The Intellectuals 224 members · 62 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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1.) Arguments about abortion should not be allowed. Those are just dumb
2.) There should be a dead thread deletion policy
3.) The story folder should be somehow split up into multiple catergories.

Anything else?

Narlepoax III
Group Admin

1) I'm not going to restrict anyone's right to their opinion. If you think it's a stupid opinion, tell them so. That's why I made this group.

2) I don't see the point right now, but I may see what you mean later on. I'll cross that bridge when I need to.

3) Yeah, but that's work. :twilightsheepish:

1665567 I understand where you're coming from on the abortion thing-those discussions go south fast-and always deteriorate into flame wars and name-calling (on both sides).

I remember a specific one when the Pro-Life group got formed on this site. As much as I love a good flame war, I'm sure we'd all agree this ins't the place for that.

Actually, I'm pro-life, I just don't see that as an intelligent argument or an argument to be had here. But like I said, it is a suggestion and you're free to not do anything with it. And I know that feel on the work thing. i'm currently trying to overhaul this folders for a group I run with at least two dozen of them.


1.) Arguments about abortion should not be allowed. Those are just dumb
2.) There should be a dead thread deletion policy
3.) The story folder should be somehow split up into multiple catergories.

1) If you feel the abortion debate is not worth your time to be involved with, then you would have the option of opting out of that particular debate.
Yes, it can get particularly intense, that debate, but with any luck, those here who choose to participate will be capable of keeping it within the rules of proper debate etiquette.

2) As the group grows, I could see this being a good idea. That being said, it would be up to the admin(s) to decide on that.

3) Maybe as the group grows, the admin(s) might decide to do so, or assign someone that task. As it stands right now, I would imagine there being no current need.

I say these things now becuase in the course of two hours, this group has amassed 27 members. That's very fast growth.

Here, I'll be the bad guy. Everyone can gang up on me, and no one will argue over their differences of opinion. I think abortions are keen, and women should have as many as possible. They're so nifty that there should be cameras in procedure rooms all over the world, providing video for a 24/7 abortion channel. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

No need to thank me. It's all in a day's work for Captain Scarecrow, the Man of Straw... :rainbowdetermined2:

1665724 Valid point made. Let us see where all this goes, where the group is still new. There is plenty of time for either success or failure for the group, depending on what the members and admins choose.

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