The Intellectuals 224 members · 62 stories
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Narlepoax III
Group Admin

Important enough, that I may add it to the rules.

It goes thusly:

Just because you disagree with someone, that does not mean that you can't be friends with them.

Luckily, no arguments have broken out in this group, but I know that they eventually will. (Having a safe place to argue about non-pony stuff is half the reason I made this group.) Just keep in mind, that an argument does not need to lead to hate.

That's not the pony way, love and tolerate! I can't believe I actually typed that out.

Mr Stargazer
Group Admin

or harmony depending on what philosophy you subscribe to

Yeah, I remember have a heated debate with the user Ebony Gryphon, and after it ended I ended up messaging him, asking if we could be friends :twilightsmile:

1674389 Let me put it this way; I'm a political moderate who tends to lean liberal on most issues and also happens to be an atheist. This one guy on my bus is a hard-core libertarian, and a devout christian. Yet, we became best friends after about one week. My point is that no matter how different people may seem, there really is no need to get pissed at some guy/gal on the internet just because you disagree with them, as I've seen happen frequently.

See, you say that, but then later you find yourself making a friendly comment that, in retrospect, you worry might come off as passive-aggressive in its use, or avoidance, of certain words, or like you're the one who's now being flippant after discussing a serious topic and maybe you're inadvertently sending the message that, unlike the other person, you're above taking that kind of thing personally, so you police your own behavior so thoroughly that in the future you come off as stiff or aloof and uninterested, and gradually the two of you drift apart to become merely acquaintances.

I remember having a heated disagreement with a prom date about whether humans all experience emotions at the same intensity, and we were awkward around each other for the rest of the year.

But I get what you mean. It falls under the general umbrella of "don't be an asshole."


I agree, despite the ideal of 'Love and Tolerance' being originated as a sarcastic meme on (4chan) doesn't mean we can't embrace it and our ideals.

My best friend and I disagree on things all the time; but we still hang out, my family and I don't always agree with each other, nor do I enjoy the company of my brother's girlfriend, but we learn to be civil in each others presence and co-exist.

There was someone on deviantART I got into a brutal verbal argument over a freakin' Starfox ship (of all things) after the 2006 DS game came out.

And after a while, I slowly began to realize how stupid it was and sent her a message apologizing and that I realized it didn't really matter that we disagreed and each had our own opinions, that didn't mean there wasn't other stuff we could agree on.

And we've been friends ever since! :twilightsmile:

1674389 But... What if someone disagrees with you on that very point?

Should one then continue with civility, or simply end communication with that person?

I thought it as a joke at first, but now it's got me wondering...

Permanent Temporary
Group Admin

Hello, I'm Permanent Temporary, and I approve of this message.


Me, too. I value thoughtful discussion more than a shouting match about who's right and who's wrong.

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