War 600 members · 397 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Group Admin

'Tis intense. The rebels have launched a renewed offensive to break through Ukrainian Military lines. Suffice it to say, this war has become extremely nasty.

Because Grads are not precision weapons, there has been a lot of collateral damage.

This war, while small in terms of numbers, is no joke.

Truly Luminous
Group Contributor


Seriously, is the rest of the world just content to sit around and watch?

Group Admin

4023897 NATO can't get involved unless they want pressure from Russia, and we're busy in the Middle East.

Darth Redbeard
Group Contributor

4024089 60 countries are dealing with those idiots in the Middle East.

4023558 You know that russia are testing NATO to the full extent at the moment. Sending bombers really close and sending them back again. If this doesn't cause WW3 then I don't know what will.

4024211 I think that the US could handle the middle east itself, hell they could just leave and urge Israel to do the peace keeping. Because nothing keeps the peace more than violence.

Group Admin

Because A) we don't want to start WW3, B) there's an actual group of terrorists in the Mid East threatening to lob the heads off of every 'Westerner', and C) Russia is apparently incapable of actually doing anything at this point without their economy dropping dead.

Darth Redbeard
Group Contributor

4024457 that group in the Middle East is a bugger threat. Should they threaten both Russia and China, they'll be dead before they could react.

Just like old times, eh?

It's like the 90's in Sarajevo all over again.

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