Pirates of Equestria 34 members · 9 stories

Pirates of Equestira is a group dedicated to gathering and telling of Pirate tales from all over the verious MLP universes.

Story submissions must contain:

At least one main or supporting character that is a Pirate (active or "retired")

Seriously, that's actually the only real requirement.

There will be a specific topic that is for listing Pirates and their ships.

Anyone can join and submit stories to be added. If it's not yours, please get the authors permission first.

P.S: Looking for a proper avatars and banners for group, will be rotated should multiple be submitted. Submissions always welcome.

Comments ( 4 )
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Ok, I think it's because I forgot to add the folders. Try it now (and read the folder discriptions... I got a bit to creative with them XP)

Odd... Gonna have to fiddle around to see what I did wrong. Just hang in there, hopefully this doesn't take long.

328392 Hi sorry to be a bother but I can't seem to submit my story for some reason

To all who join: Welcome.

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