Warriors of Sunlight 87 members · 14 stories
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Been trolling around a bit, (by that I mean lurking) and I realized that there was no introduction to the group yet. Let's change that.

Hi I'm Merne (pronounce as you wish) and I lurk around a few places while trying to decide what to write. I joined this group to Praise the Sun! and find others who do so. I currently have no works or projects.

Come on down and introduce yourself!
And of course, Praise the Sun!

I'm Kragor
I like the Souls series and love some good old Jolly Co-Operation Darkwraithing. Sometimes I write terrible fics.

Praise tha Sun yo

Ello gov'ner! I'm Spencer, Spencer Lightning write. Right now I'm writing a sequel to my story 'Celestia Meets GiantDad' where Celestia has to complete the Dark Souls 1 story! You can find me in the Forest as a Sun Bro helping all who need Jolly Co-operation!

-Lightning \[T]/

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