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Group Admin

Strange insects, aren't they? so cute, yet so destructive


Parasprites are large insects that travel in massive swarms.

No larger than an apple, parasprites appear harmless. Parasprites have four short segmented legs, two pairs of wings, and a large central cephalothorax (head-chest) with a pair of large, bright green, surprisingly expressive compound eyes. Parasprites come in a variety of bright pastel colors, including blue, pink, yellow, brown, purple, orange, and red. These creatures vocalize with chirps and purrs and it is almost impossible to resist their cuteness.

The adorable appearance of these creatures hides a dangerous appetite and shocking rate of reproduction. Parasprites are almost always hungry and they are capable of consuming several times their own mass in food at one sitting. Parasprites also reproduce asexually by coughing up "furballs" that turn into more parasprites, allowing just one parasprite to become a massive swarm in just a few short hours if enough food is available to them. The crops and harvests of entire towns have often been completely consumed by these monstrous swarms after someone decided to bring one of these cute little creatures home with them. The only known way to stop a parasprite infestation is by leading the insect-like creatures out of town with polka music (which seems to have a sort of hypnotic quality for parasprites).

Luckily, parasprites inhabit a rung on the food chain just one step up from plants in the wild, and they are usually devoured just as quickly as they can reproduce by larger predatory animals. In this way, parasprites could be called the plankton of terrestrial environments.

Carnivorous Parasprite

horrifying and mercifully rare, these black insects also travel in swarms, consuming any animal unfortunate enough to come across them. they are also cannibals, which helps keep the population down.

Will o' Whisp

a parasprite that lives in swamps and has bioluminescent wings, the whisps are the cause of many stories of "ghost lights" in bogs.


a flightless parasprite found in mountain rivers and lakes, aquasprites feed on algae.


an insect-eating, soccerball-sized, solitary creature, this insect is often welcome on farms because it specializes in eating OTHER parasprite species.

Parasprits could also be a species of scavengers

Group Admin

2730506 I figured the carnivorous ones wouldn't turn up their non-existent noses at carrion

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