a Marvel-style story using Equestria Girls characters, but with some elements of older radio shows and a certain mid-1960s TV series that deserved a lot better than it got:

Basically, it involves human Twilight Sparkle getting super-powers from the bite of a radioactive AND genetically modified spider (the combined abilities of both the Peter Parker AND Miles Morales versions) and helping out her older brother, Police Lieutenant Shining Armor (one of the extremely few cops in his town who is both competent AND honest and he eventually makes Commissioner a few years after the start of the story), after their mother, Twilight Velvet, owner/publisher/editor of their city's top newspaper, got framed for some serious crimes by a syndicate her paper was investigating and died in a staged prison fight before Lieutenant Armor could get the evidence needed to clear her. However, Twilight does this discreetly, as a vigilante known as the Purple Spider. In addition to her powers (basically double-strength versions of ALL the classic Spider-Man powers PLUS the super-camouflage and bio-electric powers), she also uses web shooters and a gas gun (both of which she designed and built herself) AND some rather clever psychological tricks in order to defeat an assortment of dangerous criminals.

Of course, the one who took over the paper from their late mother, the as-yet-undecided J. Jonah Jameson Expy, is pretty quick to depict the Purple Spider in a negative light for her crime-fighting style (mind you, he isn't working for the bad guys even if he DID inherit the paper from Twilight Velvet; he honestly thinks he is trying to do his job and he hates the crime syndicates JUST AS MUCH as he hates the Purple Spider). The Purple Spider, however, actually rolls with it and deliberately pretends to be a bad guy in her crime-fighting, allowing her to do things like casually stroll in the lairs of actual bad guys and "demand a piece of the action" (while using psychological tricks to goad the criminals into making some sort of move that makes getting the evidence against them much easier as well as take them down without her true motives being suspected). The villain masquerade ALSO has the benefit of the bad guys NOT getting the idea to threaten innocents to force her to quit.

Every innocent saved by the Purple Spider has been mentioned as being "lucky enough to escape" and every criminal she captures is dismissed as "eliminating the competition" - and that's exactly the way she wants it.

At first, the only one who knows Twilight's true identity is her and Shining's mutual brother Spike (who is the same age as Twilight in this universe and is quite skilled in martial arts in addition to having mutant powers of superhuman strength, durability [both around the same level as Twilight's] and flame breath) who operates under the name "Drago" as the Purple Spider's partner (not sidekick -full equal partner)

Eventually, however, three others figure it out (as well as the fact that the Purple Spider and Drago are actually good guys) - the aforementioned Lieutenant (eventually Commissioner) Armor, Flash Sentry (one of Twilight and Spike's classmates and one of Twilight's very few actual friends) and Vladmir Blueblood (the District Attorney, who is actually a good friend of Shining, with their mutual snark very rarely going past good-natured teasing [he puts on a jerk persona in order to discourage gold diggers, but he can be a fiercely loyal friend to those who have earned his trust and respect]). Of course, the ones that figure the identity out ALSO acknowledge that a great deal of the Purple Spider's effectiveness as a crime-fighter comes from the illusion that she is a super-villain, so they keep that secret along with her identity.

The similarities are, of course, obvious to anybody who has read "Twilight Sparkle: The Amazing Spider-Girl" up to this point, but there are differences in Twilight Velvet's manner of death (and it happening slightly later), Shining being spared, Spike being a few years older than in Equestria Defender's story and some other stuff worked in.

In other words, it's kind of a hybrid of Spider-Man and the Green Hornet (i.e what if Spider-Man decided to roll with the bad press Jameson slammed him with, Green Hornet style, and pretended to actually be a bad guy to make it easier to catch the REAL villains?). The only reason Twilight didn't inherit the paper after her mother's death was that she was still a teenager when it happened (Shining, of course, was already a cop, so him being in charge of a newspaper might qualify as both a conflict of interest and an abuse of authority). The J. Jonah Jameson Expy would ALSO have elements of Michael Axford, naturally. Spike/Drago is essentially Kato with mutant powers added to the martial arts skills.

Anybody who likes the idea enough can use it themselves.

What about Buried Lede? He looks like J. Jonah Jameson would if he was pony.

Yeah. That would be a good one for whoever decided to adopt this. As I said, I don't have the time and energy to write this myself, but, yeah, the human counterpart to Buried Lede WOULD be a good pick.

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