The Intellectuals 224 members · 62 stories
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So, I was wandering Youtube when I found this video, and I have to ask: why is physical abuse committed by women against men considered less serious and is often less prosecuted than if a man was abusing a woman? Why do we have that double standard today?

1688791 And double standard schitt in racism :moustache:


Because of the stereotype.

Women are weaker than men, so therefore, women hitting men is mostly considered self-defense and don't think a women can have the strength of men.

So when men hit women, it always tend to be negative because of that stereotype the media has been feeding us.

There is an obvious answer here, and even though that shouldn't be a reason in our modern society, it is. Back in the day, a lot more men did that sort of thing, and the fewer but still present male victims never told anyone about being abused because of social pressure to be a man.

1688791 I watched the video. No surprises there :moustache:

Bell curves + History.

Yep here how it goes down.

You're honor I was late coming home last night due to heavy traffic. When I arrived home my wife began to beat me over using our baseball bat until I fell unconscious. when I awoke I found myself inside a hospitable bed with an i.v. Cable and heart monitor hooked up to my arm and my left leg broken. That is why I am here today in a wheel chair.

Thank for that testimony Mr. Blank. Now Mrs. Blank you're testimony please.

Yes your honor. My husband was late coming home so I suspected him of cheating on me. With that in mind when he finally returned home I began to beat him with our bat. But now that I know he was late because of traffic I feel terribly sorry for what I did to him. I just love him so much.

Well as long as you are sorry I see no reason to not let you go. Case dismissed.

Now for the male version.

Your honor my husband returned home last night and began to beat me.

That's enough! That all I needed to hear. You Mr. Blank! I sentence you to five years in prison. Bailiff please take Mr. Blank into custody!

Narlepoax III
Group Admin

And some people think that this changing is a bad thing.

1688791 Because women are traditionally abused, victimised and assumed to be weak (false, we are in fact the most dangerous animals on this planet if you give us half a chance), there is less concern about it going the other way because gendered assumptions about ability and violence indicate that men are always strong enough to cope with violence and abuse, and women are never strong enough, emotionally or physically, to help themselves out of their situation. Most of the time, they aren't strong enough, and this comes back to the psychological entrapment of victim culture, for both male and female abuse: Because women are brought up with the expectation that they will be "feminine" (with as much ability to deal with victimisation as Snow White) and many idiots still think they need a "strong" man to "make them feel like a woman" (because having a hole in your pelvis that bleeds every month isn't indication enough), then they are given the psychological cues from step one that being able to hold your own in a fight or walk out on your "strong" partner is not a desirable trait, and if a guy is beating you up, it's somehow going to turn out okay because he loves you, and if you are the victim, you can revel in your blamelessness. there is a culture in the media depicting women as victims of violence, and while this is true, it is only perpetuated by this. Because of the ridiculous assumption that men are stronger than women (I beat up six guys, all twice my size, on the dance-floor a few weeks ago at a dance, because they were ALL humping me at once, and I was like SERIOUSLY? and they wouldn't back off when I pushed them away!) it is assumed that men will have no trouble with abuse, but of course this is false, because we are all humans and can't take constant and crossed-the-line levels of discomfort (have you ever been trapped in a humping spree in the middle of trying to enjoy your dance?) without emotional and physical repercussions to our well-being. The sooner people realise that malicious behaviour is always bad, and we are all exactly the same inside regardless of our respective junk, the sooner we will be able to overcome these awful social problems associated with lack of understanding and thought between individuals.
(...Like the assumption of a certain group of guys that I would somehow find them massively attractive if I received a large amount of unsolicited pelvic grinding from a bunch of badly-lit strangers reveling in their display of grand intellectual capacity...:facehoof:)

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