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items of incredible power, a particular curiosity is that there are certain rules of engagement added to items of particular power (like The Elements of Harmony) in order to prevent them from being used as weapons of war. The Elements cannot be used outside the borders of Equestria for example.

the Comforting Coil

The Comforting Coil was the magical artifact given to the Crown Ruler of Echidna during the reign of Queen Ceto. Although no known first hoof written accounts of the Coil exist due to the eruption of the Sundered Peak (a particularly traumatic event in the island’s history), Her Royal Highness Princess Medusa has been kind enough to share what she remembers of the Coil.

The Coil’s effects were not as bombastic as the Elements of Harmony or the Crystal Heart of the Empire. Instead, it produced a feeling of intense tranquility and peace, felt by those who were in its presence. However pacifying those in its presence was not its only effect. It was also known to have miraculous healing powers to those who touched it. Pilgrims afflicted with various ailments would travel to Echidna, and in the presence of the Princess would lay their hooves upon the Coil. It was said the Coil could cure anything from a minor sneeze to a missing limb.

The Coil was only used once against an enemy of the state, when Medusa’s own sisters and former rulers of Echidna Euryale and Stheno began their mad rampage of destruction against their own subjects. The exact details of this encounter are unknown, as Medusa herself was not on Echidna at the time to witness the event, but it is believed that four ordinary mortals were able to tap into the power of the Coil and pacify the raging Gorgon princesses long enough for them to be sent deep into the pits of Tartarus, where they remain to this day.

The Elements of Harmony

The Elements of Harmony are a fabled set of ancient and powerful artifacts said to imbue the virtuous with power. Little is known about their origin or history, though it is known each element has had three separate owners, and for a brief time, they were sealed in the Tree of Harmony, a construct of crystal created by Pallenen Lifekeeper, the original bearer of the Element of Kindness.

The six Elements are said to represent six virtues: Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, and Magic. The sixth (Magic) is never mentioned in scripture and is said to be the most powerful of them all. In tales, the elements would grant their hosts incredible power and indomitable virtue. The Bearer of Loyalty could inspire, the Bearer of Honesty could see through lies, the Bearer of Kindness could calm the most savage of hearts—and so on.

the Ten Artifacts
the Sapphire Stone, one of the Ten Artifacts

“We found many. The personal nature of our goal, the passion and fervor that burned in our hearts as well as in our minds, added greatly to our success. Although none of them lifted the curse, five of those artifacts were ours within three years—the Sapphire Stone, the Griffon’s Goblet, the Ky Crystal…. Our names spread through the neo-archaeological world like wildfire, and everypony who adventured for the hidden and the rare feared for their careers. And… and along with our search for the remaining five, we began to receive requests and commissions from prestigious museums, universities, and private collectors. We only took up the jobs when we could, keeping our primary focus on saving our father, but… We certainly made a splash.”- Ditzy, reminiscing on her adventures with her younger sister Daring

Items of high, magical potency, not much is known about them, unfortunately

Heart of Darkness

The Heart of Darkness (aka: the Source of Darkness, the Stormbow, Evil's Heart) is a dark and terrible artifact that was said to be the primary tool of Tirek, and quite possibly the source of his immense evil power. Supposedly, the Heart had the ability to transform creatures into dark, mindless monsters that were twisted shadows of what they used to be. Some say that during Tirek's defeat, the Heart of Darkness was buried beneath the ruins of Castle Midnight, while others assume it was destroyed during the conflict.

Voice of Salamat

the sacred bell of the tapir, Salamat's Voice was stolen long ago by a nameless goat.

This has turned into a series of stories that many of the races in the Known World seem to have a different interpretation of – but most of them converge on the idea that the bell's power consumed the goat for his greed, and gave him dark powers

the Ice Crown

the most powerful of all element-based artifacts, the Ice Crown will slowly drive its wearer insane, warping and twisting their body. the last to use it was an earth pony who lived 1000 years ago. no one remembers his name, only the pale blue, bearded draconequus who dwells in his fortress of ice and snow.

The Materia

three stones of incredible magic potency

the Dragon Materia grants the strength, speed and durability of a Dragon, on top of their immense Rage, and command of their Flame. by focusing their power, the user can gain a draconic form.

the Lunar Materia grants unsurpassed control over water and air

the Solar Materia allows the user to control fire, though its power will corrupt and eventually burn out its wielder

Alicorn Amulet

able to grant ponies of any kind unrivaled magic ability, the power often corrupts the user

the Chaos Gems

the polar opposites of the Elements of Harmony, these seven gems are scattered throughout Equestria, kept in ancient temples from Discord's reign

the Element of Dishonesty, located in the Temple of the Crawling Chaos

the Element of Treachery, in the Temple of Lrogg

the Element of Sadness, in the Temple of Ahtu

the Element of Cruelty, in the Temple of Nyogtha

the Element of Selfishness, in the Temple of the Lord of the Bloody Tongue

the Element of Force, in the Temple of Thoth

and the Element of Chaos, in the temple of the Black Mare

The Elements of Darkness

Seven dark red stones, said to provide special powers. they do not give the attributes their names imply: Envy, Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Pride, and Wrath. No one knows their current location

The Rings

Rings tied to the emotional spectrum, granting the ability to create magic constructs

Green- Will
Yellow- Fear
Red- Rage
Indigo- Compassion
Blue- Hope
Pink- Love
Orange- Greed
Black- Death
White- Life


Rings tied to the emotional spectrum, granting the ability to create magic constructs

Green- Will
Yellow- Fear
Red- Rage
Indigo- Compassion
Blue- Kindness
Pink- Love
Orange- Greed
Black- Hate

One Ring to rule them all, One ring to find them; One ring to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them.:derpytongue2:

That is all. Equestria is ours.


Group Admin

2680618 It's actually a Green lantern reference.

That is all

Neighpon is ours

2680618 Funny you should say that. I was wondering about pony equivalents to all of those; nine for the earth ponies, seven for the pegasi and three for the unicorns and the one forged by Discord.

Epic Brony 4 Life
Group Admin

Another amazing thread as always. Also, welcome back, Prince of the Changelings.:twilightsmile:

Also, also....Black - Death; White - Light

That is all; Equus Is MINE!!!!:pinkiecrazy:

I know:derpytongue2:

I just made a parody of the reference:pinkiehappy:

That is all. Equestria is ours.


Group Admin

2680992 You do realize that only covers Equestria, Concordia, the Crystal Empire, Gildedale, North Griffonia, and Mexicolt, right?

Epic Brony 4 Life
Group Admin
Epic Brony 4 Life
Group Admin

Shouldn't it technically be Sombra, since he uses actual dark magic?:unsuresweetie:

2682547 I don't recognise that.

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