The Intellectuals 224 members · 62 stories
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And yet there are plenty of non-Japanese men who would be quite happy with Japanese women.
Guess they'd better get over their issues with their ladies boinking gaijin...

2167262 On a serious note, as the BBC article points out it's a lot to do with escapism, the feeling that life doesn't provide them with anything (due to Lost Decade), and just the general burden that comes with commitments that exceed the ability of the person to provide.

A national malaise, if you will. It's harder on Asians I think because of the whole family responsibility thing. I might be generalizing, but we tend to think in more material terms as well.

>Implying otaku are even 30% of why this is happening
You have to realize that Japan is a normal fucking country, you just see the weird shit on the internet because, well, it's the internet. Long work hours, a strong disconnect from family and attraction, combined with an awkward post-MacArthur hybrid of Eastern and Western culture did this, not anime.

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Here's something to think about—the seven current "great power" nations as sorted descending by population density:
1. Japan (337.1 people per square kilometer, ranked 36th)
2. United Kingdom (255.6 people per square kilometer, ranked 51st)
3. Germany (225 people per square kilometer, ranked 58th)
4. China (139.6 people per square kilometer, ranked 81st)
5. France (116 people per square kilometer, ranked 89th)
6. United States (34.2 people per square kilometer, ranked 179th)
7. Russia (8.4 people per square kilometer, ranked 217th)

The United States has the third largest population of any nation in the world at roughly 317 million, while Japan is ranked tenth in the world at roughly 126.66 million. Were the United States to have the same population density as Japan, an increase of over 985%, the number of people in the United States would jump up to nearly 3.125 billion. China's population—first in the world at almost 1.354 billion—is less than half of that. The world's population would jump up from 7.2 billion to 9.3 billion, almost a 30% increase.

Japan can stand to get less populated. It would probably be healthier for their population in all honesty.

Well, as long as their gender ratio is balanced. Or else they'll just not have a population in 1-2 generations like China is looking.

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Indeed, that would be a problem. I don't think it will come to that, though. No stereotypes intended, but the Japanese people as a whole are pretty smart, so I'm pretty sure they'd figure something out if it became a problem. Hell, if it became a serious problem their allies would be more than happy to lend them aid in solving it.


to lend them aid in solving it.



happy to lend them aid

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This is hardly intelligent.

But it is funny.

>With a Polish variant of the T-72

Comment posted by TheCrazyMan deleted Nov 15th, 2013

2167262 Oh, Japan. You silly, silly nation.:ajsmug:

There are a lot of problems in the world.

You are not making me care about Japanese man lack of sex drive and/or ambition

No worries. I've seen these articles about Japan (a lot of it is OMG Japan! stuff), and the ones rebutting them, and it's just part of the same global trend of modern life being more interesting than being purely biological. I have never, since I was a wee babe, wanted to have kids, but I had no idea I was part of a trend (Geoffy Miller here [ctrl-f it] thinks it's awful, and this is the only explanation for Fermi's Paradox I think is genuinely scary, but I also think he's blowing smoke for the most part, and trying to guilt people into fecundity).
When I was living in that country, though, people were still definitely interested in sex.
Japan also has a pretty big redneck population who probably aren't included in things like this, since it seems to mostly be about Tokyo.

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Fermi's paradox makes me laugh.

The basic points of the argument, made by physicists Enrico Fermi and Michael H. Hart, are:
• The Sun is a young star. There are billions of stars in the galaxy that are billions of years older;
• some of these stars likely have Earth-like planets[2] which, if the Earth is typical, may develop intelligent life;
• presumably, some of these civilizations will develop interstellar travel, a technology Earth is investigating even now;
• at any practical pace of interstellar travel, the galaxy can be completely colonized in a few tens of millions of years.

So their question is, "Where is everybody?"

Here's my answer.

The observable universe is a sphere with a diameter of about 29 gigaparsecs—93 gigalightyears (9.3×10^10 lightyears) or 88 sextillion kilometers (8.8×10^26 meters)—giving it a volume of about 13,000 cubic gigaparsecs—410,000 cubic gigalightyears (4.1×10^32 cubic lightyears) or 350,000 decillion decillion cubic kilometers (3.5×10^80 cubic meters). There are at least 200 billion galaxies in the universe; most are one to a hundred kiloparsecs in diameter (3260–326,000 lightyears) and are usually separated by distances on the order of megaparsecs (millions of parsecs). The number of stars varies between dwarf galaxies with as few as ten million (10^7) stars to giant galaxies with one hundred trillion (10^14) stars, with the Milky Way Galaxy containing approximately 100–400 billion stars. Intergalactic space (the space between galaxies) is filled with a tenuous gas of an average density less than one atom per cubic meter. There are an estimated ten trillion planets of any sort estimated to reside in the Milky Way Galaxy alone, at least 17 billion of which are Earth-sized (i.e. 0.8–1.25 Earth masses) with orbital periods of 85 days or less. We’re very likely in a universe filled with septillions (10^24) of planets at the least. Crossing the diameter of our galaxy, 29 gigaparsecs, even at a million times the speed of light (2.99792458×10^14 meters per second) would take over 93 kiloannum (93,000 years). And that's only traveling in one direction. Of course, that's not counting the effects of time dilation.

So you want to know where they are, Fermi?
Most likely, they're really really really really really really really really really far away. :ajbemused:


Otaku- a person who are unable to differentiate between reality and fantasy or refuse to accept reality. Please remember that before you decide to call yourself an otaku, loving anime a lot does not make you one. Being unable to separate fantasy does.

If Japan was more willing to accept immigration low birth rates would be unimportant. There are 7 billion people on this planet; plenty to go around.

Dammit guys, it was a joke. Stop being so srs.

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