Marvel/DC Universes 228 members · 299 stories
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I don't count most abilities gained from magic or devices only innate abilities although I'm making a partial exception for consuming food.

Butcher (Word Girl villain)
The ability to create vast amounts of any kind of meat & propel it at extreme velocity.
Green Lantern
Golden Age GL, his ring would not affect wood. Hal Jordan GL, his ring didn't affect yellow objects.
Herbie Popnecker
AKA "The Plump Lump" & "The Fat Fury"
Got his main powers (super strength + damage resistance) from being fat. (Well, he lost them one time when turned thin.) He got his more unusual powers from lollipops (including time travel) + had the ability to do truly massive damage by hitting people with them.
One of the Inhumans, her major power was prehensile hair which she grew to nearly floor length.
Squirrel Girl
The ability to speak to, control, and summon squirrels -even in places where I wouldn't expect to find them. (Outer space, for instance.)
Wonder Woman
In the comic books for decades she lost most of her powers when her wrist bands were bound together by a man. (Read that is because her creator was into bondage.)
Word Girl
Among other abilities, the power to define & spell any word. (IDK if that's a power, but she did lose that ability once when exposed to a rock from Lexicon (her home planet.))
IMO, the defining trait of a superhero is patrolling for crime so he doesn't qualify. He does get super strength + restoration from spinach.

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