The Intellectuals 224 members · 62 stories
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Okay, I would like to discuss about new areas to build cities/towns/colonies. Everything from entire indoor cities in the arctics to bio-domes on the moon.

Well we could build facilities underground. Maybe find a way to travel through slip-space to find other planets the same as ours and build settlements maybe build strong built facilities that can stay safe from storms like the ones on mars.

Hollowed out astroids towed into Earth's Lagrange points.

2413409 I don't think the point is that we have too little living space... god knows China can comfortably fit 1 billion people in half the size of America (half of China is uninhabited). We just have to get rid of this notion all people have to live in suburbia and drive SUVs and all that. But then again, the last thing the Earth needs is probably more people.

I think the easiest place to colonize is probably the deserts. It's been kind of done in the Middle East, and with improvements in desalinization technology the cost of doing so will become less and less.

Underground settlements are certainly possible now with the advent of artificial lighting, and it has been tried in many varied cases such as Seattle, Cairo, and Paris. I don't see a way that these settlements don't simply become slums for the poor to live in, however.

Arctic settlements are again possible but would still remain highly undesirable due to the temperature and the lack of sunlight.

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